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The purpose of the study is the systemic analysis of the proposals to modify the electoral system discussed in the Parliament. Initially (in April 2017), the study focused on assessing the systemic impact of the uninominal electoral... more
Just as it led the philosophy of science to gravitate around scientific practice, the abandonment of all foundationalist aspirations has already begun making political philosophy into an attentive observer of the new ways in which... more
Part I of this article provides a comparative overview of the origins, structure and functioning of the systems of direct access to constitutional and supreme courts adopted worldwide, addressing Latin American, European, Asian and... more
Bodnár Eszter: A Velencei Bizottság választási ajánlásainak érvényesülése a magyar szabályozásban és bírósági gyakorlatban. Jogtudományi Közlöny 2018/3. Az Európa Tanács Velencei Bizottsága aktív szerepet játszik Európa választási... more
After a summary of the organic and specific review proposals of the Italian Constitution, the study focuses on the Constitutional draft for the reduction in the number of Parliamentary members, adopted during the 18th parliamentary term... more
Publikacja prezentuje krytyczne spojrzenie na różne instytucje prawa wyborczego i praktykę ich funkcjonowania zarówno w kontekście doświadczeń wyborczych lat 2018-2020 i towarzyszących im zmian prawa, jak i sytuacji związanej ze stanem... more
Implementation of the “Checks and balances” principle as one of the milestones in modern democracies, demonstrates its full complexity when it comes to balancing guaranties of judicial independence and the need to prevent... more
Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, Constitutional Courts: an endangered species?, in Rousseau, Dominique, ed., Les Cours constitutionnelles, garantie de la qualité démocratique des sociétés ?, Actes du colloque organisé le 12 juillet 2018 par le... more
Proposed changes to presidential term limits are almost always highly contested, and have attracted international and regional attention from many external actors including governmental organizations (IGOs), and international... more
The present democratic recession has raised three central issues for public lawyers worldwide, which have yet to receive systematic analysis: First, what is new about the nature of contemporary democratic decay and constitutional crises?... more
Abstract. “The rule of law, not rule of men”, is the sentence frequently used to express one of the main principles that serve as a milestone of modern democracies. From ancient Greeks to modern legal theory, the rule of law principle... more
Since its creation at the end of the Cold War, the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) has been providing technical-legal assistance in the area of constitutional reform to new or restored Central-European... more
What are the greatest challenges posed to the rule of law and democracy in our days? Which of the branches of government threaten them most? What has been the role of the European institutions? What would need to be done to improve the... more
This blog post provides a brief mapping of the way public law has evolved in the past decade to address democratic backsliding and constitutional crises across the globe, and argues that systematic analysis is sorely needed if we are to... more
At present, the relations between Hungary and the European institutions are rather tense. Following the Constitution adopted in April 2011, several cardinal laws have been adopted. Those opposing the new Constitution and the cardinal laws... more
In accordance with the obligations undertaken in the process of the accession to the European Union, the three candidate countries in the Western Balkans have initiated or undergone the process of changing their constitutional acts in... more
12 Eylül 2010 Referandumu'nda birbirinden farklı konuların tek bir oyla oylanmasının genel ilkelere aykırılığı üzerine bir çalışma.
Proces ustavnih promena neminovno izaziva intenzivne reakcija kako stručne, tako i opšte javnosti. Potreba za najširim dijalogom u okviru ovog procesa više se ne dovodi u pitanje. Ipak, godinama unazad, pitanje ustavnog uređenja više nije... more
LINK AL VIDEO: Introduce e coordina Emanuele Rossi (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) Relatori Sergio Bartole (Università degli studi di Trieste) Josep Maria Castellà Andreu (Universitat de... more
U današnje vreme se sve češće može naići na izraze poput: "Venecijanska komisija je dala mišljenje", "mišljenje Venecijanske komisije se razmatra", "uticaj Venecijanske komisije i njenog mišljenja". Međutim, u domaćoj literaturi ovom... more
In accordance with the obligations undertaken in the process of the accession to the European Union, the three candidate countries in the Western Balkans have initiated or undergone the process of changing their constitutional acts in... more
The aim of this article is to show how (new) modes of governance emerge in EU politics. It seeks to find out how European institutions manage to define new policy tools and modes of governance when their legitimacy is not only contested... more
Proposed changes to presidential term limits are almost always highly contested, and have attracted international and regional attention from many external actors including governmental organizations (IGOs), and international... more
In order to bypass the 10% electoral threshold, a significant number of independent candidates stood for election in 2007 parliamentary elections in Turkey. Having occurred, these independent candidates came upon deprivation of particular... more
" A mature understanding of constitutional institutions is required, which accepts that even after a strong impetus for political reform has to remain with the limits of the Constitution and it is for the competent organ, the... more
The aim of this article is to show how (new) modes of governance emerge in EU politics. It seeks to find out how European institutions manage to define new policy tools and modes of governance when their legitimacy is not only contested... more