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Formally titled the “Transparency Requirements for Parties Supported by Foreign State Entities Bill 5766-2016,” the new law passed on July 11 2016 its third and final vote by 57-48: the Knesset approved the proposal by Israeli Minister of... more
В статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся введения дополнительных ограничений на проведение публичных мероприятий и ужесточения ответственности за нарушения, допущенные при их проведении. Ключевые слова: свобода собраний, ограничения... more
La Francia vanta una lunga tradizione giuridica per quanto riguarda il riconoscimento e la garanzia dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali dell’uomo. È il Paese che ha dato vita al documento più importante della storia del... more
This paper clarifies the main reasons for refusing the NGOs draft law in Libya. It, also, explains who that draft law ؤontravenes the international standards of freedom of association on the whole.
Este capítulo aborda algunos de los aspectos constitucionales del derecho de reunión. Comienza definiendo los contornos del derecho de reunión, distinguiéndolo –ese es el objetivo central de esta sección– de otros derechos que, como la... more
U ovom radu autorka će se baviti pitanjem ostvarivanja zajemčene slobode mirnog okupljanja i zabranom diskriminacije na osnovu seksualne orijentacije. Zabrana diskriminacije i sloboda mirnog okupljanja su predmet kako međunarodnih... more
The Author notes verdicts of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) as to art. 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights in re Hasan & Chaush vs Bulgaria (2000), and The Metropolitan Church of Besarabia et alia vs Moldavia (2001).... more
The main purpose of holding an assembly is to communicate a message. As it is the core of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, content deserves utmost protection. States should protect and facilitate peaceful assemblies and not... more
В докладе проекта ОВД-Инфо рассматривается правоприменение статьи 20.2 КоАП в Москве с начала 2009 по 2014 год в статистическом измерении, а на примере дел, заведенных по итогам массовых задержаний в феврале-марте 2014 года, — в... more
Watchdog NGOs and other human rights defenders have been under pressure during the humanitarian and rule of law ‘crises’. Several EU Member States have passed laws that fall short of international, regional and EU freedom of association... more
Based on the materials of administrative cases, texts of court rulings and testimonies of detainees, we show how the authorities hide the use of facial recognition in administrative cases, how the courts perceive this fact, and what... more
This report links Egypt’s shifting political phases to debates more specifically about citizenship rights. It offers a general overview of Egypt’s recent political trajectory, before unpacking the various dimensions of debates over... more
Every democratic system guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Which forms are allowed to exercise this right? Conversely, what procedures can corrupt it? Is the issue of criminal evidence related to the right to freedom of... more
This short article discusses the right to freedom of assembly and the law applicable to freedom of assembly in South Africa.
This article approaches the question of whose interests the internet serves through the prism of online assemblies in the SouthEast Europe (SEE) region. In order to answer this question, the article uses four connected yet different... more
En este artículo, el autor expone sistemáticamente algunas decisiones del Tribunal Constitucional Federal alemán de gran interés para el estudioso español. Asimismo, hace una referencia a la única reforma constitucional que se ha... more
Під час Революції Гідності масовими були випадки застосування гранат зі сльозогінним газом органами правопорядку проти учасників протестів. При цьому, вплив сльозогінного газу зазнавали як протестувальники, так і працівники ЗМІ,... more
Some of the most visible recent movements in Russia cannot be accurately described as either bottom-up or top-down. They are copycat movements, in that the initial idea for a new type of public activity spreads quickly across numerous... more
The foremost purpose of holding an assembly is to communicate a message. States should protect and facilitate peaceful assemblies and not interfere with their message. However, in some exceptional situations where this message constitutes... more
Analiza položaja civilnog društva u Srbiji od 2014. do 2018. bavi se sužavanje prostora za rad organizacija civilnog društva, fizičke napade, medijske kampanje protiv civilnog sektora, normativni okvir i njegove promene, učešće OCD u... more
釋字第445號並未成功解放台灣的集會遊行自由,因此社運團體仍舊時時面對國家針對集會遊行的管制壓力。正所謂「哪裡有壓迫,哪裡就有抵抗」,反對集會遊行法的法律動員不曾停歇,除了個別運動者面對司法的戰鬥外,自2005年起,成立「集遊惡法修法聯盟」,致力於立法與司法場域的法律動員:推動修法、提供當事人義務辯護律師等等;而2008年陳雲林來台期間,警方成立「協和專案」,以「維安」之名,使得許多表達意見的民眾遭毆打、拘捕、沒收旗幟布條等,激起了「野草莓學運」為時數月的靜坐... more
The report reveals that thousands of peaceful Egyptian demonstrators from across the political spectrum continue to be illegally imprisoned under the colonial-era ‘Assembly Law’ that was discovered to have been repealed nearly a century... more
O texto apresenta as características e contornos dogmáticos do direito fundamental à liberdade de reunião no direito constitucional brasileiro e alemão. Aborda questões controvertidas e precedentes judiciais desses dois países. Enfim,... more
This text analyzes the function of the chorus in Marta Górnicka’s open-air production Grundgesetz (Berlin, 2018) in redefining the political community of “the German people.” While examining its relation to the audience, the author refers... more
The „Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Assembly in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018 and 2019 Through the Case of the `Justice for David` Group“ contains a brief analysis of certain human rights standards in the domain of the right to... more
В течение последних 4 лет после Революции достоинства в Украине (2014) набирает новых масштабов деятельность общественных формирований по охране правопорядка, а также других институционализированных форм привлечения граждан к выполнению... more
The subject of the present study is the criticism meetings held regularly in the Village Institutes that were implemented to modernize rural areas of Turkey (1940-1946). Those meetings are entitled as the Assembly of Village Institutes in... more
Hope, illusion and manipulation - comments on the success of the constitutionalization of the "rule of law" The author writes about introducing the concept of rule of law into the Polish constitution. The author describes hopes,... more
The right to peaceful assembly and association is protected under the International Bill of Human Rights. The Constitution of Botswana protects this right under Section 13. The Public Order Act, governs the exercise of this right. In... more
South Africa has become a nation defined by its protests. Protests can, and do, bring societal problems to public attention in direct, at times dramatic, ways. But governments the world over are also tempted to suppress this right, as... more