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French nationality ranks first in the 2017 edition of Henley & Partners – Kochenov Quality of Nationality Index. The present paper offers a brief and modest overview of French nationality, notably the rules for its acquisition and loss,... more
Small island economies very often depend on external financial resources such as workers' remittances, international aid, bilateral aid from a patron country, or military spendings of a foreign country with special diplomatic and... more
Mainstream discussions on the subject of migration in the West tend to focus on the negative impact of immigration coming to the North from the Global South. Rarely does one hear policy makers of these powerful states praise their... more
On lit très souvent dans la presse que le Var est un des plus beaux départements de France, grâce à ses paysages remarquables, divers et son climat très ensoleillé. Selon l’insee, le Var est le département le plus dynamique de la région... more
This study was prepared in response to the European Parliament PANA Committee's request to assess the legal, political and institutional framework on offshore practices related to tax evasion, money laundering and tax transparency in the... more
une étude conduite par le CERTAP de l'université de Perpignan à la demande du Sénat de Nouvelle Calédonie; Anne-Lise Madinier  sous la direction scientifique de François Féral
SZALÁNCZI József Krisztián: The French Segment of Antarctica. The question of sovereignty over Adélie Land in 1924. In: Krisztián Bene – Ferenc Dávid (szerk.): Entre coopération et antagonismes. Les dimensions des relations... more
ABSTRACT. Birth certificates are the cornerstone of an administrative identification, an essential step for the attribution or acquisition of a natio- nality; however many residents of French Guiana have never been registered. In 2013 the... more
This article examines the practices of ‘flexible kinship’ used by Chinese migrants in colonial Tahiti. ‘Flexible kinship’ draws attention to the strategic uses that are made of kinship in the context of migration and diaspora: the... more
L’esprit et la lettre des articles 73 de la Constitution et 349 du Traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne (TFUE) sont souvent limités dans leur portée à Mayotte, comme dans les autres territoires ultramarins, en raison des... more
The article makes a case for Europe as a creolized space, or Europe Otherwise. It argues that, in order to account for both the transregional entanglements and the internal hierarchies that European colonialism and imperialism have... more
France maintains a court system outside of the European continent in so-called overseas regions such as Martinique and New Caledonia. Held as colonies until the 1940s, these territories became part of the French state with varying degrees... more
Document de travail AFD N° 52 (novembre 2007) Dans cette contribution, nous présenterons les principales conclusions des études relatives à l’impact de l’éloignement géographique sur les échanges et le niveau de vie des petites... more
Les Plans nationaux d’action (PNA) sont des outils permettant d’agir pour la restauration d’un état de conservation favorable des espèces sauvages menacées. Jusqu’à présent, les Départements-régions d’outremer (Drom) ont peu bénéficié de... more
« Vive le Québec libre », derrière ces mots lancés à la foule par le général de Gaulle se trouve bien plus qu’il n’y parait. Il s’agit tout d’abord de l’aboutissement d’une longue ligne de pensée politique qui, en France comme dans... more
Contribution to the panel "Grenzgebiete, Grenzkonflikte, Grenzgänger II" of the section on Methods of Qualitative Social Research at the 38th Congress of the German Sociological Association.
France, being one of the largest economies and the most influential states both in the European Union and globally, remains the ocean power. Despite the fact that the colonial metropolises do not exist anymore, since the United Nation... more
This paper studies the economic growth of the french overseas departments and territories from 1971 to 1992. It appears that the GNP growth was due almost only to domestic absorption, fuelled by a rapid increase of public transfers from... more
En vertu de l’accord de Nouméa, signé en 1998, la Nouvelle- Calédonie devrait achever son processus de décolonisation en organisant d’ici 2018 un référendum d’autodétermination. La période a été marquée par la montée en puissance des... more
[French Overseas Territories. An Ethnographic Perspective On A Political Category] French Overseas Territories (les Outre-mer français) refer nowadays to territories that have officially chosen to remain under French sovereignty. They... more
Wallis and Futuna are a French overseas collectivity in Oceania. In 1969, the French state formally ceded responsibility for the territory's primary education to the Catholic mission and reimburses related expenses. Against this... more
Among Enata families in Hiva Oa island, in the southern sector of the Marquesas archipelago, in French Polynesia, domestic practices are determined by ideologies that materialize in educational styles, training priorities, and conceptions... more
Insularity, smallness and remoteness help explain specific tendencies noted in the governance of French Polynesia, a partially self-governing French overseas territory in the South Pacific, with a population of 220,000. Professional... more
"To be [and] not to be" from french overseas: invisibilization, omertà, and incitement to the departure of the supporters of the independence cause in Mayotte (1976-2011) Le maintien de Mayotte sous administration française a occasionné... more
Cette étude offre un aperçu et une analyse synthétique des outils disponibles dans les Régions Ultra-Périphériques (RUP) françaises (La Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, Guadeloupe, Martinique et Guyane) pour la priorisation de la... more
In this article, the authors seek to engage with the political categorization “outre-mer” –which is used to designate French Overseas Territories - through the study of three distinct research sites : 1) the associations and the... more
In this article I posit the strategy of transiting vast expanses of geographical space as one way of bringing academia's localized day-to-day preoccupation more in line with its ever-increasing globalizing aspirations. Without presuming... more