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SUMMARY Arbitration is becoming an increasingly important means of settling investment and commercial disputes in Egypt. The promulgation of Arbitration Law No. 27 of 1994 was a milestone in providing a comprehensive framework for the... more
Law librarians are often asked by law students and even practicing attorneys, “How do I begin a career in foreign and international law practice?” The student or attorney asking this question frequently is seeking recommendations for... more
ΤΕΥΧΟΣ 6/2019 Τύπος δικαστικής πληρεξουσιότητας που δόθηκε στην ημεδαπή, παρατηρήσεις στις: ΜονΕφΘεσ 2965/2017, ΕιρΒόλου 253/2017, ΕφΘεσ 2305/2017 Σε υποθέσεις παροχής άδειας από το Δικαστήριο σε γονείς για αποποίηση κληρονομιάς στο... more
Entre 1999 y 2003, la primera integración del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) emitió diversos criterios relevantes, mediante los cuales incrementó —paulatinamente— su capacidad para conocer de litigios... more
This presentation will be delivered by Dr. Goran Seferovic, Scholar in Residence at the Law Library of Congress Global Legal Research Center. Goran Seferovic studied law at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where he obtained his... more
El presente comentario de jurisprudencia analiza una sentencia de la Corte Suprema chilena que derogó tácitamente el artículo 76 del Decreto Ley Nº 1.094, de 1975, dado que, en su consideración, el contenido de la norma transgrede normas... more
Sections 424 and 429 of Title 7, Code of Alabama (1940), were the two general statutes governing the manner of proving the statutory and common law of sister states in the courts of Alabama. These statutes provided that the testimony of... more
Page 1. From the SelectedWorks of Eric A. Engle January 2007 European Law in American Courts: Foreign Law as Evidence of Domestic Law ...
Indonesia adalah negara yang kerap kali didatangi oleh warga dari luar Indonesia dengan memiliki banyak tujuan. Seperti berwisata, bekerja, atau bahkan memiliki tujuan yang tidak baik misalnya penyelundupan orang dan perdagangan orang.... more
Law librarians are often asked by law students and even practicing attorneys, “How do I begin a career in foreign and international law practice?” The student or attorney asking this question frequently is seeking recommendations for... more
Serbian Abstract: U uslovima globalizacije, koju prati sve veća internacionalizacija životnih odnosa, pitanje primene stranog prava je sve češća pojava, koja sve više dobija na značaju. Međutim, u postupcima sa elementom inostranosti nije... more
Abstract: Gemäss der Volksinitiative «Schweizer Recht statt fremde Richter (Selbstbestimmungsinitiative)» soll die Schweizer Verfassung allen Bestimmungen des für die Schweiz geltenden internationalen Rechts vorgehen, mit Ausnahme des... more
"En el razonamiento jurídico hay una clara dicotomía entre demostrar la existencia de normas jurídicas y la de situaciones de hecho, incluyendo entre éstas las que involucran deberes y derechos, siempre que sean consecuencias de datos... more
Aunque diversos trabajos han estudiado el origen y evolución del control jurisdiccional de la vida interna de los partidos políticos por parte del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF), lo cierto es que los... more
As a rule, Turkish courts apply Turkish law. However, according to the rules of confl ict of laws foreign law may be applied to the acts and relations regarding private law containing foreign element. The application of foreign law varies... more