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Аннотация. В данной статье автор, опираясь на экспертные мнения, анализирует текущее состояние урегулирования конфликта в Приднестровье, соотношение влияния внешних акторов на стороны конфликта, изменение внешнеполитических ориентиров в... more
The essay aims to analyse causes, aspects and consequences of the brief Transnistrian ethic civil war and following frozen conflict affecting Moldova since the early 90s where the Romanian ethnic group tried to subjugate and prevail over... more
диссертации на соискание ученой степени
кандидата политических наук
Диссертация выполнена на кафедре мировых политических процессов Московского государственного института (Университета) международных отношений МИД России
The Republic of Moldova was one of fifteen states to emerge from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. With weak historical legacy of statehood, deteriorating economy and serious national divisions, the young state lacked many of the... more
""During the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe came close to a violent break-up similar to that in neighboring Moldova, which witnessed a violent secession of the Transdniestria region. Numerous... more
After the 1991 separatist region of Transnistria developed its own education system, provided with normative acts, including curriculum and textbooks. History education is part of the official discourse and focuses on Transnistrian... more
The newest "Ante Portas – Security Studies" journal's volume concerns the role of Moldova on the geopolitical map of the globe and the place, that Moldova takes in the political-military strategies of Russian Federation and the Western... more
I conflitti congelati e gli Stati de facto costituiscono un argomento rilevante perché continuano a creare una situazione di incertezza all’interno dell’Unione Europea relativamente alla sicurezza e allo sviluppo economico di tutta... more
W niniejszej pracy autor zwraca uwagę na zagadnienie Naddniestrzańskiej Republiki Mołdawskiej. Głównym celem analizy jest dokładne przedstawienie organizmu tego nieuznawanego państwa. Autor opisuje genezę rozpoczęcia procesu... more
The article examines the external activity of Transnistria, a quasi-state that has been outside of Moldovan control since 1992. The paper presents the policy of the Transnistrian region toward Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Western countries... more
While working to seal off Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia after the 2008 war, Russia promised to play a constructive role in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Transnistrian conflict. This paper aims to assess how Russia delivered on its... more
What are the implications and the history of the conflict? How are international actors participating in this struggle for independence? This paper will answer these questions and offer an interesting point of view on how this conflict... more
Quando diventiamo un popolo? Quando smettiamo di esserlo? E che c’entrano queste enormi questioni con i nostri rapporti con ciascun altro e con tutti gli altri insieme? Nazione e narrazione si mescolano in uno studio sulla Transnistria,... more
Cum asigură partea transnistreană accesul la informații publice în limba maternă?
Corespund realității declarațiile lui Krasnoselsky precum că o națiune nu este mai importantă de cât alta în regiunea transnistreană?
A veinticinco años de la caída de la Unión Soviética, cuatro repúblicas aún luchan por ser reconocidas internacionalmente en el marco de interminables disputas territoriales. Pese a que han concluido los periodos de guerra la violencia... more
Această publicaţie a fost finanţată de către Fondul de Prevenire a Conflictelor al Guvernului Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord prin intermediul Ambasadei Marii Britanii la Chişinău. Opiniile şi terminologia prezentate... more
Esasen geçmişi çok eskilere dayanan Transdinyester Sorunu, Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılma emareleri gösterdiği 1980’lı yılların sonlarında Moldova Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyeti (SSC) içerisinde sıcak çatışmaya dönüşen bir anlaşmazlıktır. Bu... more
Avrupa içindeki sorunların ana çıkış kaynağını oluşturan Rusya ile Avrupa Birliği arasındaki(büyük tabloda ise ABD ile Rusya arasında) etki alanı mücadelesi ve güç kontrolü meselesidir. Bu bağlamda isimlendirdiğimiz ‘‘Avrupa’nın fay... more - Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму современной политики памяти в России и Восточной Европе. В ней рассказано о том, как прошлое используется в политических целях в различных... more
The research investigates the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic's Concept of the Foreign Policy from 2012 and its aftermath. Relational objectives with other states were the focus of the research. The proposed and de facto relations of TMR... more
More than two decades after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, relations between Russia and its former states are unstable. One of these former states is Moldova, which declared independence on August 27, 1991. A strip of the territory... more
This publication was financed by the UK Government’s Conflict Prevention Pool through the British Embassy Chisinau. The opinions expressed herein and the terminology used are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the UK... more
This paper examines the role of the European Union and its European Neighborhood Policy as well as the ambivalent role played by Ukraine in Transnistria. It shows, among other things, that Ukraine became more active in proposing solutions... more
How have the Transnistrian authorities sought to consolidate de facto state-hood in the absence of international recognition? Starting from the idea that the time factor will eventually transform secessionists into state-builders, this... more
This paper will focus on the Transnistrian conflict. This paper thusly has two objectives. The first is to argue that the nature of the Transnistrian conflict is quite different from the other frozen conflicts – it is not an ethnic... more
Given the circumstances of the Soviet breakdown, not all the countries in the East had the success of the Baltic ones and had to struggle to impose their authority on all their territories. In the early ‘90s, many of the new states from... more
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the situation of some states (Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh, South Ossetia and Transnistria), de facto independent after the dissolution of the USSR, which have been being in a limbo for 25 years, hovering... more
Some students of quasi-states say that these entities aim to obtain the acceptance of their independence by the international community. However, this thesis raises doubts, at least in case of Transnistria, a region with its capital in... more
Introduction to the book published in Palgrave Macmillan Series: Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, 2012.
The present study consists of analysing and presenting data from a complex research approach through a multilateral one, carried out at the initiative of the Black Sea University Foundation, between October 2018 and February 2019. The... more
The collapse of USSR in late 1980’s and the beginning of 1990’s was accompanied by a series of local and regional separatist movements that have rapidly burst out into local violent confrontations or civil wars, resulting in so-called... more
Misja Pomocy Granicznej Unii Europejskiej dla Mołdawii i Ukrainy to inicjatywa oparta na współpracy państw Unii Europejskiej z Mołdawią i Ukrainą na granicy mołdawsko-ukraińskiej, de facto w pełni kontrolowanej przez separatystyczną... more