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Sonograms are images produced by sound; more specifically, they are produced by ultrasound—sound waves vibrating at frequencies well above the range of what humans can hear, but suitable for producing maps below surfaces such as skin or... more
CONTENTS October 17th, 2011 [pages 6-15] I Persecution and the Art of Writing or Towards a Hermeneutics of Suspicion from interpretation of the meaning between lines to explanation of the transcendental effect of forms 1. ‘PERSECUTION’:... more
This monograph arose from thinking about the literary tradition as described by the Anglo-American modernist writers Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot. In their view, the tradition of European love-lyrics crystallized in the work of the medieval... more
(Fr) : Cette étude vise à analyser la prise de conscience de l’existence d’une tradition littéraire des troubadours de la première moitié du XVIe siècle en France. On ne trouve, parmi les traités de ce temps, que des allusions... more
L'article analyse le rapport entre le geste de Guiraut Riquier d'avoir recueilli ses épîtres versifiés et sa conception de l'autorité poétique.
«Che senso ha leggere i Trovatori? Tramontato il mito romantico del loro aurorale primitivismo (hanno fatto, sì, germinare la poesia europea, ma sopra radici culturali poderose, illuminate da generazioni di eruditi); appannato – forse –... more
An English translation of the Old Occitan love lyric by Bieiris de Romans, together with a translator's note and the original text as edited by Magda Bogin. Published in Lunch Ticket (Winter/Spring 2015).
Published in "Les Cahiers du Bazadais", no. 152 (2006). This article is about the political song written by the late troubadour Pey de Ladils of the town of Bazas (now in département Gironde, France) about the conflict in Gascony between... more
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
The use of feudal vocabulary is the most innovative feature of twelfth- and thirteenth-century Occitan troubadour love lyric. The Catalan and Valencian poets who continued and reworked this tradition over the fourteenth and fifteenth... more
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar os jograis como sujeitos políticos nas cortes régias e senhoriais em Leão, Castela e Portugal, no século XIII. Identificamos, no decorrer da pesquisa, as várias tendências... more
WILLIAM IX THE TROUBADOUR (1071-1126) AND ISLAM The first troubadour, whose songs are preserved, was as duke of Aquitaine the most important French prince around 1100. His military activity was, at least three times, directed against... more
Coniugando i dati provenienti dallo studio della tradizione manoscritta a quelli desumibili dall’analisi di testi particolarmente significativi, questo articolo traccia un profilo critico delle modalità con le quali la tradizione... more
Translation of the French original "Les Troubadours et le Sentiment Romanesque" published in 1945.
Beginning with Occitan troubadour poetry and then focussing on the Galician-Portuguese medieval cantigas, the author argues that troubadour song means not only what it says but it also communicates-both by verbal and non-verbal... more
Bob Dylan and the other singer-songwriters of the 1960s are often lazily compared to the troubarours, the poet-composers of Provence in the early Middle Ages. However, the poetic and musical styles of these two periods do indeed have... more
En el horizonte de una aproximación comparativa a los rendimientos trascendentales del poema –las formas poéticas como exploración y síntesis de mundos posibles–, el seminario examinará las revoluciones de la representación en el legado... more
Invectives contre le clergé fourvoyé, dans l'oeuvre des troubadours et chez les auteurs italiens jusqu'à Pétrarque.
Rossell, Antoni, “La lírica trovadoresca: una estrategia métrico-melódica (oral) para la difusión de ideas y noticias en la Edad Media,” en La voz y la noticia. Palabras y mensajes en la tradición hispánica, Fundación Joaquín Díaz... more
(Fr): Jehan de Nostredame, l'auteur d'une paraphrase des biographies des troubadours médiévaux (les Vies des plus célèbres et anciens poëtes provensaux, publiées en 1575) dans laquelle il s'attache à présenter la majorité des troubadours... more
RIASSUNTO: L'articolo presenta per la prima volta il corpus dei 39 testi trobadorici composti seguendo lo schema delle coblas dissolutas. Con la nuova analisi dei dati desumibili dal Répertoire métrique de la poésie des troubadours di... more
The present article, the first installment of a mini-series of two episodes detailing Pound’s travels in Provence aims to improve on Sieburth’s map, by providing a more detailed and helpful online version of the 1912 tour; a second... more
E' davvero sorprendente notare come tenebre e oscurità, bianco e nero, siano le principali antinomie su cui si basa la lirica dei trovatori. E' altrettanto sorprendente notare come la menzione ai colori caldi e ai colori freddi... more
La réalité historique de Jaufré Rudel est difficle à saisir faute de sources. L'examen de ses chansons et la comparaison avec d'autres documents, notamment l'Histoire des comtes et des évêques d'Angoulême, permet cependant de revenir sur... more
This study is a historical-analytical attempt to demonstrate the influence and contribution of Arab Islamic Mawashahat and Zajal on the Provencal lyrical poets – the Troubadours that sprang in south of France during the eleventh century.... more
En este artículo (transcipción de la conferencia realizada en el curso de verano de la Universidad del País Vasco el año 1993 y por tanto sin ningún añadido posterior a esa fecha) el autor trata la lírica de los trovadores en su aspecto... more
Rossell, Antoni, “Oralidad y recursos orales en la lírica trovadoresca: texto y melodía. La oralidad, un paradigma eficiente,” en La voz y la memoria. Palabras y mensajes en la tradición hispánica, Fundación Joaquín Díaz (Urueña, España,... more
A complete digital edition of the troubadour musical repertoire in modern and ancient notation. The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours,... more
Il contributo analizza le forme con le quali la contaminazione si manifesta con maggiore frequenza nella tradizione manoscritta trobadorica, offrendone un’ampia casistica che viene studiata nei suoi significati culturali e nei suoi... more
Identification of Joan de Castellnou with a member of the Royal Chapelle of Pere III of Aragon (king 1336-1387) and his wife Lionor de Sicília (queen 1349-1375). Biographical and literary consequencies of this identification in the... more
The musical production of the troubadours is transmitted to us through about forty manuscripts of which only four contain musical notation. Rhythmic information is not sufficiently provided because those manuscripts are all written in... more
William, Ninth Duke of Aquitaine (1071-1127) was one of the most powerful feudal lords of his day. Probably inspired by the intricate verse forms he discovered in Arabic Spain and Syria, he seems to have created the... more