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🔗. Il volume raccoglie venticinque saggi sui trovatori, scritti da Pietro G. Beltrami in quarant’anni di costante indagine sulla storia, le singole personalità, il senso, la rilevanza stessa di una tradizione... more
Sonograms are images produced by sound; more specifically, they are produced by ultrasound—sound waves vibrating at frequencies well above the range of what humans can hear, but suitable for producing maps below surfaces such as skin or... more
Avance de la investigaciĂłn que se publicĂł definitivamente como “Bel m’es quan la rosa floris: Anthropologie et poĂ©tique des saissons au plein Moyen Âge”
CONTENTS October 17th, 2011 [pages 6-15] I Persecution and the Art of Writing or Towards a Hermeneutics of Suspicion from interpretation of the meaning between lines to explanation of the transcendental effect of forms 1. ‘PERSECUTION’:... more
In: Danielle Buschinger, Martine Marzloff, Patricia Gillies u. Marie-Genevieve Grossel (Hg.): Literature is Comparative : Toute littérature est littérature comparée. Etudes de littérature et de linguistique offertes à Roy Rosenstein par... more
(Fr) : Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  analyser la prise de conscience de l’existence d’une tradition littĂ©raire des troubadours de la premiĂšre moitiĂ© du XVIe siĂšcle en France. On ne trouve, parmi les traitĂ©s de ce temps, que des allusions... more
Texto divulgativo sobre unha cantiga de amiga, entre dĂșas mulleres, e outros textos lĂ©sbicos ou homosexuais masculinos do trobadorismo galego-portuguĂ©s.
A review of several origin myths relating to the creation of medieval Occitan lyric poetry. We see a preference for a “great man theory” of origins, though the “great man” may be a fictional woman. Medieval and Renaissance Occitan... more
Es uno de los capítulos de la revuelta rebelde contra Alfonso X en 1274 que luego fue integrado en el capítulo "Los nobles rebeldes" del libro "Poética, poesía y sociedad en la lírica medieval"
Questo volume intende offrire al lettore interessato e allo studente universitario un testo in cui possa comodamente trovare un profilo della letteratura trobadorica, che ù alle origini della lirica moderna e dell’immaginario amoroso che... more
Tucci (12521737) Graduando em Letras pela FFLCH-USP Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo serå estabelecer vínculos, através da anålise comparativa, entre Cantigas de Amor, Amigo, Escårnio e Såtira e as diversas produçÔes... more
L'article analyse le rapport entre le geste de Guiraut Riquier d'avoir recueilli ses épßtres versifiés et sa conception de l'autorité poétique.
(En): Lois Bellaud de la Bellaudiera (1543-1588?) was one of the most outstanding Provencal poets of his time. Many scholars, such as Robert Lafont, claimed to see in him an important representative of language revival in the Provence... more
Chrétien de Troyes was one of the greatest French poets of his time, and is referred to as the father of Arthurian Romance. Not much is known about Chrétien's life and death. We do know that he is credited for developing the medieval... more
Il s'agit ici, comme le titre l'indique, du mythe de Tristan et d'Iseult*. Deux ouvrages surtout ont inspiré ces lignes : L'amour et l'Occident de Denis de Rougemont, qui traite des origines culturelles et historiques du mythe dans ses... more
This paper is relevant both to the teaching of classical authors of world literature and the didactic unit of Catalan as a foreign language (CLE), since it presents a didactic activity that introduces the troubadours, their world and... more
Review of Charles Dowsett. Sayat-Nova, An 18th-century Troubadour: A Biographical and Literary Study. Louvain, Belgium/Washington, D.C.: Peeters Publishers/Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium of the Catholic University of Louvain... more
Recensione della piĂč recente edizione del corpus lirico del trovatore catalano Pons de la Guardia
«Che senso ha leggere i Trovatori? Tramontato il mito romantico del loro aurorale primitivismo (hanno fatto, sĂŹ, germinare la poesia europea, ma sopra radici culturali poderose, illuminate da generazioni di eruditi); appannato – forse –... more
An English translation of the Old Occitan love lyric by Bieiris de Romans, together with a translator's note and the original text as edited by Magda Bogin. Published in Lunch Ticket (Winter/Spring 2015).
Conference paper version. Revised and published as two articles: “The Lyrics of the Troubadour Marcabru: Vocabulary for Love as an Aid to Chronology.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 94 (1993): 323–344 and “The Cansos of the Troubadour... more
This article gives a general survey of the presence in Hungarian poetry of poetical forms constructed by medieval courtly poets: cansos, sestinas, ballades, rondeaux, and sonnets. The rhyming patterns of medieval and early modern poems in... more
En el contexto del creciente interĂ©s filosĂłfico por el modelo de la ‘traducciĂłn’, se lo interrogarĂĄ como clave posible de un pensamiento frĂĄgil que, tras el cuestionamiento de los discursos universales de la modernidad, sea capaz de dar... more
Gli argomenti proposti da Folena e alcuni aggiuntivi relativi al planh di Aimeric de Peguilhan suggeriscono la possibilitĂ  che Dante, delineando i tratti della sua Beatrice, possa aver messo in relazione su un piano figurale varie... more
Brief exposition of the importance of Music in Western aesthetic thought. From Plato, and later, in the Middle Ages, San Isidore of Seville, Guido of Arezzo and Ramon Llull, all thinkers who did meditations on the importance of the... more
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
A cura di Lorenzo Geri, Marco Grimaldi, NicolĂČ Maldina e Maria Rita Traina. 🔗 Premessa di L. Geri, M. Grimaldi, N. Maldina, M. R. Traina. GUITTONE MORALE. TRADIZIONE E INTERPRETAZIONE. L. Leonardi, Guittone morale,... more
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar os jograis como sujeitos polĂ­ticos nas cortes rĂ©gias e senhoriais em LeĂŁo, Castela e Portugal, no sĂ©culo XIII. Identificamos, no decorrer da pesquisa, as vĂĄrias tendĂȘncias... more
¿Qué ocurriría si en medio de la aceleración vertiginosa de los traspasos de fronteras que redefinen el habitar contemporåneo, al punto de exigir una nueva simbolización del mundo y lo comunitario, todo aquello que ha sido concebido... more
Coniugando i dati provenienti dallo studio della tradizione manoscritta a quelli desumibili dall’analisi di testi particolarmente significativi, questo articolo traccia un profilo critico delle modalità con le quali la tradizione... more
As the title shows, these lines deal with the myth of Tristan and Isolde, the myth of the Christian Occident. On the basis of two works―L'amour et l'Occident, by Denis de Rougemont, who primarily considered the myth from the point of view... more