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Jordan ring is one example of the non-associative rings. We can construct a Jordan ring from an associative ring by defining the Jordan product. In this paper, we discuss the properties of non-associative rings by studying the properties... more
We construct a mapping from complex recursive linguistic data structures to spherical wave functions using Smolensky’s filler/role bindings and tensor product representations. Syntactic language processing is then described by the... more
We introduce a new algebraic concept of an algebra which is "almost" commutative (more precisely "quasi-commutative differential graded algebra" or ADGQ, in French). We associate to any simplicial set X an ADGQ -... more
We survey some recent developments in the theory of Frechet spaces and of their duals. Among other things, Section 4 contains new, direct proofs of properties of, and results on, Fr ´ echet spaces with the density condition, and Section 5... more
We study entanglement properties of mixed density matrices obtained from combinatorial Laplacians. This is done by introducing the notion of the density matrix of a graph. We characterize the graphs with pure density matrices and show... more
We introduce a new algebraic concept of a difierential graded al- gebra which is "almost" commutative (ADGQ, in French). We associate to any simplicial set X an ADGQ - called D(X) - and show how we can recover the homotopy type... more
One of the open problems in higher category theory is the systematic construction of the higher dimensional analogues of the Gray tensor product. In this paper we continue the work of [7] to adapt the machinery of globular operads [4] to... more
The Dirac-Siddharth Equation has been constructed from the Siddharth hamiltonian by quantization of the energy and momentum in Pauli algebra. We have solved this equation by using tensor product of matrices.