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Abstract. The increasing demand for products with high accuracy and geometric dimensional measures are required high accuracy measurement system. Additionally, parts of complex geometry and free form parts have been a common practice in... more
Over the last decades, the new technical means and methods, and in particular computing technology, have become more and more popular and efficient and their capabilities evolved exponentially in due time. This development has led to... more
This paper introduces a method to extract "Shape-DNA", a numerical fingerprint or signature, of any 2d or 3d manifold (surface or solid) by taking the eigenvalues (i.e. the spectrum) of its Laplace-Beltrami operator. Employing the... more
Derivatives are a very important tool of computations in an engineering practice on the graphics structures. B-Spline functions are defined recursively, so the direct computation is very difficult. In this article new direct proof of the... more
"Il saggio è dedicato alla realizzazione di un repertorio dei problemi classici della Geometria Descrittiva per mezzo degli strumenti informatici, alla ricerca di soluzioni più generali e innovative, facendo riferimento al manuale di F.... more
l'apparenza, la superficie, la pelle... l'involucro come sistema di comunicazione veste architettura. Il libro di Massimiliano Ciammaichella osserva gli artefatti del presente, indagando le forme e le superfici da diverse angolazioni,... more
The ability of managing big amounts of metric information coming from a LiDAR survey and the ability to reproduce high quality 3D models from them are still vivid problems to solve. Is it possible to create detailed models, geometrically... more
What can urban design, or architecture gain from an understanding of the auditory nature of Japanese garden design, and what are the implications for future urban soundscapes?
"Ripercorrendo le fasi progettuali dall’ideazione all’esecuzione dell’artefatto, è centrale il ruolo della geometria descrittiva che si relaziona con strumenti digitali del disegno, nell’ottica di rilanciare consolidati metodi esperibili... more
This paper addresses the use of isogeometric analysis to solve solid mechanics problems involving nearly incompressible materials. The present work is focused on extension of two-field mixed variational formulations in both small and... more
Stockhausen’s graphically notated "Pole für 2" was created for the multi-channel diffusion system in the spherical auditorium at the German pavilion at the Osaka World’s Fair in 1970. The work is remarkable for the way in which... more
The increasing demand for products with high accuracy and geometric dimensional measures are required high accuracy measurement system. Additionally, parts of complex geometry and free form parts have been a common practice in industries... more
Over the years, the installed capacity of offshore wind turbines has increased rapidly. However, the LCOE (Levelized Costs Of Energy, average price per kWh) is still higher than the LCOE of traditional energy production methods like... more
Hull lines are not only a representation or a designing tool for ships, but also the fundamental analyzing tool for Ship Reconstruction. Recommended Drawing Order 1. Baselines on the sheer, the h-b (half-breadth), and the body plans 2.... more
In this article, we will follow the history of splines, digital methods that have characterized the architectural design process since the last decade of the twentieth century. We will describe their evolutions since the beginning as... more
Merging NURBS surfaces together and extending existing ones are common problems in CAD systems. Extending existing surface is usually done by creating a new separate surface and applying some merging function – result is one continuous... more
Yago Conde based his 1988 concept design for the Barcelona Olympic Village water fountain on John Cage’s indeterminate graphic work "Fontana Mix." In this paper, a critique of Conde’s work serves as the departure point for an examination... more
NURBS (non-uniform rational b-spline) modelling has become a ubiquitous tool within architectural design praxis. In this article I examine three projects that utilise NURBS modelling as a means for which a musical system’s inherent... more
The implementation of historical information within BIM (Building Information Modelling) platforms has experienced great development processes during last years, generating excellent studies based on Historic Building Information... more
Ensayo que reivindica la generación y representación de la forma en la arquitectura, tomando en consideración basamentos teóricos recientemente revisados en lo que respecta a la topología en la arquitectura y uno de sus recursos de... more
This article proposes a technique for the geometrically stable modeling of high-degree B-spline curves based on S-polygon in a float format, which will allow the accurate positioning of the end points of curves and the direction of the... more
The present work is suggested as a contribution to the debate on Reverse Modeling (RM) topic in the Cultural Heritage field. It wants to test the methodology, the limits and the bottlenecks of the RM pipeline in the architectural field,... more