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A pedagogical review on supersymmetry in quantum mechanis is presented which provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject. First, the key ingredients on the quantization of the systems with anticommuting variables are discussed. The... more
We examine the status of massive gauge theories, such as those usually obtained by spontaneous symmetry breakdown, from the viewpoint of causal (Epstein-Glaser) renormalization. The BRS formulation of gauge invariance in this framework,... more
`Zero-spin-photon hypothesis' as proposed in an earlier paper [1] states that: `due to inevitable consequence of the second-law of thermodynamics and spin-conservation, the `zero-spin-photon' is generated in pair-production process (of... more
In this paper we study a class of Lorentz invariant nonlinear field equations in several space dimensions. The main purpose is to obtain soliton-like solutions. These equations were essentially proposed by C. H. Derrick in a celebrated... more
High values of proton conductivity have been observed in a class of hydrated metal oxide pyrochlores, HMOâ.xHâO (M = Sb, Nb, Ta). Two new polymorphs of HSbOâ.xHâO have been synthesized and are also found to be good proton conductors. One... more
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent... more
We consider the consequences of a neutral dark-matter particle with a nonzero electric and/or magnetic dipole moment. Theoretical constraints, as well as constraints from direct searches, precision tests of the standard-model, the cosmic... more
Assuming the compactification of 4 + K-dimensional space-time implied in Kaluza-Kleintype theories, we consider the case in which the internal manifold is a quotient space, G/H. We develop normal mode expansions on the internal manifold... more
We construct unified models of weak and electromagnetic interactions using just three gauge fields which correspond to the intermediate vector boson and the photon. These models may be renormalizable, and do not predict processes... more
This is a short review, aimed at a general audience, of several current subjects of research in cosmology. The topics discussed include the cosmic microwave background (CMB), with particular emphasis on its relevance for testing... more
Ce papier résume comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers basée sur l’existence d’un «éther cristallin», qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans les troisièmes versions de deux livres [1], permet de trouver une explication simple,... more
The magnetic dipole field geometry of subatomic elementary particles like the electron differs from the classical macroscopic field imprint of a bar magnet. It resembles more like an eight figure or else joint double quantum-dots instead... more
We study the possible distortions of the evolution of the early universe caused by the oscillations of a standard neutrino (ν c , ν μ or ν τ ) into a light “sterile” neutrino state, a gauge group singlet ν s . The effects on the standard... more