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In presence of aortic stenosis, a jet is produced downstream of the aortic valve annulus during systole. The vena contracta corresponds to the location where the cross-sectional area of the flow jet is minimal. The maximal transvalvular... more
Oxidized LDL stimulates the expression of TGF-β and fibronectin in human glomerular epithelial cells. Abnormal lipid accumulation in glomeruli is a recognized early event in the development of glomerulosclerosis. The presence of LDL and... more
It is proven that time-independent viscoelastic Poisson ratios (PR) can only exist under separation of variable solutions which severely limits the class of applicable problems to quasi-static ones with incompressible homogeneous... more
We consider the exactly soluble Edwards-Wilkinson Model in one dimension and demonstrate explicitly, that it is possible to construct a field, that does not depend explicitly on time, such that the corresponding time dependent correlation... more
Fly Ash (FA) from South African power stations was successfully used to treat Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and the insoluble residual solids that were obtained as a result of the reaction between FA and AMD proved suitable as a backfill... more
This report presents alternative emission limit values for inorganic components to be used in the revision of the Building Materials Decree (1999) in the Netherlands. Three key factors determine the emission limit value: (1) the... more
Peptide mass-fingerprint is widely used for protein identification while studying proteome with the use of 1D or 2D electrophoresis. Peptide mass tolerance indicates the fit of theoretical peptide mass with the experimental measurements,... more
Metal dispersion and support effects on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis rate and selectivity were studied at conditions that favor the information of C 5 + hydrocarbons (> 80% selectivity). On Ru, these effects are minor for the supports... more
Twelve year long observations of natural magnetic field variations in the frequency range 5-50 Hz at Arrival Heights, Antarctica, are summarized in mean diurnal spectra. The observed central frequencies of the Schumann resonances are used... more
Effect of the aqueous chemistry on the mechanical strength of chalk has extensively been studied during the last decade. At high temperatures (~130°C), chalk exposed to seawater is significantly weaker compared to chalk exposed to... more
Fractal image compression gives some desirable properties like resolution independence, fast decoding, and very competitive rate-distortion curves. But still suffers from a (sometimes very) high encoding time, depending o n the approach... more