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Structure tensors are used in several PDE-based methods to estimate information on the local structure in the image, such as edge orientation. They have become a common tool in many image processing applications. To integrate the local... more
We analyze the boundary element Galerkin method for weakly singular andhypersingular integral equations of the first kind on open surfaces. We show thatthe hp-version of the Galerkin method with geometrically refined meshes... more
We provide tables which summarize various aspects of the finite linear groups 12!η, ",η < +, in their action upon the vector space Vn 0 V !η, " and upon the associated projective space 31!η %, ". It is intended that the... more
We give the symmetric version of five lemmas which are essential for the theory of tensor products (and norms). These are: the approximation, extension, embedding, density and local technique lemmas. Some application of these tools to the... more
Using a new formulation of the Bezout matrix, we construct bivariate matrix polynomials expressed in a tensor-product Lagrange basis. We use these matrix polynomials to solve common tasks in computer-aided geometric design. For ex- ample,... more
Let V be a vertex operator algebra, and for k a positive integer, let g be a k-cycle permutation of the vertex operator algebra V⊗k. We prove that the categories of weak, weak admissible and ordinary g-twisted modules for the tensor... more
Tensor product decompositions with optimal separation rank provide an interesting alternative to traditional Gaussian-type basis functions in electronic structure calculations. We discuss various applications for a new compression... more
We investigate the possibility of transforming, under local operations and classical communication, a general bipartite quantum state on a d A x d B tensor-product space into a final state in 2 x 2 dimensions, while maintaining as much... more
We show that the tensor product B-spline basis and the triangular Bernstein basis are in some sense best conditioned among all nonnegative bases for the spaces of tensor product splines and multivariate polynomials, respectively. We also... more
We show how to reduce free independence to tensor independence in the strong sense. We construct a suitable unital *-algebra of closed operators `affiliated' with a given unital *-algebra and call the associated closure... more
control has been lost [4]. In order to extend the flight envelope a common approach is gain scheduling. In which several linear models of the quadrotor are obtained for different trim points and then number of Liner Time Invariant (LTI)... more
This paper is aimed at introducing an algebraic model for physical scales and units of measurement. This goal is achieved by means of the concept of ``positive space'' and its rational powers. Positive spaces are 1-dimensional... more
Abstract Given two semi-regular matricesM andM′ and two open subsets Ω and Ω′[resp. two compact subsetsK andK′] of ℝ r and ℝ s respectively, we introduce the spacesE (M× M′)(Ω× Ω′) andD (M× M′)(Ω× Ω′)[resp. D (M× M′)(K× K′)]. In this... more