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Festive events are increasing in cities because the city authorities exploit them to increase the tourist attractiveness of cities and in order to capture the competitive flow of a urban economy more and more symbolic and based on the... more
隨著對糧食安全以及環境永續議題的重視,都市農耕近年來已成為一股世界性的潮流。都市農園、屋頂菜園與社區園圃,如雨後春筍般,在世界各地城市的各種角落出現。過去一直被視為是臨時甚至是非法行為的菜園,一時之間,成為炙熱的城市運動。...都市農耕在西雅圖有一段長久的歷史。在一九三○年代美國經濟大蕭條的時期,面臨失業與糧食不足,當時相關單位把機場空地釋放出來讓民眾耕作。數年後,在二次大戰時期,為確保糧食的供應,也有學校校地提供出來讓民眾耕作的案例。但隨著經濟的復甦與戰爭的結束,這些臨時性... more
(Back cover blurb by Isaac Marrero-Guillamón) Notes from the Temporary City takes you on a tour of a neighbourhood on the cusp of change. It provides a complex picture of the dynamics reshaping contemporary London, from the pressure of... more
Dans le contexte d’un engouement récent pour la notion d’urbanisme transitoire, cette thèse s’intéresse à l’appropriation des démarches d’occupation temporaire de l’espace par les professionnels de l’urbanisme et de l’immobilier.... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on several cities. Their cultural sectors stood out as one of the most affected by the crisis, with facilities having to shut down or drastically diminish their capacity worldwide. Given... more
Temporary urbanism has become a distinctive feature of urban life after the 2008 global financial crisis. This book offers a critical exploration of its emergence and establishment as a seductive discourse and as an entangled field of... more
Transient, ephemeral, temporary, the practice of planning and urban development has been enriched with a new vocabulary for several years now. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance that certain short-term actions... more
Ce guide pratique sur l'étude et la mise en oeuvre des projets temporaires, a été conçu pour l'Union Sociale de L'Habitat à l'attention des organismes Hlm. Il renseigne les questions importantes à se poser à toutes les étapes d'un projet... more
While temporary urbanism has experienced a resurgence of interest in Western Europe and North America, the phenomenon of urban flux has long been an everyday phenomenon and even a norm in many East Asian cities. In the dense and populous... more
Notre rapport au temps, reflet des modes de vie, évolue sous le coup de l’individualisation, la globalisation ou la rationalisation du monde et s’inscrit depuis toujours dans les manières de faire la ville. Depuis la fin des années 80... more
Based on the extended case study of urban agriculture in Paris and its suburbs, this article illustrates the shift in land regulation and ownership structures that follows the neoliberalization of the urban economy and its impact on the... more
Slow Streets is a project forming part of the Sustainable Mobility pillar within the ResidentFirst vision 2024, developed by The Local Councils' Association ResidentFirst Team in collaboration with Dr Antoine Zammit BE&A (Hons)(Melit) MSc... more
Brief reflection on methodological approaches to the entanglements of temporary urbanism, for the Special Issue 55: "After Temporary":
The article focuses on temporary and improvised cultural spaces in marginalized neighbourhoods of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They are presented here as alternatives to current urban and cultural policies, often based on international ‘best... more
During these rough economic times, cities and towns across the globe are dotted with vacant lots, unfinished projects developers have pulled out of, projects on hold for years…Even cities with high land value, such as New York, have... more
In Berlin, Rome and Barcelona, three cities that have been affected on different levels by the most recent wave of neoliberalisation of the 2000s and the global crisis, a rekindled interest in the strategies for the (re)appropriation of... more
Recent discussions in Participatory Design around infrastructuring and particularly 'agonistic space' offer useful concepts relevant to other fields facing similar issues regarding public settings and related conflicts and contestation... more
Abstract Over the last decades, interim reuse has emerged as a possible solution for vacant land and abandoned spaces in cities. It is presented as an alternative to conventional regeneration projects, opening up new possibilities for the... more
Le développement de l’urbanisme temporaire l’accompagne de l’arrivée de nouveaux professionnels, spécialisés dans l’aménagement temporaire des espaces publics ou l’occupation des bâtiments vacants (collectifs, entreprises, associations).... more
A vast continent with rich cultural traditions, Asia is steeped in its extraordinary heritage of places, ranging from the majestic monasteries in the high plateaus of Tibet to the multicultural streetscapes of George Town on the island of... more
Over the last two decades, temporary uses of space are spreading in Europe as a new policy tool to recover vacant areas. The theoretical debate is divided between the promoters of these new forms of tailor-made urbanism and the... more
This paper positions the now-redundant Australian Renew Newcastle scheme for temporary building occupation as an example of ‘meanwhile use’: the UK term for the sanctioned short-term use of vacant urban properties awaiting redevelopment.... more
The aim of this paper is to develop a short, critical reflection on the use of temporary uses in the improvement and activation of public spaces. It considers the motivating factors behind the promotion or restriction of these practices,... more
The French national railway company (SNCF), the second largest real estate owner in France, has been using its properties for temporary artistic uses since the 1980s. From an initially alternative and pragmatic practice, temporary... more
Urban Stage 2014: Navigating relationships during a collaboration between local
Cette contribution porte sur l’émergence et la structuration d’une nouvelle catégorie de professionnels, dédiée au développement, à la gestion et à l’animation de lieux temporaires. Le développement de ce nouveau milieu professionnel est... more
O Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade marcada pelas desigualdades. Em áreas mais desprivilegiadas, como as favelas e periferias, os investimentos em urbanização são menores, as políticas públicas são ineficientes e as carências são múltiplas. O... more
A vast continent with rich cultural traditions, Asia is steeped in its extraordinary heritage of places, ranging from the majestic monasteries in the high plateaus of Tibet to the multicultural streetscapes of George Town on the island of... more
Our discussion brings together expertise in alternative practices for using spaces, in temporal futures beyond a purely growth-oriented directions. The discussion circles around basic forces behind individual practices and their enabling... more
This article explores nomadic site occupation as a form of planetary colonization involving both human and non-human agents. Conventional understandings of temporary occupation are often humancentric with little attention paid to the... more
In much of the traditional literature, abandoned spaces are seen as anomalies in urban evolution and the " solution " to this would be its regeneration, however, the current urban scenario allows us to understand the obsolescence and ruin... more