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Chaos and Complex Adaptive Systems theory, principles of organisational readiness, as well as risk, change and strategic management provide complementary perspectives to organisations that need to adapt to severe environmental shocks and... more
What do huge flocks of sheep, hundreds of rabbits, business parks, metropolitan parks, leisure parks, high-tech parks have in common with airports? These are the most frequent visitors to airports recently constructed. These are the new... more
Cities are key for sustainability and the radical systemic changes required to enable equitable human development within planetary boundaries. Their particular role in this regard has become the subject of an emerging and highly... more
Muovendo dall’osservazione di alcune esperienze internazionali di pianificazione e rigenerazione urbana e del ruolo assunto dalle infrastrutture blu e verdi, il contributo intende riflettere sulle opportunità che la crisi ambientale ed... more
The importance of urban universities in civic ecology education and the transformation of urban spaces and mindsets has been little explored. With as many as 1475 colleges, universities, and communities colleges in large cities around the... more
Resilience challenges for cities require bridging the gap between theorized concepts, such as resilience attributes, and its application to urban planning. Resilience attributes have been used by international policy initiatives to guide... more
Desde o surgimento das histórias em quadrinhos, os enredos com super-heróis são focados no espírito comunitário, confiança mútua, força e coragem, temas inspiradores para as áreas da Educação e Saúde. Entretanto pouco se sabe acerca do... more
If we consider resilience in a historical town according to its response to natural disasters and emergency cases, this capacity goes beyond all our expectations. It happens especially when the settlement principle of a historical center,... more
RESUMEN: El turismo como una actividad de carácter económico y social ha incidido de manera significativa en el día a día de los ciudadanos del Centro Histórico de Quito, por ser uno de los iconos referentes de destino y con una... more
Des clés pour comprendre et agir Villes en devenir Villes en devenir Des clés pour comprendre et agir Des clés pour comprendre et agir Les villes ont changé. Lieux de vie d'un habitant sur deux de la planète, elles sont devenues un des... more
"The main objective of this paper is to make a Preliminary risk management plan using the Environmental risk map of the greater city of Cairo demonstrating the most high-risk administrative areas in the city, supported by field evidence... more
In urban environments, long-term tree survival and performance requires physiological tolerance or phenotypic plasticity in plant functional traits. Knowledge of these traits can inform the likely persistence of urban forests under... more
The Cable Factory is a cultural centre that benefited from the deindustrialization process in Helsinki. In 1989, the building was transformed from an obsolete industrial space into a cultural centre due to a social and cultural movement... more
This paper explores project frameworks and design methods in order to reveal innovative ways and processes for creating more resilient cities and regions. Considering major environmental, economic and social challenges and extracting key... more
L’Aquila, a city of about 70,000 inhabitants located in central Italy, was hit by a devastating earthquake on April 6th, 2009. The disaster killed 309 people, left 50,000 homeless and shut down entire areas of its sprawling urban system.... more
Within rapidly urbanising South Africa, „resilience‟ risks turning into another development trend‟ and losing credibility. Its application and usefulness could be misunderstood and it stands at an equal risk of manipulation as... more
"(Authors: Abbate, G.; Fiumi, L.; De Lorenzo, C.; Vintila, R.) Most city planners and managers already recognize that urban areas require careful design/re-design and considered management, based on resource sustainability criteria.... more
Purpose – This study aims to investigate the impact of Hurricane Sandy from the perspective of interdependence among different sectors of critical infrastructure in New York City and to assess the interconnected nature of risks posed by... more
Can the city as ecosystem be more than a mere analogy? Can we find a fruitful overlap between the natural and built environment? Taking his cue from Christopher Alexander's Pattern Language and one of Jane Jacob's most neglected texts,... more
Since 1990s, many building sustainability assessment tools were developed and implemented in different parts of the world. Encouraged by the considerable success of these tools in promoting sustainability principles and practices, a... more
The political ecology of water shapes environments and human responses. Water also plays a prominent role in Science Fiction, either by its abundance or its absence. Floods destroy cultures and necessitate them to adapt, such as in... more
This working paper is the result of a project that examines the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in urban poor communities in Metro Manila. We focus on resilience, rights, and equity to ascertain the broader structural and cultural... more
Extensive damages and numerous casualties are produced by natural disasters and hazards in urban areas. Hence, the absorption, recovery and adaptation to them through resilience are highly necessary to ensure op- eration and enhancement... more
Executive Summary Global urbanisation is increasing dramatically and most of the world’s population now lives in cities. The environmental impact of cities has received much attention in the global debate, making urban sustainability a... more
Cities play a crucial role in shaping coupled human-environment systems at local and global scales. With a view to amounting sustainability deficits, urban stakeholders thus require transformative capacity to perform radical change within... more
Η παρούσα εργασία καταπιάνεται με την έννοια της ανθεκτικότητας και την αντίστοιχη στρατηγική που έχει εκπονηθεί για το Δήμο της Αθήνας. Μία εκ των απαντήσεων του τελευταίου στην οικονομική κρίση της πόλης είναι η ένταξή του στο Δίκτυο... more
After more than a century of heroic urban visions, city dwellers today live in suburban subdivisions, gated communities, edge cities, apartment towers, and slums. The contemporary cities we know are more often the embodiment of unexpected... more
This paper aims to point out the resilience capacity that vernacular architecture has in its origins due to its continuous evolution over time, and its ability to adapt to the new established ecosystems after shocks and disasters.... more
In 2005 Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans. The (near-) complete evacuation of the city led to the nation-wide dislocation of vulnerable citizens. Today, its reconstruction and recovery seems to be 'uneven'. The author... more
Nowadays, it is quite impossible imagine the future of our cities without passing over a filter of crisis. Risk is everywhere; it takes different forms, shapes and you will never know in advance when, where and how it will catch unawares.... more
The concept of a ‘smart city’ is usually associated with the use of information and communications technology to improve governance – including planning functions – and the quality of life for citizens. Other definitions include human... more
The terms “bioclimatic design” and “design for climate” became current in the literature of architectural design in the 1950s. It gained currency in academic research and architectural and building practices in the 1970s, as fundamental... more
Secondary cities comprise over 16% of the world's population. They play an important role in the development and operations of countries as intermediary hubs and logistics centres within national industry supply chains and production... more
Öz: Dayanıklılık/ Esneyebilirlik çerçevesi yardımı ile küreselleşme etkisinde günümüz kentlerinde gerçekleşen değişimlerin (ve dönüşümlerin) sosyo-mekansal etkileri sorunsalı, küreselleşme ve neo-liberal politikalar etkisinde yaşama ve... more
Between 60% and 80% of global energy is consumed in urban areas and given the projected increase in world's urban population, this share is expected to further increase in the future. Continuity of energy supply in cities is affected by... more
In an era rocked by climate change and other disruptions, our cities must be resilient to survive and thrive. But what does that mean, exactly? How can we address the problems facing cities today—poverty, job loss, crumbling... more
La résilience désigne aussi bien le pouvoir d’absorber et de digérer les coups du sort que celui de se relever encore et toujours. Elle promet le dépassement des dommages et de la catastrophe en permettant de retrouver une situation «... more
The notions of urban resilience and the resilient city have gained considerable attention and interest over recent years, not only in relation to environmental management but also in terms of urban risk and disaster planning (Dudley,... more
Il paper raccoglie alcuni appunti per un ragionamento attorno al tema dei mercati rionali, in particolare della città di Roma. Osservando alcune azioni messe in atto da operatori economici, cittadini e istituzioni si può supporre che esse... more
Chapter in Recycle Italy 03. Viaggio in Italia, edited by S. Marini, V. Santangelo (Roma: Aracne, 2013), 67-72.
PRIN research project 2013/2016 “Recycle”
ISBN: 9788854862692
The cities are responsible for natural and human-made disasters, and other dangers that occur due to environmental destruction caused by the activities carried out in them. Besides, they are the biggest victims of these disasters, shocks... more
In the contemporary city two kinds of green spaces can be found: planned spaces and “leftover” spaces, remnants of former human activity where nature has taken over giving a sense of wilderness, referred as urban wildscapes. Overleaped by... more
Το αστικό όραμα των έξυπνων πόλεων γίνεται πραγματικότητα με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς απανταχού της γης. Αξιοποιώντας σύγχρονες, καινοτόμες τεχνολογικές λύσεις και επενδύοντας στη συμμετοχική διακυβέρνηση, οι σύγχρονες πόλεις σχεδιάζουν,... more
Libro colectivo sobre las diversas facetas de la renovación urbana y sus efectos en los modos de habitar y en la producción y reproducción de las desigualdades socio-espaciales en la Ciudad de México.