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The paper focuses on Tacitus’ account of the speech made by Claudius in 48 CE in favour of the admission of the primores of ‘long-haired’ Gaul to the senate, examining arguments used by the historian to clarify the reactions to their... more
This article focuses on the Tacitist thought shared by Justus Lipsius and Hugo Grotius. Contrary to what his later works might suggest, in the years before the Dutch political crisis of 1618, Grotius appears willing to look at history and... more
The conflict between ethics and realism in politics is as topical today as it ever was. Lipsius accesses it through ancient Greek and Roman literature, searching for a middle road between 'Machiavellian deviousness and impractical... more
A selected bibliography of studies on Machiavelli and machiavellianism published between 2000 and 2016. This is a draft work, for comments and suggestions please write
RSA 2022 Dublin 30 March - 2 April 3 panel sessions on Tacitism Organisers: Jan Waszink, Anna Laskowska Tacitism I: Tacitism in Context(s) Tacitism II: Tacitism and Historiography Tacitism III: Tacitism and Political Thought... more
This article explains the treatment by the Vatican Index of Forbidden Books of Hugo Grotius' Annals and Histories of the Dutch Revolt, by which the book was investigated in 1659. In the article I provide editions of the new documents on... more
First to publish a French translation of Tacitus’ Agricola, the Protestant Ange Cappel worked on this book in a troubled period, shortly after the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre. La vie de Jules Agricola (1574) is dedicated to the English... more
In this project we shall use the literary and retorical strategies in Tacitist texts to write a history of Tacitism via the struggles and controversies that surrounded it. By interpreting the rhetorical make-up and strategies of each of... more
During the twelve years truce the Italian officer Francesco Lanario wrote and published in Antwerp a concise history of the first phase of the Dutch Revolt. The book proved hugely popular. It was re-issued in various Italian cities and... more
The argument of this paper is centred on early modern Tacitism and emergent political theory in Ben Jonson’s England and his play Sejanus His Fall. Early modern political theory displayed a shift from a Christian humanist framework to... more
The 1623 publication of Procopius’ Secret History shocked the scholarly world. The ancient historian’s rejection of his official account of the reign of Justinian I forced humanists to reflect on the general reliability of historical... more
The present study is concerned with aspects of the complex forming of modern European states in the works of the Lutheran jurist Dietrich Reinking. Reinking is well-known for his loyalty to the German emperor in the so-called... more
With respect to the historical aspect of Grotius’ oeuvre, five main themes emerge: (1) the polarity, in his historical works proper, between constitutionalism and patriotism on the one hand, and reason of state and scepticism on the... more
«Negli ultimi anni del secolo ora scorso, si sarebbono dovuti leggere piuttosto i libri di Storia Greca e Romana, che non i registri ministeriali di quello stesso secolo» (Galeani Napione, 1819: 5).
The defence in the Politica of the application of certain forms of fraus by princes, under specific conditions, and Lipsius' secular religious policy, based on reason of state, represent a crucial step in the 'emancipation' of reason of... more
This article discusses the role of the imitation of Tacitus in Grotius' Annales et Historiae de rebus Belgics (AH) and its implications, in order to understand the use of the Tacitist style to construct the political purport of the work.... more
Abstract This article argues that Henry Savile’s widely admired Tacitus of 1591 should not be read as an implied call for a more aggressive English stance against Spanish advances on the Continent (as one recent article suggests), but... more
This paper studies how seventeenth-century writers in Spain elaborated different conceptions of interiority in connection with the intimacy they imagined between the king and his favorite or privado. Authors in the days of Lerma, Uceda... more
The presence of Tacitus in Francisco de Quevedo is beyond all doubt. Besides some mentions for Latin historian throughout Quevedian work, such presence basicly appears in Quevedo’s conception of History: in his point of view, History is... more
The purpose of this article is to assess the nature and proper context of Grotius's imitation of Tacitus. It starts by establishing how the Tacitean style is characterised in the literary criticism around 1600. It then explores the... more
In Grotius' Annales religion appears almost exclusively as a social and political problem. References (implied or explicit) to religion as a good thing or its positive effects are lacking. This aspect of Grotius' text arises from its... more
Abstract This article investigates the Anglo-Dutch scholar and diplomat Isaac Dorislaus's sole published work, Praelium Nuportanum (1640), on the battle of Newport in 1600. After presenting some new or little known information about the... more
This short article discusses a few opinions on and modes of reception of the Greek historian Polybius (ca. 200-ca. 118 BC) from the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The aim is to show that after Machiavelli recognised Polybius as an... more
Ampia recensione all'edizione degli inediti 'Comentarii' a Tacito, 'Annales', XI e XII redatti dal Boccalini, edizione procurata da Valentina Salmaso (Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2015), recensione che diventa l'occasione per... more
The purpose of this article is to show, by the example of Hugo Grotius's Annales et Historiae de rebus Belgicis (AH), that the nature and content of the concept of Tacitism (Tacitist, Tacitean) in the period around 1600 was markedly... more
Este artículo pretende contribuir a la línea de investigación abierta en su día por la profesora Beatriz Antón sobre el tacitismo en la España del siglo XVII y prueba la actividad previa a la primera traducción de Emmanuel Sueyro de un... more
An international symposium entitled 'Grotius, Tacitus and the Annales et Historiae de rebus Beligicis (1612): The imitation of language and style,' was held in the department of Classics of the Radboud University Nijmegen on 19 january... more
A brief overview of the nature and history of early-modern Tacitism, with literature references
In the Politica or Politicorum sive Civilis Doctrinae libri sex' Lipsius presents a morally guided, but secular- and 'reason of state'-minded monarchical rule as the best form of government. In the context of the Dutch Revolt against... more
De Lodovico Castelvetro a Alonso López Pinciano, la tradición de tratadistas de poética inspirados por Aristóteles contribuyó a enraizar un contraste entre poeta e historiador articulado en torno a la responsabilidad (y el privilegio) del... more