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This article outlines a systematic theory of style that aims to combine "social formalism" with narratology. Beginning with a reading of a little-known essay by Raymond Williams on the history of English novelistic prose, the article... more
This essay discusses the state-of-the-art in translational stylistics, looking at 1) different perspectives to the study of style in translation; 2) different concepts of style applied to translations, and 3) different methodological... more
The paper explores the corrupted idea of the American Dream in one of the greatest novels written on the topic, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Even though the pursuance of the American Dream stems from the idea of hard work and... more
This is a stylistic analysis of two novels published in Africa in the twenty-first century. Fifty years ago, when the publishing apparatus was controlled by the European colonial regime, an African writer not only had to have the creative... more
The paper focuses on some deviations information in the scriptures either old testament or new testament of the Bible. In addition to that, scholars have long recognized that even some of the books accepted into the canon are probably... more
Структурно-семантические особенности оксюморона в романе Дж. Оруэлла «1984» и его переводах Аннотация. Статья посвящена описанию структурно-семантических особенностей оксюморона в романе Дж. Оруэлла «1984» и его переводах на русский язык.... more
The first part of this work deals with multimodality in stylistics, drawing from social semiotics in its understanding of multimodality. A critical overview of multimodality in linguistic research is given, with special emphasis on... more
« Le tiret dans les Illuminations », Parade sauvage, n° 8, septembre 1991, p. 2-8.
This article attempts to reinstate the inherent rigor of “image” as a literary term by addressing the theoretical issues related to the image that W. J. T. Mitchell discusses in his encyclopedia entry and his articles on the concept. The... more
Hugo Claus (1929-2008) behoort tot de meest gelauwerde en bestudeerde auteurs in het Nederlandse taalgebied. Vanaf de jaren 1960 verschenen tientallen studies, waarin diverse aspecten van Claus' werk belicht worden. Een onderwerp waar... more
The article raises the question of the possibility of creating a typology of psychopathological characters, which are often found in the works of the writers of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The realism in describing mental... more
Psychoanalytische interpretatie van Bordewijks roman met speciale aandacht voor de stijl ervan, geschreven door Henk Hillenaar
Attached are a Table of Contents and a downloadable link for The VOICE of the CHILD in American Literature, written by MARY JANE HURST and published by the University of Kentucky Press in 1990. The first book-length study of the child... more
Chapter to appear in the HSK Handbook on Language and Emotion (ed. by Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng). Based on research in cognitive linguistics, cognitive poetics and stylistics, the chapter examines the... more
Reflections on and responses to Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”for discussion in Introduction to Literature class.
A film poem is a cinematic work which uses a written, often canonical poem as its inspiration. Film poems frequently exceed the likely intentions of the poet, becoming something new; one creative work is used as a springboard for another.... more
Tematem niniejszej książki są zmiany w zakresie semantyki i stylistyki, jakim ulega figura artystyczna wiatru w tekstach literackich niektórych twórców urodzonych w śródziemnomorskiej części Chorwacji. Już pobieżna lektura ich utworów... more
Dans Tendres Stocks de Paul Morand (1921), on lit qu’à tout solitaire « la voix humaine est nécessaire, comme le diapason de tous les autres sons ». En tant que lieu où s’exerce la parole, la voix est un élément majeur du système des... more
This paper suggests that "prose poetry" is a historically determined genre, and may not answer to current needs of describing some undefined forms of literary writing
Вводится понятие бистабильного текста-по аналогии с понятием бистабильных изображений в когнитивной психологии. Бистабильные тексты-это тексты, которые могут одновременно прочитываться в двух или нескольких не пересекающихся смысловых... more
I investigate Walcott's dynamics of textualized orality, in which print is disguised as speech so as to erase itself. Using the visual to suggest the oral, the poet deploys a range of rhetorical figures whose resemblances of sound and... more
На VI Меѓународна научна конференција „Меѓународен дијалог: Исток – Запад“ што се одржа во Свети Николе на 17 и 18 април 2015 година во организација на Меѓународниот славјански универзитет „Гаврило Романович Державин“, Ранко Младеноски... more
Il volume si propone di fare il punto sullo stato di salute di una disciplina il cui tramonto è stato più volte annunciato. In realtà la stilisti-ca prospera, continuando a mostrarsi necessaria per l'analisi e l'interpretazione di tutte... more
Neruda's Residence on Earth were poems published in three series. The third series Tercera residencia which was published by Losada: Buenos Aires in 1947 contained poems written during 1935-1945 and is popularly referred to in English as... more
Mathioudakis, Ν. & Karasimos, A. (2014). Dialectic and Idiomatic Aspects in "Odyssey" by Nikos Kazantzakis. In G. Kotzoglou, K. Nikolou, E. Karantzola, K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou, V. Kourti-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou & E.... more
Dans un premier temps, nous nous attacherons à répertorier ce qu’ont pu déclarer diverses personnalités du monde littéraire, culturel et de la critique sur le rapport de Cioran au style ; puis, dans un deuxième temps, on verra ce que... more
Claude Lévi-Strauss holds that history and anthropology difffer in their choice of complementary perspectives: history organizes its data in relation to conscious expressions of social life, while anthropology proceeds by examining its... more
C'est sous un titre délibérément provocateur qu'Apollinaire projette de publier en 1914 un Album d'idéogrammes lyriques et coloriés : « Et moi aussi je suis peintre ! ». On le sait, le petit recueil ne vit jamais le jour : les «... more
Media discourse is changing at an unprecedented rate. This book presents the most recent stylistic frameworks exploring different and changed forms of media. The volume collates recent and emerging research in the expanding field of media... more
Analyse critique destinée à faire redécouvrir Louise Ackermann, une femme de lettres du 19e siècle, injustement oubliée. Nous analysons ses poèmes et ses grandes thématiques, replacés dans leur contexte, si important pour comprendre une... more
Во македонската книжевна критика и воопшто во современата македонска книжевност значајно место зазема Венко Андоновски – писател, поет, есеист, драмски автор, публицист и универзитетски професор. Овој труд претставува осврт кон... more