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The co-relation between what design is and how design thinking can help achieve the exact definition of a product that is in the mind of a consumer. After numerous reading within the constraints of limited data and information at hand , I... more
Bu çalışma, çeşitli makaleler, kitaplar, ders notları, röportajlar ve daha önce incelenmiş örneklerden yola çıkılarak hazırlandı. Çalışma bu alandaki uygulamalara destek olmayı amaçlayan bir kaynak ortaya koymayı hedefledi. Çalışmada,... more
Innovation is crucial for the competitiveness of companies. With the complex use of innovation methods, products, quality and internal processes can be developed. Next to newer technologies and methods, emphasis should be placed not only... more
This is a working paper from the exploratory phase of Visions and Pathways 2040 project. The paper presents a scan of futures inquiry trends, an outline of recent advances in relevant theory, and critically reviews similar... more
The construct ‘value proposition’ is becoming evident in the world of design, as business and marketing intersect with the processes of design. Value proposition can be a powerful way of modelling ideas for products, rather than the... more
Innovation strategy enables organizations to remain relevant in a highly competitive arena by focusing the organization’s efforts on doing things differently. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of strategic... more
Zunehmend rückt Innovation in den strategischen Kern zur Sicherung der Überlebensfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Anpassungsfähigkeit der Organisationen ist dafür eine Voraussetzung. Diese Fähigkeit wird auch durch die individuellen... more
Attainment of organizational competitive advantage and the persistent enhancement of sustainable organizational performance is the central focus of many organizations. Although, there is still debate on the application of strategic... more
In an everyday perspective of resistance, there is a tendency to favor hu­man action and agency, both in the exercise of power or in the acts of resistance. The aim of this study is to examine material agency in every­day power-dynamics... more
Discussing the 'sustainability-innovation-digital technologies' relationship in connection to some of the latest developments in business management and strategy: 'cooperative' management model; strategic innovation (Blue Ocean Strategy);... more
Technologiemärkte stellen Unternehmen heute vor die Herausforderung beständig innovieren zu müssen, um im globalen Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Innova-tion wird somit weniger ein Element erfolgreicher Differenzierung sondern Kern-frage... more
Hi there! I am conducting a Management Development Programme on Strategic Innovation for corporate executives. Those who are interested may contact me at the id given in the brochure.
In technologiedominierten Märkten stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, beständig innovieren zu müssen, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Innovation rückt damit in den strategischen Kern und bestimmt die Überlebensfähigkeit der... more
En este ensayo presentamos en español los conceptos fundamentales y de aplicación de nuestro concepto de propulsión espacial prolongada y sus ventajas comparativas comparadas con los sistemas vigentes hoy. Se trata de un aporte... more
In an attempt to deal with challenges such as increased competition, the global economic crisis, and the pandemic crisis, cultural organizations increasingly tend to adopt business theories and tools. The present paper addresses this... more
This study manufacturing and service companies as one of the most important types of firms the activity is studied and the role of strategic innovation and open innovation on the performance of firms operating in the zone special... more
Duration: 3 days
Type: Residential
Venue: Management Development Institute Campus, Gurgaon
Dates: December 03-05, 2015
Who should attend: All who want to make themselves and their organisations an innovative.
Forward-thinking companies are stealing a march on their competitors by exploding the paradigm of the all-knowing leader, and making the most of their internal resources. Why it's time everyone else followed suit.
Purpose-The purpose of this research is to unveil effective SME marketing actions and strategies in terms of performance during post-crisis era of fragile economic conditions. This paper further examines the effects of IT Marketing... more
This paper relates to the basic design concept of applying Retro-Rotor Flywheel Propulsion (Eolic enhenced) to the NASP Space Plane design configuration.
Purpose –The purpose of this research is to unveil effective SME marketing actions and strategies in terms of performance during post-crisis era of fragile economic conditions. This paper further examines the effects of IT Marketing... more
This chapter examines innovation in the context of the small scale fashion industry. The chapter tells a story of the struggles of translating innovative ideas into material forms, and shows that the work of innovation consists of... more
Innovation strategy enables organizations to remain relevant in a highly competitive arena by focusing the organization’s efforts on doing things differently. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of strategic... more
Purpose –The purpose of this research is to unveil effective SME marketing actions and strategies in terms of performance during post-crisis era of fragile economic conditions. This paper further examines the effects of IT Marketing... more
Recommendations presented by Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas during the valedictory session of the 29th World Congress on Leadership for Business Excellence and Innovation organised by India's Institute of Directors and held in the Astor... more
This article sketches the evolution of Brazilian multinational companies, from the perspective of the development of Latin-American multinational companies, with respect to the process of globalization. With this article, we looked to... more
The purpose of this study is to investigation the relation between technology intelligence and strategic innovation in companies located in the pardis technology park. The study is a descriptive one; and it is based on a correlational... more
Customer satisfaction has been shown to be key in pursuing firm profitability, both in consumer and business markets. However, the relationship between customer satisfaction and the costs that a company incurs to obtain satisfaction has... more