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Most coreference resolution models determine if two mentions are coreferent using a single function over a set of constraints or features. This approach can lead to incorrect decisions as lower precision features often overwhelm the... more
The Stanford University logo is converted into a golden ratio logo.
Unlike most accounts of the origins of Silicon Valley, this essay insists that the valley today is rooted in the Gold Rush, and only through understanding this can scholars fully comprehend the roots of the innovation process that so... more
Documentos de archivo, noticias en prensa y retratos pictó-ricos y fotográficos permiten reconstruir el origen y el singular devenir histórico del aderezo de diamantes y esmeraldas fabricado en 1862 por Félix Samper para la reina Isabel... more
Many policies governing biobanks revolve around ownership and control of the materials and information in them. Those who manage biobanks may be tempted to seek the broadest legal rights possible over material and data. However, we... more
Page 1. Beyond Sustainable Development: Education for Gross National Happiness in BhutanEric Ezechieli Monograph International Comparative Education ... Education for Gross National Happiness in Bhutan Eric Ezechieli August 2003 A... more