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Community Psychology (CP) is a relatively young and marginalized discipline in Canada, with only four graduate programs, concentrated in two provinces–Ontario and Que ́bec. Recognising the need to develop cohesion and an identity as a... more
Résumé Tant au niveau planétaire qu’en Suisse, le Mouvement évangélique intrigue par sa croissance rapide. Selon Fath (chiffre de 2020), plus d’un chrétien sur quatre est protestant évangélique, ce qui représente environ 660 millions de... more
This magazine is intended to provide a comprehensive insight into the Creative Collections project. The project was funded from February 2018 to December 2020 in two phases of the program "Digitale Wege ins Museum" of the Ministerium für... more
This is a working paper from the exploratory phase of Visions and Pathways 2040 project. The paper presents a scan of futures inquiry trends, an outline of recent advances in relevant theory, and critically reviews similar... more
Following a discussion on the relationship between participatory planning, collaboration, and tourism visioning, this article describes the development of a tourism-specific visioning process. A case study of a facilitated tourism... more
This paper describes a futures method called the "Three Horizons " which enables different futures and strategic methods to be integrated as and when appropriate. The method is still in development. It differs significantly from... more
Directors, boards and business leaders face the challenge of pressure to recover from a widespread and deep recession caused by the impact of COVID-19 and Government and public responses to it without reverting to previous practices that... more
The bilingual publication Mapping the In-between: Interdisciplinary Methods for Envisioning Other Futures is the outcome of the international summer school that explored the potential of interdisciplinary mapping and utopian visioning as... more
Academic examinations of visioning, the active imagination of possible futures, have been largely overlooked in tourism studies. While a significant tradition of research on visioning exists outside tourism, particularly within urban... more
Mitte September 2011 besetzten ein paar Hundert Demonstranten unter dem Slogan „Occupy Wall Street!“ den Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan und benannten ihn in „Liberty Square“ um. Damit war der Startschuss für die sogenannte... more
A brief introduction to the EPW special issue (Aug 24, 2019) on 'Society and Technology Visioning in India'
The process of Vikalp Sangam (Alternatives Confluence) involves visioning of an ideal built on grounded initiatives, spanning the full range of alternative approaches to justice, equity, and sustainability. The focus is on India, but the... more
The formulation of policies requires the selection and configuration of effective and acceptable courses of action to reach explicit goals. A one-size-fits-all policy is unlikely to achieve the desired goals; as a result, the... more
Academic examinations of visioning, the active imagination of possible futures, have been largely overlooked in tourism studies. While a significant tradition of research on visioning exists outside tourism, particularly within urban... more
This contribution contains an analysis of the relationship between theory and practice in architecture, started from the particular similarity between scientific and design research and intended to nurture the debate around the possible... more
Throughout the United States, urban food systems are in suboptimal states that are not operating efficiently or equitably and thus do not support food security for all. Creating transformation to a more sustainable and desirable state... more
The paper reports on a comparative study of three different cases on vision and strategy development for climate change adaptation planning in (i) The South African Breede–Overberg Catchment, (ii) The Mississippi Estuary-New Orleans... more
How does the reflexive knowledge we develop about institutions and environments influence the expectations we might have about the future? The paper addresses this question in the context of Foresight in local governance. It describes a... more
Scenarios are powerful tools for stimulating creative thinking about the future. Scenarios are especially valuable for planning and decision-making in complex and uncertain circumstances. This paper presents how Scenarios and Visioning... more
Vom 9. bis zum 11. Juni fand zum fünften mal das Junge Forum für Bildwissenschaften der interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe »Bildkulturen« an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften statt. Die Tagung, zu der 14... more
Scenarios are powerful tools for stimulating creative thinking about the future. Scenarios are especially valuable for planning and decision-making in complex and uncertain circumstances. This paper presents how Scenarios and Visioning... more
Visioning exercises were convened in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, to explore how these cities could become low-carbon and maintain resilience over the next 25 years. Drawing on the concept of frames—in particular Schon and Rein’s... more
Although we are surrounded by dystopian stories about the age of the Anthropocene, the future does not have to be bleak. Seeds of alternative good futures occur in many places around the world and we can use these to help us think more... more
Although we are surrounded by dystopian stories about the age of the Anthropocene, the future does not have to be bleak. Seeds of alternative good futures occur in many places around the world and we can use these to help us think more... more
Scenarios are powerful tools for stimulating creative thinking about the future. Scenarios are especially valuable for planning and decision-making in complex and uncertain circumstances. This paper presents how Scenarios and Visioning... more
Seit Mitte November stehen am Tahrir-Platz in Ägyptens Hauptstadt Kairo wieder Zelte. Die Demonstrationen, die nach dem Rücktritt von Präsident Mubarak im Februar 2011 kurzzeitig abgeklungen waren, gewannen im Vorfeld der Parlamentswahlen... more
Scenarios are powerful tools for stimulating creative thinking about the future. Scenarios are especially valuable for planning and decision-making in complex and uncertain circumstances. This paper presents how Scenarios and Visioning... more
An overview of current issues and questions for directors and boards in relation to governance and sustainability. Explores the consequences, implications and relevance of contemporary approaches and possible future scenarios. Published... more
Motivations: - Explore academic concepts of community, visioning and universities' roles and responsibilities. - Develop a conceptual understanding of the St Andrews "community". - Identify how Transition: University of St Andrews... more
A strategic visioning slide presentation made at a comprehensive regional university. The powerpoint includes positioning statement, strategic goals, major initiatives, current/transitional/desired states, key themes points of inquiry,... more
This contribution contains an analysis of the relationship between theory and practice in architecture, started from the particular similarity between scientific and design research and intended to nurture the debate around the possible... more
Scenarios are powerful tools for stimulating creative thinking about the future. Scenarios are especially valuable for planning and decision-making in complex and uncertain circumstances. This paper presents how Scenarios and Visioning... more