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In the years 2008-2010 rescue excavations were conducted on site 20 in Górzyca, Słubice county. During these works they discovered, among others, a biritual cemetery of Roman period. Among 85 graves one of the most interesting was a... more
Products resulted by small medium entreprises needed by consumers are oriented to a large number of design variations, competitive prices, and relatively fast manufacturing time. The CNC router 3-axes machine, locally produced to be... more
" Colonial chroniclers marveled at the quality and variety of textiles produced at the Postclassic center of Cholula. As a principal market center, textiles were produced for tribute and exchange while other woven goods were manufactured... more
In this introduction the main research approaches applied to textile tools will be outlined. The ways in which the different groups of artefacts have been studied in the past will be investigated, as well as how more innovative approaches... more
Profound cultural changes occurred in the later 3rd millennium BC in many parts of the Aegean during the transition from the Early Bronze Age II to III (EBA II to III). These are for example observable in the drastic changes in... more
Mots-clés. Villa, artisanat, cuve, bassin, ensemble funéraire, pratique funéraire, dépôt, céramique, fusaïole, macrorestes, végétaux, faune, dendrochronologie, Divodurum, Médiomatriques. Résumé. Une opération archéologique (2011) a... more
This article presents a survey of the textiles from the Chalcolithic period in the southern Levant and discusses it in light of contemporary material from other regions. The textiles will be discussed in comparison to the early and middle... more
Prähistorische (hauptsächlich linearbandkeramische) Siedlungsfläche bei Grafensulz im niederösterreichischen Leiserberggebiet (Weinviertel, Bezirk Mistelbach). Überblick über die Besiedlungsverhältnisse anhand der typischen Keramik... more
In Windehausen konnte ein rechteckiges Grubenhaus aus dem Spätneolithikum mit einer Grundfläche von etwa 7 Quadratmetern dokumentiert werden. Das daraus stammende keramische Fundmaterial ist unverziert, es kommen doppelkonische... more
Yarns form the basis of most textiles, making spinning the cornerstone technique for almost all other textile techniques. Yet, historical spinning is still not fully understood. Early depictions of spinners show a very different body... more
Early medieval large glass beads from Poland: utilitarian and social functions Velké skleněné korále v raně středověkém Polsku: užitková a sociální funkce Aleksandra Pankiewicz-Sylwia Siemianowska The study focuses on the early medieval... more
Alongside the Morava, the border river between Austria and Slovakia, a significant historico-cultural area developed from the Prehistory on. Fertile soil pandered to the procession of formation of settlements. Good transportation routes... more
Spindle whorls are amongst the small objects most frequently recovered from Early and Middle Bronze Age cemeteries in Cyprus ( c. 2400–1650 BC ). Nonetheless, little has been done to investigate their meaning. This paper will explore the... more
This study focuses on the textile implements, notably the loom weights and spindle whorls, found at fortified hilltop settlements - a specific type of hillfort in Sweden. The sites included in the study are Boberget (Östergötland),... more
This paper discusses a recently discovered coin hoard in the German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabba Excavation Project. The copper-alloy coins date from the time of Alexander II Zabinas (129/128-124/123 BCE). The linen cloth in which the hoard was... more
This is an authorized preprint version of the respective chapter appearing in: S. Münger (ed.), Kinneret II,2 – The Early Iron Age. Report on Finds and Findings from Tell el-‘Orēme/Tēl Kinrōt, Excavations 1994–2008, Abhandlungen des... more
Abstract: Artifacts and products related to spinning became relatively abundant in the southern Levant during the latter half of the 5th millennium BCE. Contrary to widespread scholarly opinions wool was not used for yarn production. Flax... more
The paper presents fins from the settlement of the Funnel Beaker culture on Site 10 in Szumów, Puławy district (AZP 74-78/69). The site is located on sands, on the northern foreland of the Nałęczów Plateau, on the Lubartów Upland. On the... more
Vorlage von Realien betreffend die frühe Stofferzeugung im niederösterreichischen Waldviertel. Spinnwirtel und Webgewichte aus dem frühen Neolithikum (Linearbandkeramik). Solche Nachweise wurden in der Zwischenzeit im nördlichen... more
Vorgelegt werden prähistorische Siedlungsmaterialien aus dem östlichen Waldviertel (Niederösterreich). Fundorte: Frauenhofen, Strögen, Großburgstall, Mühlfeld, und Poigen (alle Bezirk Horn). Zeit: Neolithikum, Kupferzeit, Eisenzeit.
Zwei Berichte über eine bis dahin wenig bekannte frühgeschichtliche Siedlungsfläche, die sich im erhöhten Randbereich einer sumpfigen Niederung am Rande der Katastralgemeinden Gars am Kamp, Nondorf und Maiersch erstreckt. -- Siehe dazu... more
During the excavations in 1983-1985 carried-out by Sławomir Jastrzębski on Site 1C in Gródek, Hrubieszów district, 44 settlement structures of the Funnel Beaker culture and also an ditch and a pit of the Lublin-Volhynia culture were... more
This article argues that a renewed analysis of textile manufacture can bring a fresh perspective to approach the cultural transformations occurring in Cyprus during the mid-third millennium BCE and to investigate their significance. I... more
The archaeological site of Pyrgos (Belgiorno 2009) offers the opportunity to carry out archaeometric investigation on Bronze Age textile evidence. In 2003, during the excavation campaign, twenty spindle-whorls were found in the textile... more
Este informe presenta una muestra de malacates procedentes del sitio de La Peña, ubicado en el occidente de Mesoamérica. Los datos sugieren que La Peña fue un centro emblemático de producción textil en la Cuenca de Sayula durante el... more
The archaeological investigation of the Pyrgos site on Cyprus began in 1995, when the settlement of Mavrorachi was discovered near Limassol. In 1996 and 1997, the selected area was surveyed and exploratory digs were made. The... more
Abstract In this article the authors present a text edition of a pair of rituals that seek to delay a childbirth due in Nisannu until the following month. Hitherto the remarkable text has been known from just a single specimen from Assur... more
A summary report on the variety and functionality of the textile tools found at Bronze Age Tiryns, NE Peloponnese, Greece, published in E. Andersson Strand and M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Tools, Textiles and Contexts. Investigating textile... more
Spindle whorls and loom weights from the Pre-Roman and Early Roman Iron Age in Denmark have never been systematically studied, resulting in an unexploited potential of insight to the textile craft of the Early Iron Age. This essential... more
Vorlage von Gefäßresten der Notenkopfkeramik und der Lengyelkultur. Hervorzuheben ist als Sonderform ein aus einem notenkopfverziertem Gefäß geschnittener Spinnwirtel. In die Lengyelphase gehört der Kopf einer anthropomorphen Plastik. Es... more
As an archaeologist I was just as surprised to be asked to help introduce Susan Point: Works on Paper. All my forty-plus-year career I have specialized in waterlogged or wet sites, which preserve wood and fiber artifacts... more
In dem umfangreichen Fundmaterial der bronzezeitlichen Siedlung Monkodonja (Kroatien) befinden sich einige mehrdeutige Artefakte, die aus den Gelenkköpfen der Oberschenkel- und Oberarmknochen einiger Rinder hergestellt sind. Die Objekte... more