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"Daskyleion İlk Çağ Kenti'nde Ele Geçen Ağırşaklar Ve Dokuma Tezgahı Ağırlıkları" adlı yüksek lisans tezi çalışması, 1988-2020 yılları arasında Daskyleion’da bulunan ve Tunç Çağ’ından Orta Çağ’a kadar olan dokuma aletlerini kapsamaktadır.... more
Langjährige Begehungen erbrachten neben ganz geringen linearbandkeramischen Belegen nur solche der Lengyelkultur. An Sonderformen sind neben Miniaturgefäßen auch ein Scherbenwirtel (Spinnwirtel) zu nennen. Vielfältig ist auch das... more
Cremation graves were found northwest of Žadovinek near Krško in 1987. Rescue excavations uncovered 25 graves, containing Sirolo type pin, spirally twisted torc with pointed ends, circlets for hair with interlacing and pseudo-interlacing,... more
Th is article addresses several social and economic-orientated problems arising from the excavations at the Piges Koromilias Cave in North Greece. A brief report on selected finds, including lithic tools, bone and shell artefacts and... more
The original intention behind this paper was to give a general overview of the inscriptions on pottery from Hispania Citerior in the second and first centuries BCE. It shall instead describe their main characteristics and then focus on... more
El ser humano ha logrado a través del tiempo recrear el mundo a sus necesidades físicas y sociales, pasando de un ambiente hostil y salvaje a un confort que varía según cada sociedad. Para llegar al mundo que actualmente se tiene, se tuvo... more
A ceramic assemblage selected from a recently excavated Late Helladic settlement at Kastrouli (Central Greece) has been chemically analyzed and statistically elaborated, to add new information and contribution to the Mycenaean culture in... more
Weitere Siedlungsfunde aus einer weitläufigen Siedlungsfläche im östlichen Randbereich des niederösterreichischen Waldviertels. Neben latenezeitlicher und germanischer bodenständiger Keramik liegt auch römische Importware vor. Ein... more
Se publica una inscripción ibérica inédita sobre fusayola hallada entre los escombros de una habitación en el yacimiento de Puig Ciutat, cuyo final se fecha a mediados del siglo I a.E. El epígrafe plantea serios problemas de lectura por... more
In the course of wide-area excavations of Site 52 in Pawłosiów there were identified 26 spindle whorl of the Funnel Beaker culture in various state of preser­vation. In analysis of the collection a detail metric and quantitative... more
The archaeological research conducted during the winter of 2020 was determined by the construction of platforms for the extraction of oil and natural gas. Three areas were excavated, with a total surface of 495 m2. The discovered features... more
Alongside the Morava, the border river between Austria and Slovakia, a significant historico-cultural area developed from the Prehistory on. Fertile soil pandered to the procession of formation of settlements. Good transportation routes... more
Archeology, like other human sciences has been in constant search of knowledge, for this reason, it was necessary to incorporate new methods that allow to expand the range of analysis and information discovery to recover and understand in... more
In this study, the issues of aspects of power and power centres in the Middle Bronze Age in the eastern Carpathian Basin are briefly addressed. The nature and aspects of power is discussed, next to a survey of selected important sites of... more
Средневековые пряслица из раскопок Мангупского княжеского дворца (предварительное сообщение)
The Middle Iron Age (MIA) of southern Africa is a period characterized by increased social complexity centered on the polity of Mapungubwe. This article considers the role that fiber spinning played in the regional political economy of... more
The article publishes the results of investigating settlements specializing in pyrophyllite slate processing in in Pribitki microregion (Ovruch-Slovechno mountain-ridge, Ukraine). The structure of a unique cultural layer of settlements... more
The small finds presented here are almost always representative of the typical functions and activities of a settlement. At Kojtepa, at less than 50 km to South-West from Samarkand (Uzbekistan), a large amount of materials have been... more
Vorlage weiterer Siedlungsmaterialien aus dieser überregional bedeutenden linearbandkeramischen Siedlung. Keulenkopf, Spinnwirtel, Sägemerkmale an einem abgerolltem Steinstück. Keramik verschiedener Zeithorizonte mit Schwerpunkt des... more
Report on the stone objects and roofing stone from the medieval Wigmore Castle
Recent investigations at the site of Xuenkal on the plains north of Chichén Itzá provide evidence of the changing regional political environment during the Terminal Classic Period (A.D. 900–1000). This paper examines a collection of... more
The excavations carried out at Kardamaina, Kos by the University of Athens, have brought to light the remains of a Hellenistic temple dedicated to Apollo, along with an array of lesser structures related to the shrine, as well as a... more
Se publica una inscripción ibérica inédita sobre fusayola hallada entre los escombros de una habitación en el yacimiento de Puig Ciutat, cuyo final se fecha a mediados del siglo I a.E. El epígrafe plantea serios problemas de lectura por... more
Bachelorprojekt om tekstilredskaber i form af ten- og vævevægte i ældre jernalder. Tekstiler fra forhistorien har gennem det sidste århundrede været genstand for omfattende forskning. Det er dog først inden for de seneste årtier, at... more
A polished bone spinning set, composed of a truncated conical spindle whorl and a fragment of spindle rod, was found on the 4th century surface of the Via Decumana in the SE quadrant of the last stone fort at Vindolanda. Signs of wear and... more
In this article analyzed the collection of pyrophyllite’s spindle whorls that was discovered on the territory of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky region (Ukraine). Continuation of the publication: Spindle Whorls of pyrophyllite slate of Pereyaslavl... more