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In: Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, edited by Eva Andersson Strand and Marie-Louise Nosch
Summary. The burial site of Moshtcevaya Balka is located in the North-West Caucasus in a deep gorge in the upper course of the Bolshaya Laba river by the Labinsky mountain pass leading to Bzybsk Abkhazia. The burial site is known... more
Textiles comprise a vast and wide category of material culture and constitute a crucial part of the ancient economy. Yet, studies of classical antiquity still often leave out this important category of material culture, partly due to the... more
We investigate pattern and process in the transmission of traditional weaving cultures in East and Southeast Asia. Our investigation covers a range of scales, from the experiences of individual weavers ('micro') to the broad-scale... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
Textiles produced by Tai-Kadai peoples are widely admired and much studied, but to date there has been no comparative survey of weaving techniques. Looms and techniques are transmitted between generations in a conservative manner, and... more
The monograph Nørre Sandegård Vest includes one of the rare cemeteries of Late Iron Age in Denmark excavated in recent times (1987). It contains 59 male and female graves with distinguished equipment in the form of weapons and jewelry... more
The aim of this study is to collect evidence for textile recycling from a prehistoric and historic perspective. The basis are original textile finds and not, as might be expected, written or pictorial sources. The material presented here... more
Buckley C (2017) Looms, Weaving and the Austronesian Expansion. In: Cultural Exchanges in Monsoon Asia: Andrea Acri , Roger Blench and Alexandra Landmann (eds), ISEAS, Singapore. Weaving plays an important role in Asian cultures,... more
The kepse gol stands alone; there is no other Turkmen gol even remotely like it. This is enough to provoke questions about its origin and the author of this paper, Jack Cassin, delves into that issue and mystery.
Understanding the cultural diversity of the Nile valley has always been paramount to Nubian studies, but has proved particularly challenging for the Late Antiquity period when, in the span of eight centuries (c. 100-850 CE), the Kushite... more
Spinning and weaving were, in Viking Age Scandinavian societies, exclusively the domain of women. Woven in weaving huts (dyngja), textile production was associated with female embodiment, with beliefs about sorcery, fate, death, fertility... more
The purpose of this research is to explore the possibilities of using cartography to unpack lived spaces within social relationships. To do so I utilize biblical text along with epigraphy to explore the range of possibilities that connect... more
Dated back to 8000 years ago, the felting techniques were originated from the fiber processing skills used by nomadic tribes in ancient Central Asia. Xinjiang, located in Northwest China, is one of the earliest regions in China using the... more
Textile decorations spread all over Egypt during the New Kingdom not only due to the prosperity of the country's economy but also the expansion of the Egyptian Empire and the influence on textile decorations by foreign weavers. mainly... more
Die Geschichte der europäischen Mode reicht bis weit in die Antike zurück. Schon in den ältesten figürlichen Darstellungen und in Homers Ilias und Odyssee erscheinen Textil-Luxus und die Freude an schöner Kleidung als ein... more
This book deals with an issue that is central to the study of the classical past, namely, what were the driving forces behind the artistic activity that occurred in fifth century Athens--artistic activity of which we have many physical... more
O. SERGI, I Capitoli, Ordinazioni e Statuti dell’Arte della seta di Catanzaro e la produzione di manifatture seriche tra XVI e XVII secolo, in Capitoli Ordinazioni e Statuti dell’Arte della Seta di Catanzaro, a cura di O. Sergi,... more
Note: only a preview of the article is provided here, until the one-year moratorium period has elapsed. If you would like the full article, please contact me.
Статья посвящена характеристике текстильной культуры в позднем бронзовом веке Урало-Казахстанского региона. Под текстильной культурой понимается совокупность особенностей текстильного продукта и технологий его изготовления, обусловленная... more
The Incas carried out some of the most dramatic ceremonies known to us from ancient times. Groups of people walked hundreds of miles across arid and mountainous terrain to perform them on mountains over 20,000 feet (6,096 m) high. The... more
From 2000-2002, a salvage excavation was conducted to record and remove 397 burials exposed by a stadium redevelopment in the centre of the city of Brisbane, Queensland. These burials formed part of the North Brisbane Burial Ground which... more
Hundreds of years of excavations along the Nile Valley have yielded great amounts of ancient textiles from Egypt and Sudan, well preserved thanks to the arid climate. Settlement sites have shown textile fragments, archaeobotanical... more
El presente artículo tiene como propósito rastrear histórica y etnográficamente un gabán de uso exclusivamente masculino, tejido en telar de cintura en varias comunidades zapotecas del sur de Oaxaca, cuyo nombre es una derivación de la... more
From a cursory appraisal it is a simple step to assume that Minoan women's costume included a corset of varying degrees of tightness. This essay aims to show, however, that such an interpretation is based on a misunderstanding of the... more
Clothes are often considered mundane, but they play a crucial role in people’s lives beyond only providing protection from the heat and cold. The meaning of a piece of clothing changes the moment it is worn, as it becomes associated with... more
This article will discuss the findspots of cotton textiles and the location of their manufacture, questioning the origin of these different cotton fabrics, their provenance, and the route they took to their new owners. Through the... more
Notwithstanding more than 100 years of investigation and the collection of a significant amount of data, little positive provenance information has yet emerged to pinpoint the origins of most Oriental carpet designs. The author of this... more
Analisis de la coleccion de tejidos de la sociedad arqueologica Paracas Necropolis, reunida a principios del siglo XX por el doctor Julio C. Tello, que custodia el Museo de Arqueologia y Antropologia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de... more
Systematic excavations at the Castillo de Huarmey archaeological site, located on the North Coast of Peru, enabled researchers to collect an immense number of fabrics. During the first season of textile investigations, carried out in July... more
Scenes of textile production on Athenian vases are often interpreted as confirming the oppression of women, who many argue were confined to "women's quarters" and exploited as free labor. However, reexamination of the... more
One of the most famous antique carpets, the Dragon and Phoenix rug now in Berlin: Museum fur Islamische Kunst, inventory # I. 4, has been unconvincingly and vaguely attributed to the 15th century as the work of Qaraqoyunlu Turkmen... more