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Applicare le metodologie dell'analisi delle reti sociali all'ambito della ricerca storica può fornire una misura quantitativa quanto qualitativa a supporto degli storici. Nella fattispecie si vuole presentare uno studio in cui si è... more
"Nel Friuli patriarcale Cividale era solo una 'terra', ma la vocazione urbana - già visibile nella 'forma urbis' - era fortissima. Nel corso del Trecento il consiglio del Comune attuò una chiusura oligarchica: 'milites' e 'pedites'... more
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
MS 609 of the Bibliothèque municipale de Toulouse contains the registry of the largest known medieval inquisition, the so-called ‘Great Inquisition’ lead by two Dominicans at Toulouse between 1245 and 1246. Since its discovery in the... more
Il-Ḵh̲ānid Tabrīz became not only a nodal point in the spatial imagination of Christian merchants and missionaries, but was promoted even to a significant landmark in the Biblical and apocalyptic topography of 13th and 14th century... more
Women’s networks – their relations with other women, men, objects and place – were a source of power in various European and neighbouring regions throughout the Middle Ages. This interdisciplinary volume considers how women’s networks,... more
By the time the marble decoration of San Miniato al Monte was completed – much earlier than Giotto and Dante’s time – Florence had become an economic and military power. By studying thousands of notarial acts, the volume aims at... more
El enorme volumen de recursos fiscales percibidos por los monarcas castellanos a finales de la Edad Media en la Andalucía Atlántica permite considerar este espacio, en el que la ciudad de Sevilla ocupaba un lugar de centralidad, como uno... more
While Social Network Analysis (SNA) has become an accepted research tool in historical studies in the last decades, actual theoretical foundations for the approach to depict and analyse past social realities in the form of nodes and ties... more
Robert Gramsch Das Reich als Netzwerk der Fürsten Politische Strukturen unter dem Doppelkönigtum Friedrichs II. und Heinrichs (VII.) 1225–1235 Mittelalter-Forschungen, Band 40 Format 17 x 24 cm 456 Seiten mit zahlreichen... more
The ESSHC is a biennial International Conference that brings together historians and other scholars from across the world who are interested in studying the past using the methods of the Social Sciences. The programme is organised around... more
The social network analysis (SNA) is a promising instrument in medievistic research. In a weakly institutionalised face-to-face society concrete social relations and interactions were obviously very important. Particularly, historians are... more
Published in: Islam and Christianity in Medieval Anatolia, ed. by A.C.S. Peacock, Bruno De Nicola and Sara Nur Yıldız, all at the University of St Andrews, UK. Ashgate 2015... more
In the manuscript of the Greek sailor Michael of Rhodes, who served in the Venetian fleet from 1401 to 1443, the author also provides a list of names and places of origin of many of the oarsmen working on a ship which sailed from Venice... more
This is a 1000-word summary of my current postdoctoral research project funded by the Dutch Research Organization (NWO). This summary was first published on 25 January 2019 at Mittelalterblog:
Kommunikasjon, kontaktar og nettverk er viktige trekk ved dagens samfunn, der menneske, ressursar, gjenstandar og idear spreier seg over store avstandar. Også i fortidige samfunn var det kontaktar og samhandling på ulike nivå, lokalt,... more
The paper demonstrates the the application of concepts and findings of network theory (also without the use of quantitative models, since the source evidence is too fragmentary) provides new frameworks for the description of religious... more
In the latter half of the 12th century, the families of the groups overseeing the comuni forged widespread, implementable and strictly regulated military alliances. These alliances were organized around the control of tower houses.... more
From Metaphor to Method. Network Analysis as an Instrument for Research into Pre-Modern Societies The paper introduces an important and promising branch into the field of the rapidly evolving Digital Humanities, the Social Network... more
This year, from October the 11th to the 13th, the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM | NOVA-FCSH) and the municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing the III International Conference on the Middle Ages, under the theme: Inclusion and... more
El artículo presenta la reflexión metodológica y los resultados del enfoque que he aplicado para comprender los procesos sociales y políticos presentes en una fuente textual. El tema sobre el que se fundó el estudio fueron las... more
Connecting Medieval Music is a platform for the study of contrafacta of medieval Romance lyric. It constitutes a digital repertory of Occitan and French lyrics, as well as Latin, German, Italian, and Galician-Portuguese contrafacta... more
La correspondance de Gerbert, éditée par Pierre Riché et Jean-Pierre Callu, contient une dizaine de lettres adressées à divers moines et abbés aurillacois, entre 983 et 995. Hélas, nous ne possédons pas les missives expédiées par les... more
"Visualisations of the teacher-disciple network of Byzantine scholars for the period 1204-1453 CE; arrows indicate teacher-disciple relationships. In the second graph, individuals are ordered according to their distance from Nikephoros... more
Overview on the possibilities of quantitative research and Network Analysis for Medieval Studies. Three main focuses: * Quantitative data from the natural sciences: climatic and natural phenomena * Quantitative data from medieval... more
Der Volltext des Buchs ist jetzt in „Heidelberger historische Bestände - digital“ verfügbar (siehe DOI und Link). Abstract: The political system of the medieval German empire can be understood as a network of princely and comital... more
The scope of this research is that of revealing the interconnected nature of medieval Romance lyric by looking at musical imitations. In the Middle Ages, melodic imitation was an essential part of artistic creation as old melodies were... more
With the rapid growth of users in social networking services, data is generated in thousands of terabytes every day. Practical frameworks for data extraction from social networking sites have not been well investigated yet. In this paper,... more
A network of ports in late medieval Western Greece on the basis of the routes described in Portulan I (A. Delatte, Les Portulans Grecs. Paris 1947, p. 26-53); the ports are localized on the basis of P. Soustal, Nikopolis und Kephallenia... more
The network of transfer (total graph and detail view) of pieces of property ("feuda") between "Venetian" (red nodes) and "Greek" (blue nodes) aristocratic families in the region of Chania (Crete) between 1314 and 1396; nodes are scaled... more
This visualisation maps in a schematic way the (deliberate or forced) moblity of groups from the Northwestern Caucasus region identified as "Alans" as warriors, guard troops, mercenaries, Mamluks or slaves from the Mediterranean to Mongol... more
Das neue Projekt „Mapping Medieval Conflicts“ an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) untersucht Konflikte im Mittelalter mit digitalen Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse
The family of Olomouc burgesses the Salczars is at least for scholars dealing with medieval Olomouc well known. Th is one of the reasons why it is an ideal sample for analysis of self-representation and formation of social structure of... more
Between 1050 and 1130 the bishops of Parma were frequently absent from the city. The bishops Cadalus (1045-1072), Eberard (1072-1085) and Vido (1085-1104) all appeared in imperial armies for extended periods. Bishop Bernard (1104-1133)... more
Information on the life of the Armenian scholar Anania of Širak we gain from two of his texts; in one he describes how he as young student in the 630s, dissatisfied with the quality of education in his homeland, set out for Byzantium to... more
Medieval town’s topography reveals several aspects about the life of the societies that inhabited them, such as corporative organization, religious devotion and social stratification. Most of the occupations were concentrated in specific... more
The religiosity, as an integral part of the politic and economic life in Middle Ages is, nowadays, an unquestionable fact. However, only few studies make this association in the study of the urban medieval context, where, as will be... more