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Come abbiamo visto citando Marx, ciò che è dato per un paese è dato per il mondo intero, è solo una questione di tempi. Va da sé che bisogna tener conto del grado di sviluppo di una società per spiegare analogie e differenze. Essendo... more
„Tu deinen Mund auf und iss, was ich dir geben werde.“ Der Adressat dieser Anweisung ist der alttestamentliche Prophet Ezechiel, der von Gott angehalten wird, eine Schriftrolle zu essen, ihren Inhalt sich einzuverleiben und die sich auf... more
SEBASTIAN, Luís; BRÁS, Patrícia - Mosteiro de São João de Tarouca: História, Arquitetura e Quotidiano. Lamego: Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte/Museu de Lamego/Vale do Varosa. 2015.
The article presents the results of the architectural and archaeological research which was conducted in 2015 in the basement with a fragment of the enclosure cellarium of the former Cistercian Abbey in Trzebnica. After presenting a... more
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
The Diocesan library in Pelplin contains several manuscripts which originate from its mother monastery in Doberan. They probably came here with the first monks from Doberan to the newly founded monastery in Pogódki (1258) which moved to... more
SEBASTIAN, Luís - A faiança portuguesa no Mosteiro de S. João de Tarouca (séculos XVI-XVIII). In Actas do Congresso Internacional "Mosteiros Cistercienses: História, Arte, Espiritualidade e Património". Alcobaça: Jorlis, Edições e... more
Resumen El estudio del fondo bibliográfico de manuscritos que hubo en la biblioteca del Monasterio de Piedra es un asunto complejo. Tradicionalmente se ha afirmado que todo se perdió en la desamortización, pero esta afirmación es un... more
Klöster wirkten in die Welt. Der Band nimmt Phänomene in den Blick, in denen die Wirkmacht des klösterlichen Handelns zum Ausdruck kommt. Die Beiträge gehen der Frage nach, welche Möglichkeiten Nonnen und Mönche hatten, innovativ zu sein,... more
Aelred of Rievaulx's treatise "A Certain Wonderful Miracle" ends with 2 statements originally addressed to Saint Peter, crediting God with two kinds of action to an imprisoned young nun. Scholars have largely overlooked the first of the... more
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
The correspondence between King Roger II and Bernard of Clairvaux reveals that in 1140 ca. Cistercians moved to the Norman Kingdom with Elisabeth of Champagne, when she married the Duke Roger. Here, they established their first... more
This paper is concerned with identifying signs of a cultural and institutional crisis in early Cistercian collections of visions and miracle stories (ca. 1170 – ca. 1225). I analyze some of the themes of these literary productions in... more
This paper asks to what extent can Aelred's doctrine of spiritual friendship be considered a contextual theology?
Of all the human endeavors of the more than one thousand years of Western medieval culture, no single aspect looms so large in the mind of modern man as that of medieval art. Yet despite the vast number of studies that have been... more
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions in Art History, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2019) (a collection of thirty-nine original essays from leading and upcoming scholars in the... more
O antigo mosteiro cisterciense de N.ª Senhora do Desterro, apesar das vicissitudes que sofreu e da obscuridade em que permaneceu a história da sua construção permanece, ainda hoje, como um marco arquitectónico fundamental na imagem da... more
Dieser Führer durch das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Maulbronn mit seiner wunderschönen Klosteranlage behandelt ausführlich die Geschichte und die Beschreibung der Klausurbauten des ehemaligen Zisterzienserklosters, die hier in einzigartiger... more
« ‘Dieu et mon âme’. Le dernier cahier (février 1937-avril 1938) », Collectanea Cisterciensia 62 (2000), p. 101-153. (Traduction de l’espagnol de l’autobiographie de Rafael Arnáiz y Barón)
This article aims to study two illuminated liturgical manuscripts from the monastic library of Alcobaça, a Collectary – ritual (Alc. 166) and a Psalter-hymnal (Alc. 11), both from the late twelh century. e analysis of its liturgical... more
The essential problem for the study of Bernard’s Apologia ad Guillelmum (1125), the most important document pertaining to the medieval attitude toward art, has been that scholars have felt it does not specifically name one monastery or... more
Este artigo apresenta um projeto de investigação de Pós Doutoramento, agora terminado, que estudou um conjunto de manuscritos iluminados produzidos no Mosteiro de Alcobaça. Começa por abordar as características dos trabalhos de... more
Collected volume exploring the medieval cult of the Irish saint Sunniva, patron of Bergen and Western Norway whose relics were translated from the island of Selja to Bergen in September 1170. These essays explore the development of the... more
This new German translation of "De Spirituali Amicitia" is comfortably to read, edited by Cistercian monks of the Abbey Heiligenkreuz (Austria) - published at EOS, St. Ottilien (Germany) 2018. Aelred's conversations about spiritual... more
O Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaça, Património Mundial da UNESCO desde 1989, constitui um caso de estudo no âmbito do vandalismo do Património em Portugal. Apesar de existirem vários estudos sobre os acontecimentos que ocorreram no... more
A cura di Giovanni Paolo Maggioni, Roberto Tinti e Paolo Taviani. Secondo quanto testimonia un’ampia tradizione medievale, il Purgatorio di san Patrizio è quel luogo – le cui tracce si ritrovano fin nella moderna letteratura europea, dal... more