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"Un luogo dopo l'altro. Arte site-specific e identità locazionale" di Miwon Kwon - introduzione di Francesca Guerisoli -  traduzione italiana di "One Place after Another"
postmedia books 2020 - isbn 9788874902460
Touching impermanence describes the experiential moment in an art encounter when​ one senses the enchanted reality of one's interconnections wit the sentient matterflow​ of existence. All matter in existence is constantly vibrating,... more
The Barkley Marathons is an infamously brutal endurance trail race, having only been completed by 15 runners in its 30-year history. It takes place in the rugged Appalachian Mountains of eastern Tennessee, is approximately 130 miles long,... more
Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces, international meeting/conference and exhibition on walking arts, in collaboration between Lab2PT / UMinho - Made of Walking (VII) and the City of Guimarães - Portugal. Below you can read the announcement... more
A comunicação é um recorte da pesquisa de mestrado, que investigou certas práticas artísticas a partir da década de 1960 que puseram em xeque o sentido e o lugar comumente praticados pela arte ao engendrarem uma nova consciência do... more
This paper will examine how site, sponsor, and audience impact the inherent meaning and function of an artwork. In studying three recently completed commissions by artist Katharina Grosse, it is clear how traditionally non-art-related... more
Il contributo intende trattare alcuni aspetti relativi all’arte poliedrica dell’artista sarda Maria Lai, considerata una delle menti più dinamiche e significative nel panorama dell’arte contemporanea, attraverso l’analisi di alcune sue... more
"The Unfixed Landscape" pairs the landscape photography of Meghann Riepenhoff and Matthew Brandt. While the physical practices of these artists vary—one develops cyanotypes while the other works with chromogenic prints—both are intent on... more
In 1994 I organized an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It included seven artists, among them Rachel Whiteread. It was inspired by frequent visits to New York galleries, where there seemed to be more women artists... more
This article proposes the term ‘site-situational’ art or performance as a meaningful shift beyond ‘site-specificity’ and as a way to develop forward-moving and relational understandings of place. While place falls prey to Western,... more
In this anthology chapter, I relate Miwon Kwon's different definitions of sites and site specificity to the field of street art. The case being studied is a photograph of two stencil works by the British artist Banksy and the artist... more
Despite its massive presence on the world s art scenes and in international exhibition catalogues and coffee table books on contemporary art, and despite its obvious popularity among practising artists, audiences and art institutions... more
Whilst the majority of research and practice in the field of augmented reality (AR) concerns supplementing visible reality with virtual imagery, the concept of AR is not limited to such. What augments and is being augmented can be aural.... more
Approaches to the multichannel spatialisation of electroacoustic music are described here with reference to musical case studies which focus upon the expressive functions of space and the theatricality of sound diffusion in an acousmatic... more
In Land/Scape/Theater, 94-118.  Ed. Elinor Fuchs and Una Chaudhuri.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002.
Shing-Kwan Chan cites examples of performances that took place at the Great Wall in the 1990s and how the body and the individual were inserted into this historical and political monolith in order to confront the visible and invisible... more
This paper looks at the notion of site-specific art projects, in particular through the work of the late Michael Asher.
The current research essay forms a critical reflection on walking praxis and its aesthetic implications; bringing together artistic, performative, philosophical and technological threads. In this short textual account, thinking resembles... more
Part of a 2010/2012 project using text, photography, audio, walking (and latterly locative media) to explore Almscliffe Crag, North Yorkshire. Developed for the Harrogate International Festival Fringe. Audio and downloads available... more
1960’lı yıllar estetikten çok kavramın ön plana çıktığı ve sanat medyalarında farklı üretim alanlarının ve türlerinin görüldüğü bir dönemdir. Çeşitli ifade biçimlerinin ortay çıktığı bu dönemde lif sanatı kavramı da... more
A short essay on South African art collective Gugulective, commissioned for Entry Points: The Vera List Center Field Guide on Art and Social Justice No. 1, edited by Carin Kuoni and Chelsea Haines (2015), 228pp, 153 illus. ISBN:... more
Blog entry on artist Richard Long, Walking, Performance Art, Colonialism, Measurement.

(click on the link above to view the paper online)
Contemporary public discussions on graffiti are characterized by the co-existence of contradictory claims. On the one hand graffiti is described as vandalism, and on the other as an artistic movement. Michel Foucault’s discourse theory,... more
Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt was offered an opportunity that would make any performer swoon: a star role in the ground-breaking film The Jazz Singer (1927). Yet Rosenblatt refused this artistic opportunity of a lifetime. This paper... more
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Inchiesta about the exhibition “Street Art – Banksy & Co. L’arte allo stato urbano” in Bologna and the resultant removal by the Italian artist Blu of all his remaining... more
"Project Unité" è una mostra tenutasi nell'estate del 1993 nel sud della Francia in uno degli edifici più rappresentativi dell'ultimo periodo di Le Corbusier, il complesso residenziale di Firminy-Vert. Si tratta del primo tentativo di... more
Art deployed using the augmented reality medium is doing so from a micropolitics that distances itself from the uses of these same technologies elsewhere, such as in gaming, advertising, or entertainment paradigms. However, the current... more
Out of the Ruins is a practice-led PhD that interrogates the concept of inspirited landscapes in an Australian context. Inspirited refers to the spirit of a site that may be enlivened by invoking the memories and histories that lay... more
Examining the skyspace by James Turrell, 'Seldom Seen' (2004) in Houghton Hall, Norfolk through the lense of Turrell's commissions and the international distribution of the skyspaces. How is it that he can reproduce the same thing but... more
Τόμος: 10 χρόνια Performance Now Επιμ. Αυγητίδου Αγγελική ISBN 978-618-83267-9-8 Η ανθρώπινη εμπειρία είναι βαθιά χωρική, μια ταλάντωση μεταξύ σώματος, μέρους, ροών και ρυθμών. Τα σώματα αισθάνονται, νιώθουν και κινούνται στο τοπικό,... more
This paper was first presented at the winter symposium “Feminist Philosophy: Rethinking Public Space,” which took place at Oslo University, March 8-10, 2018.