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The Japanese dance style of butoh provides a rich co-mingling of traditional Japanese dance movements with a new cultural and artistic expression developed in the post-war avant-garde period. The focus of this project will be an analysis... more
The dance form contact improvisation (CI) emphasizes attention to sensation as a first step in sourcing physical movement. As a study of physics and materiality that is conducted expressly through the body as instrument and indicator,... more
Amagatsu Ushio, the founder and artistic director of Sankai Juku, is an artist who ruminates through the process of sedimentation: dripping and dropping superfluous thoughts. Quotidian aesthetics and social topicalities have never seeped... more
Paper in Spanish on Butoh dance.

Author: Ezequiel D´León Masís Alumnus / Course: Exploring Japanese Avant-Garde Arts Through Butoh Dance Paper written in Spanish
-Definitive version
publié dans le collectif « PSYCHISME ET CRÉATION » coll. Alternatives Psychanalytiques, éditions L'Esprit du Temps, 2002 - un essai sur le butoh, puis dans la collection Prophète en son pays, ed. Origine Il est difficile de donner une... more
Savaş sonrası Japonya’sında ortaya çıkan öncü bir dans olan butō, bedenin özel bir kavranışına dayanan kendine özgü bir estetiğe sahiptir. Bu estetik, ana akım dansın “ideal beden” anlayışının tersine, modern yaşamın bir sonucu olarak... more
“Being Ma” lives at the nexus of ma and the lived body. (1) Of Shinto Zen origin, 'ma' concept of spacetime permeates traditional forms of Japanese Fine Arts. (2) The essence of 'ma' reappears in the contemporary Butoh dance philosophy,... more
「津田信敏と近代舞踊」 概要: 津田信敏(1910~1984年)は日本で今日用いられている「現代舞踊」 という言葉を最初に使った舞踊家だ。土方 や若松美黄といった前衛 的な舞踊家に影響を与えたことでも知られている。しかし彼の生涯を 記録した資料は長い間整理されてこなかった。そこで、当時を知る舞 踊家たちや津田の関係者らのインタビューなども用いながら、その歩 みをまとめた。  津田の原点は青山学院時代に学んだ児童劇と子どものダンスにある。... more
The Difference Butoh Makes: A Practice-Based Exploration of Butoh in Contemporary Performance and Performer Training By Frances Barbe. Phd By Practice By Publication. Faculty of Humanities, School of Arts - Drama, University of Kent,... more
This paper offers a discussion about ethics of performing the Other within butoh in American.
A critical commentary that presents and contextualizes a film and video making practice spanning three decades. It locates a contemporary visual music practice within current and emerging critical and theoretical contexts and tracks back... more
PhD thesis, 2008, Victoria University, supervised by Elizabeth Dempster A practice-led research project, this exegesis discusses the live site-based performance works, their process of making and theoretical context. The performance... more
Il butō, prima ancora di definire il proprio nome, ha profondamente scosso la scena giapponese degli anni ‘50 qualificandosi come un’eresia in grado di sovvertire le norme teatrali sedimentate. Lungo percorsi palesi e sotterranei, in uno... more
O dossiê DIÁSPORAS DO CORPO DE CARNE, organizado por Éden Peretta compõe o segundo número da Ephemera - Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (PPGAC / UFOP), Brasil.
Being Ma lives at the nexus of ma and the lived body.1 Ma concept of space-time permeates traditional forms of Japanese Fine Arts.2 The essence of ma reappeared in the contemporary Butoh dance philosophy, and through it migrated as a... more
English Summary In the book Present with the body. The technique of Polish butoh dancers I cover the practices of Polish butohh dancers and I create amodel of butoh training. The analysis of available material led me to the conclusion... more
This paper considers the affective creation in two dances of death in the contemporary gothic. In Japanese butoh, a performance Steven Bruhm reminds us means the “dance of utter darkness,” performers act without affect in horrific... more
The purpose of this endeavor came from my interests in how differing Western representations of the female body are disrupted by some contemporary artists. Over the course of my research, I examined French performance artist ORLAN whose... more
In both improvisation and butoh practice, habit is often referred to negatively, restricting ones creative capabilities. However within flow studies in positive psychology, habit is constitutive of optimal experience. How then can this... more
La danza butoh suele identificarse con el uso de pintura blanca sobre los cuerpos. Sin embargo, las reelaboraciones de esta expresión dancísticoteatral de la vanguardia japonesa, en Argentina, presentan cierto desvanecimiento de esta... more
How does the representation of bodies change in times of war? How can dance be political activism? This paper considers the dances of Hijikata Tatsumi and Mary Wigman in relation to their experiences of war, and explores their... more
Active from the 1960s onward, Tsujimura Kazuko (1941-2004) was an avant-garde dancer who aimed for a "dance without body, without dancing." This paper examines how Tsujimura sought, unconsciously or consciously, to reveal how the body was... more
Desde sus comienzos, la danza butoh tiene como búsqueda poner en problemas, generar preguntas y movimientos en l_s espectador_s. Para hacer esto, l_s mism_s bailarin_s buscan llegar a estados corporales que los saquen de su cuerpo... more
Abstract Minus Theatre: scenes, elements experiments with theatre as the art, method and technique, to explore processes of individuation. It entitles a PhD thesis, undertaken at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), consisting of... more
by Lenka Klimesova, master thesis, Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversitat Linz, Austria, 3.6.2014 The practical and theoretical part of the thesis deals with the topic of mimesis. It focuses primarily on themes such as mimicry, mask,... more
The works of Natalia Goncharova are seen mostly as creativity for the theatre with the robust limit to her Rayonist style to 1914. I find that her work compounds the mystical mindset of seeing the people and nature as she took some ideas... more
Dolgozatom vizsgálati fókuszába egyrészt Heinrich von Kleist A marionettszínházról című művészetelméleti írását helyezem, ami nem a hagyományos romantikus esztétika-felfogást tolmácsoló szövegként tárul az olvasó elé. Paul de Man... more
This practice-led-thesis draws on an existing Japanese movement practice called suriashi, which translates as sliding foot. Suriashi is a specific gender codified walking technique in classical Japanese dance and theatre, and an important... more
This essay explores various strategies of disfiguration and the art of disappearing in the dance and notes of Kō Murobushi - a dancer who seemed to remain constantly sceptical and hostile against all paradigms of representation. One... more
This research project physically and theoretically investigates a relationship between body and place, via site-specific performance-making processes in diverse Australian sites. It encompasses the creation of two live performances and a... more
o presente texto é uma tradução do manifesto publicado no Japão por Tatsumi HIjikata em 1961, originalmente intitulado Keimusho e (刑務所へ). A versão da qual os tradutores se basearam é a publicada em inglês pela revista TDR/The Drama Review... more
O trabalho que ficou conhecido como obra inaugural do Ankoku Butô de Tatsumi Hijikata foi nomeado Cores Proibidas, fazendo uma alusão direta ao título do romance escrito por Yukio Mishima. Deste ato proposital, surgiu uma amizade entre... more