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My MLitt dissertation is concerned with how connections between human and nonhuman objects, hyperobjects and temporality are represented in contemporary anthropocene literature, namely Ben Lerner's novel 10:04 and Tom McCarthy's Satin... more
Print version of PhD Thesis. This practice-based project investigates modalities of performing eco-aesthetic assemblages across the modern nature―culture divide. Assemblages are here understood as non-hierarchical associations between... more
Listen to the Landscape, Humanature, The Anthropocene, Climate Control, Under Pressure, Breaking Nature
In this interview, I pursue with Chin the idea of his work as a “posthumanist” form of art, not only in terms of its thematic occupation with the natural environmental, ecological welfare, and technological development, but also in terms... more
Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces, international meeting/conference and exhibition on walking arts, in collaboration between Lab2PT / UMinho - Made of Walking (VII) and the City of Guimarães - Portugal. Below you can read the announcement... more
Az Inconnu csoport esetében a környezetvédelem így szorosan összekapcsolódott az államszocialista rendszer kritikájával, és elsősorban abból a szempontból vált fontossá, hogy olyan ügy volt, amin keresztül sikeresen, sokakat megmozgatva... more
Interview about The Edge of the Earth, Climate Change in Photography and Video, group show curated by Bénédicte Ramade for the Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto, September 14th-December 4th 2016
Rereading Walter Benjamin's often overlooked theme of preservation in his work, we offer an interpretation of an art installation that appeared in the winter of 2018 in The Heidelberg Project in Detroit, Michigan, USA. By interpreting... more
Short essay on Susan Goethel Cambpell for Penland Gallery exhibition folio.
Author, poet and art historian John K. Grande is one of Canada's most widely published art critics. His essays have appeared in various art periodicals and gallery publications and are often concerned with postmodern attitudes toward... more
Since the beginning of its history, Environmental photography has been exploited for the sake of politics purpose in the United States. This “fair use” is part of the DNA of this photography, a genre that mixes landscape and nature... more
In this video blog Florian Mussgnug discusses Leone Contini's art intervention in public space 'Foreign Farmers', presented in Palermo in 2018 during the itinerant biennal art exhibition Manifesta.
chapter from Multispecies Salon, ed. Eben Kirksey, published by Duke University Press in 2014
The artwork of Brandon Ballengée can be analysed as a re-materialized form of post-digital Media Art, taking into account historical accounts of media as milieu stemming from the natural sciences, and using frogs as living measuring... more
Ecologies of Landscape gathers work by nine highly accomplished artists from Canada and abroad to re-imagine our perceptual, aesthetic, and ethical relationships with our home planet. In diverse media and from a variety of cultural and... more
How can we reconcile with the publicly demonised material Plastic, to engage with a new ecological aesthetic that thinks beyond the archaic eco-artistic language of green environmentalism? This essay intends to look at how contemporary... more
Editorial, Ecozon@ Creative Writing and Art Section
Special Focus Issue, Spring 2015: European New Nature Writing
Esthétique environnementale, art écologique, les expressions ne manquent pas pour circonscrire un champ de recherche relativement nouveau en France, mais en formation depuis longtemps outre-Atlantique. Il y est question d’esthétisation... more
Finished article can be found here: Based on fieldwork in Japan and Hong Kong, this paper asks how methodological cosmopolitan-ism, as formulated by Ulrich Beck, may afford new... more
'Out of Order: The Collages of Louise Nevelson' is the first comprehensive study dedicated exclusively to Louise Nevelson’s work in collage. The book, published as a collaboration between Fondazione Marconi and Mousse Publishing, takes as... more
The exhibition mentioned in the title of my essay was on display in Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, between 2005 and 2006. It was conceived as a travelling exhibition; therefore it was shown in various institutions of United... more
[ES] El proyecto artístico `Monumento a la Permacultura' es una investigación sobre el arte ecológico y el arte colaborativo como técnica para maximizar la empatía con los problemas del cambio climático en la cooperación al desarrollo.... more
Public art, unlike works of art created for galleries and museums, is often cast by well-meaning artists and curators into situations that make it vulnerable to the vicissitudes and vagaries of urban planners and civic administrators.... more
A variety of artists today are working with geoaesthetics and/or long-term scales of thinking that relate to geological processes or geological timescales. Volcanism, earthquakes, weathering and/or the stages of change in plate tectonic... more
A review article about Irish-based New Zealander Cathy Fitzgerald's doctoral creative practice research into an expanded ecological art practice, which she refers to as 'eco-social art practice'. This draws from review of pioneering... more
The term “climate change” suggests a departure from the long-established planetary norms of the Holocene into today’s accelerating changes in the atmosphere, land, and oceans. Climate scientists agree that the accumulating... more
The Extinct Birds Project started in 2015 after I saw a drawer full of extinct birds at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History. On the clean white paper were the bodies of seven extinct birds and around a dozen other... more
Book review of "The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Climate Change," eds. T. J. Demos, Emily Eliza Scott, and Subhankar Banerjee. London: Routledge, 2021.
Stare into the Caffenol to Reveal your Future is a blueprint for an ecological future for photography, inspired by London Alt Photo Collective's sustainable darkroom residencies. Featuring interviews from analogue photographers, the paper... more
Nature (ziran) has been a key concept in Chinese art, yet the ‘nature’ celebrated in Chinese shanshui paintings and gardens are already abstract inventions, bearing only tenuous connections with the physical world beyond human habitation... more
The sounds of the natural world have served as a key source of musical inspiration for composers throughout history; and for the last century, recording technology has enabled the utilisation of the sounds themselves as compositional... more
For decades, artists have been caught up with the still growing call for more ecologically viable ways of living, with practices often referred to as ‘eco-art’ as the generic term. However, this is mostly a history written from the world... more
Recent years have seen an exponential increase in the number of composers and sound artists directly responding to global environmental issues, such as biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change, through their creative practice. The... more
In relation to literary ecocriticism, ecocritical analysis of visual art is in a nascent stage. Despite, or perhaps due to, the centrality of idealized representations of nature in the history of art, and also because of the dominance of... more
Different forms of selfhood enacted in the TV and filmic endings of the anime Evangelion can be revealed by building on Donald Crafton’s typology of performance of/in animation of “embodied acting” and “figurative acting.” Embodied acting... more
Review of The Ethics of Earth Art by Amanda Boetzkes.
"As a life-giving but also potentially destructive substance, water occupies a prominent place in the imagination. At the same time, water issues are among the most troubling ecological and social concerns of our time. Water is often... more
We propose a model which argues that aesthetics is based on biosemiotic processes and introduces the non-anthropomorphic aesthetics. In parallel with habit-taking, which is responsible for generating semiotic regularities, there is... more