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Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
In diesem Artikel werden zunächst die Gruppenbezeichnungen sowie die inhaltlichen Hinweise zum Zelotentum innerhalb der Schriften des Flavius Josephus untersucht. Die hieraus gewonnenen Grundmuster dieser gewaltsam-revolutionären Strömung... more
It is not often that the three disciplines of archaeology, ancient history and epigraphy come together to illuminate a particular event. But this is precisely what happens in the case of Masada. The desert fortress built by Herod the... more
This is an extract from my new book, Messiah ben Joseph. It's the largest book ever written—and the first ever in English—on Messiah ben Joseph, the slain messiah of Rabbinic Judaism. It traces Messiah ben Joseph, from his origins in the... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Ritual baths (miqwa’ot) built adjacent to winepresses and olive-presses have been unearthed at about twenty sites dating to the Second Temple period, most of them in Judea and the environs of Jerusalem. While much has been written in... more
The myth of he Two United Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and the more interesting case of urban and military development on the periphery of the hill country. A land of many religions. The beginnings of states in the hill country under the... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
Almost throughout its development and duration, the Jewish revolt was approached by the Roman administration with an attitude completely opposed to that generally witnessed in the subjugation of other provincial revolts. Various aspects... more
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
La prima guerra giudaica coinvolse l'Impero Romano fra il 66 e il 70 d.C., durante l'impero di Nerone. La rivolta si scatenò nel 66 a Cesarea, dapprima per dissapori religiosi fra la comunità greca e quella giudaica in Palestina,... more
This article examines the heritage destruction undertaken by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. To date, their iconoclasm has been mostly characterised either as acts of wanton barbarism devoid of religious or political... more
Intensive concern for the proper observance of the Levitical purity laws was characteristic of various Jewish groups living in Judea during the late Second Temple period. The purity laws, concentrated in the Priestly Code (mostly in Lev... more
In order to describe the origin of the sectarian movement in the Dead Sea Scrolls, it is necessary to distinguish between writings that have been adopted by the movement and writings that have their origin within the movement. Obviously... more
Ephrem, one of the earliest Syriac Christian writers, lived on the eastern outskirts of the Roman Empire during the fourth century. Although he wrote polemical works against Jews and pagans, and identified with post-Nicene Christianity,... more
The incomplete phrase ] פרשנו מרוב הע [ from 4QMMT is often read as פרשנו מרוב העם . Translated as “we have separated ourselves from the multitude/majority of the people,” this line stands at the heart of many discussions concerning the... more
A Toseftan story tells of Baba ben Buta, a disciple of the house of Shammai, intervening in the logistical execution of sacrificial rituals to achieve a practical legal outcome according to the position of Beit Hillel. This article lends... more
This foreword to the re-issuing of "The Book of Acts in History" by Henry J. Cadbury (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004--first published in 1955) describes the historiographic contribution of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament... more