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« Rendez à César ce qui est à César et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu » : cette phrase bien connue des Évangiles s’éclaire d’un jour nouveau à mesure que se poursuivent les enquêtes historiques portant sur la fiscalité en Judée du tournant de... more
Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
The rhetorical impact of the explicit and allusive references to Gerizim and Jerusalem in the first seven books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis-Judges) implies that all these writings originate from the territory of Ephraim, and not from... more
In diesem Artikel werden zunächst die Gruppenbezeichnungen sowie die inhaltlichen Hinweise zum Zelotentum innerhalb der Schriften des Flavius Josephus untersucht. Die hieraus gewonnenen Grundmuster dieser gewaltsam-revolutionären Strömung... more
The new evidence for redating the period of office of Pontius Pilate is discussed. Pilate's mandate period is redated to A.D. 15-36 in line with some of the unusual governorships of the Tiberian period.
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Wounded Israeli soldier, Adam Zertal (1936-2015), became a giant in the field of modern biblical archaeology - this article honors his memory and highlights his important life's work and discoveries in Judea and Samaria, namely Joshua's... more
It is not often that the three disciplines of archaeology, ancient history and epigraphy come together to illuminate a particular event. But this is precisely what happens in the case of Masada. The desert fortress built by Herod the... more
This article aims to expand the possibilities of research about the historical John, the Baptist, suggesting new reading-keys for the phenomenon of formation of a Jewish resistance movement in Roman times, particularly the movement of... more
This article aims to understand the context of action of the movement of John, surnamed the Baptist, a Jewish leader who lived, approximately, at the same time of Jesus. The goal is to critically analyze, through the remnants of memory... more
When and why washing became immersion: between traditional-rabbinic and scientific-critical approaches to the origin of immersion and the mikveh.
This paper describes new research related to countermarks struck on Judean prutot. The author discusses the coins, the countermark types and styles, the countermark types’ relationships to the coin types, their relative quantities, their... more
The present study explores the origins of Jewish ritual immersion – inquiring when immersion first appeared as a rite of purification and what the reasons may have been for this development specifically at this time. Textual and... more
No history of a population is, probably, as ‘mysterious’ as the Roma (“Gypsy”) people. However, the contemporary mitochondria, DNA, phylogenetic and population history research confirms the Classical Greek writers such as Herodotus’... more
Early Church Historians spare no efforts in blaming Emperor Nero for the Great fire of Rome.Nero,on the contrary blamed the Christians for the fire and persecuted them.Who is the real culprit? Christians or Nero?A journey into the history... more
A fonte mais conhecida e estudada sobre a Primeira Guerra entre judeus e romanos, certamente é Bellum Iudaicum de Flávio Josefo. Esta se trata da obra mais consultada quando queremos estudar as relações estabelecidas entre os judeus e os... more
Following the removal of soil fill and stones from the Temple Mount compound and their dumping in heaps at several sites in the Jerusalem area, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) conducted an inspection of their contents and nature.... more
Ritual baths (miqwa’ot) built adjacent to winepresses and olive-presses have been unearthed at about twenty sites dating to the Second Temple period, most of them in Judea and the environs of Jerusalem. While much has been written in... more
Resumen La Revelación de Gabriel es una inscripción pétrea encontrada en el lado jordano del Mar Muerto de carácter mesiánico. Se basa en la exégesis de Daniel, al igual que otros textos de Qumrán que proclaman la divinidad del Mesías.... more
Horvat ‘Ethri – Boaz Zissu and Amir Ganor Horvat ‘Ethri is located in the Judaean Shephelah, on an elongated ridge. It was founded at the end of the Persian period and inhabited through the Hellenistic period. The village was at its... more
The aim of this paper was to comparatively analyze some (Proto)Indo-European and Oromo-Cush phonological, lexical and grammatical items and roots. It was triggered by competing debates and models on (Proto-)Indo-European ((P-)IE)... more
Klein, E., Sion, O., Ganor, A., Hamer, H., Cohen, H. and Amichay, O. 2020. 'Go Go to the Desert' – Preliminary Results from the Two First Seasons (2017-2018) of Judean Desert Caves Archaeological Project (JDCAP). Editors, Abadi-Reis, Y.,... more
L'analyse des textes évangéliques mentionnant la rumeur montre que celle-ci était un élément bien intégré dans le fonds traditionnel concernant Jésus. Que Jésus ait été l'objet de la rumeur s'accorde par ailleurs avec le fait que les... more
The paper offers a general overview of the coins minted by the kings of Idalion in Cyprus during the first half of the 5th century BC. The kings of Idalion adopted the local Cypriot weight standard for their silver coins, based on a... more
An enigmatic coin previously attributed to Agrippa I is shown to be a coin struck at the city of Gaba.
The authors describe a dolphin countermark on a coin of Herod, an LF(?) countermark on a 67/8 CE prutah of the first Jewish revolt and a III countermark on a 69/70 CE ‘eighth’ denomination of the first revolt that have recently come to... more
In excavations conducted between 1997 and 1999 south of the Temple Mount, remains dating from the Iron Age IIC until the destruction of the Second Temple were uncovered. The excavations were carried out in two areas: one adjacent to the... more
Almost throughout its development and duration, the Jewish revolt was approached by the Roman administration with an attitude completely opposed to that generally witnessed in the subjugation of other provincial revolts. Various aspects... more