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In this book, Sabine R. Huebner explores the world of the protagonists of the New Testament and the early Christians using the rich papyrological evidence from Roman Egypt. This gives us unparalleled insights into the everyday lives of... more
The terms Dt and nHH have often been treated as synonyms reflecting notions related to the vastness of time. However, from the study of original source material – the texts and iconography compiled over some three millennia, and authored... more
An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine,... more
En este trabajo se abordará la figura de la diosa Isis desde diversas perspectivas. Primero, analizaremos su papel en Egipto, su lugar de procedencia, desde los tiempos Neolíticos hasta la conquista de Alejandro Magno, que da inicio al... more
This work critically examines every one of the spells and rites translated in Hans Dieter Betz's "Greek Magical Papyri in Translation" and Daniel & Maltomini's "Supplementum Magicum" (plus texts drawn from a number of other lamellae,... more
ABSTRACT: Preface to the Guide: Focus and limitations: The compilation of this guide began in Spring 2007 as a series of check lists and book requests for the somewhat small collection of Egyptological and related works in M. H. Sterne... more
First published in Buzzle on 16th August 2006 Republished on the same day here: Republished on 23rd August 2006... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the basins known from Meroïtic sites in Lower Nubia and Meroë Royal City (Sudan). These structures have not been adequately debated and the accepted explanation as to their function, that they were... more
Publication of the fragments of a hieroglyphic papyrus from the so-called Bibliotheca of the Tebtynis temple, I-II cent. A.D. It looks like an 'open' votive cubit, with its typical texts, and maintaining their divisions in 28 digits. NB:... more
This study concerns the mummy of a Greco-Roman adult male aged 45-55 years from the Fayum region of Egypt. It was acquired by Charles E. Ficke in 1896. The Putnam Museum and Science Center had the mummy CT scanned on August 21, 2007.... more
The cult of the Egyptian god Antinous is discussed in the paper. Antinous acted in the image of Osiris and Horus, absorbed the features of Apollo, Dionysus and other heroes, showed himself as a divine child and the pharaoh, was deified in... more
Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as evidências da manutenção de Abidos como centro do culto do deus Osíris no período greco-romano. Para tal, mobilizamos documentações escritas que abordam a perspectiva greco-romana... more
An examination of how Alexander portrayed himself as an Egyptian pharaoh once he had conquered Egypt as part of his empire.
Lo storico greco Erodoto definiva l’Egitto dono del Nilo, senza il quale non ci sarebbe potuto essere lo sviluppo di una delle più importanti civiltà potamiche della storia. Ancora oggi, l’acqua del Nilo è l’unica fonte di... more
NOW IN PAPERBACK (June 2019) This is the only substantial and up-to-date reference work on the Ptolemaic army. Employing Greek and Egyptian papyri and inscriptions, and building on approaches developed in state-formation theory, it offers... more
This volume deals with the publication of Temple C of Bakchias, a locality in the North Eastern Fayyum, where the joint Archaeological Mission of the University of Bologna and Sapienza University of Rome works. The temple dedicated to the... more
Songbook for ancient Egypt music video ( Includes exercises, plus sing a song in hieroglyphic lyrics! Learn the lyrics in Tigrigna, Amarigna, English and hieroglyphs and sing along! To have Legesse Allyn... more
Problems and Opportunities. How data on 6,300 individuals gathered into a database could potentially improve our understanding of age rounding, mortality rates, physical injuries and financial activity, analysed by age and gender.
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
The Marmarica, an arid region in NW-Egypt between the Jebel el Akhdar to the west and the Nile Valley to the east, offers rich evidence for understanding the interlinkages of scarce natural resources, above all water and soil and their... more