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It seems that every culture shares a figure who "tricks" and transgresses rules even if at the same time he is a "Cultural Hero". Based on a classification of some basic characteristics common to all "tricksters", and despite the fact... more
This article begins by considering representations of the legendary English outlaw, Robin Hood, in the broader English socialist movement of the nineteenth century. By and large, they had very little to say about him. Yet he was not... more
The significance of the stories (real and imagined) of Pocahontas, and the role of the Pocahontas version of the 'noble savage' motif, along with the 'noble outlaw', in the film Avatar.
Resumo: Este breve texto descreve a narrativa de Robin Hood, sua origem, desenvolvimento, sua suposta historicidade e faz um levantamento de suas principais versões. Ao final, discute o filme Robin Hood-a origem (2018) e sua combinação... more
In the early seventeenth century, the London stage often portrayed a ruler covertly spying on his subjects. Traditionally deemed 'Jacobean disguised ruler plays', these works include Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, Marston's The... more
We Need to Talk About Kevin is a disturbing but powerful story told from the perspective of Eva, a widowed mother whose 15-year-old son Kevin commits a fictional mass murder at his high school in Nyack, New York. The 2003 novel by Lionel... more
In the 1780s the medieval weapon of war; the English longbow, enjoyed a renaissance, as historical archery became a fashionable recreation among the English aristocracy. Later, during 1819-1845, longbow archery developed into a mass... more
This talk deals with popular anti-heroic archetypes. It differs from previous research, because by exploring narrative structures of anti-heroic fiction, it shows that essential parallels exist in transgressive heroes of both East and... more
Presented May 16, 2015 (1-3pm) at the 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, "From Frodo to Fidelma: Medievalisms in Popular Genres (A Roundtable)" sponsored by the Tales After Tolkien Society.
Many large free-standing stones around Britain bear the name ‘pennystone’, often allied with a legendary figure such as Robin Hood or the Devil. Often explained by early folklorists as plague stones, i.e. trading venues in times of... more
La Carta Magna, Robin Hood, Kaflka, tienen en común el formar parte del imaginario colectivo sobre lo que debería ser el debido proceso.
Presented on February 22, 2020, at SoCal Moot, Hollywood, CA. This essay updates and revises, "Black in Sherwood: Race & Ethnicity in Robin Hood TV & Film," a roundtable presentation delivered at the 50th International Congress on... more
The great corpus that is medieval literature contains, at its very center, the tale. These verse and prose fictional narratives, as well as stories that are grounded in some degree of historical truth, are the foundation of what readers,... more
The discursive constellations and iconographic sources about the brigand and the phenomenon of brigandage produced a very broad and distinctive repertoire between the 18th and the 19th centuries, which combined politics, literature,... more
Disponible en: Ricardo I de Inglaterra, conocido como Corazón de León, es uno de los personajes más famosos de la Historia y también de los más legendarios.... more
This talk deals with popular antiheroic archetypes. It differs from previous research, because by exploring narrative structures of antiheroic fiction, it shows that essential parallels exist in transgressive heroes of both East and West.... more
Robin Hood did not stand alone in the fifteenth-century greenwood. The fifteenth-century King and Commoner tales depict the encounters between incognito kings and disgruntled commoners, who similarly resist agents of authority and hold... more
Many historical researchers have looked for the origins of Robin Hood in medieval English records and traditions. Some have found partially matching candidates but none have found any majorly matching candidate. It is possible that Robin... more
One example of successful historical research in this area, and another not quite as successful
This version, which I intend to translate in English when I will have the time for it, is the long version of a paper published in the volume Frédéric Boutoulle et Stéphane Gomis (dir.), Cultures villageoises au Moyen Âge et à l’époque... more
Formed in 2008, the Fantastic (Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction) Area will hold its eleventh-anniversary and farewell sessions in 2018, and we seek proposals from scholars of all levels for papers and/or panels that explore any aspect... more
Se analiza la bibliografía de Carlo Magno por Einhard y la película de Robin Hood del 2010 para comparar y contrastar la idea del Mesías. Es decir se definen las diferencias de este estigma a la búsqueda del salvador o de un héroe que nos... more
A survey of the references to coin denominations in Howard Pyle's The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood and the Robin Hood ballad tradition with discussion of their (mis)use to establish an aura of realism and authenticity. In a few cases... more
“Strange Genealogies: Robin Hood’s Courtship with Jack Cade’s Daughter and the Creation of a Fraudulent Text,” in Robin Hood and Outlaw/ed Spaces: Media, Performance, and Other New Directions, eds. Lesley A. Coote and Valerie B. Johnson.... more
The medieval Robin Hood ballads and the Robin Hood games of early modern festal customs are both inextricably bound up with ideas of community and companionship. The “performative turn” in recent... more