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The Language of Abuse provides the first comprehensive examination of marital violence in later medieval England. Drawing from a wide variety of legal and literary sources, this book develops a nuanced perspective of the acceptability of... more
Published in "Fourteenth Century England", vol. VII, ed. M. Ormrod (2012). This is about the lawyer from Toulouse Ramon Durand who served the king of England-duke of Aquitaine Edward II as lawyer, then as seneschal of Périgord and... more
The overt mercantilism of The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye has overshadowed important questions surrounding the poem’s purpose and literary form. As the work attempts to justify economic protectionism, its preoccupation with legal and... more
The Anglo-Scottish wars of the later middle ages cannot be adequately explained by a catalogue of battles and sieges. Both sides used legal, historical and spiritual arguments to give authority to their respective claims to independence... more
‘Best loved of the King’: homosocial bonding and male friendships at the courts of Edward IV and Henry VIII Homosocial bonding played a major role throughout the Middle Ages in the transfer of power and prestige between the king and... more
Published in the "Revue Historique de Bordeaux et du département de la Gironde", no. 20, 2014. Several unpublished documents permit to know the paid truces (the "patis") made between places of Aquitaine-Gascony, particularly... more
During the early and central middle ages St Cuthbert of Durham (d. 687) was arguably the most important local saint in northern England and southern Scotland. His cult encompassed a region approximately corresponding to the ancient... more
Published in "Les Cahiers du Bazadais", no. 152 (2006). This article is about the political song written by the late troubadour Pey de Ladils of the town of Bazas (now in département Gironde, France) about the conflict in Gascony between... more
Published in "Nottingham Medieval Studies", L, 2006, pp. 59-114. Contrary to assumed ideas, the support of inhabitants of the principality of Aquitaine to its prince Edward of Woodstock (nicknamed "the Black Prince" from the 16th century... more
Since Barbara Kellum’s pioneering work on child murder in medieval England, published in 1973, medieval historians have argued that the courts adopted an approach to child murder that highlighted “the casual nature and mild consequences... more
Throughout Western history, abortion has been a contentious issue; nevertheless, ethically and legally, society has drawn a line between voluntary and involuntary abortion. Women who bring an abortion on themselves by enlisting the... more
Most scholars of the medieval family would agree that the lot of the medieval wife was not an easy one. Medieval husbands held the upper hand in the power relationship, both legally and socially. Lawrence Stone has depicted married life... more
Published in the "Nottingham Medieval Studies", LII, 2008. From 1364 until the end of Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine (1453), an assembly of the Three Estates has existed, often divided into two assemblies (the Three Estates of Bordelais and... more
Our article explores the bed as an object that projects notions of status, aspiration, decorum, and morality. We are interested in the economic and symbolic values that accrue to the bed, bedding, and the bedroom in late medieval England,... more
Piers Plowman has not struck many critics as providing “the kind of attention to the sacrament of the altar which could generate” extended literary and theological analysis. When compared to the overt defences of the Eucharist against... more
Published in "Aquitaine Historique", 117 (2012). This is paper about an administrative medieval entity named in Gascon "Comtau d'Ornon" and was situated at the south of Bordeaux. Originally a possession of the counts of Bordeaux, it has... more
This is a complete copy of my doctoral dissertation, completed in 1995 and defended in 1996, and supervised by Jonathan J. G. Alexander. Thanks to all of you who have expressed an interest in it. Since 1996 it has been available via UMI... more
Alexander Murray has written that, in the Middle Ages, women were more frequently excused of suicide because “female suicide was just too horrible to think about.” Murray’s perspective builds on a heritage of ideas about chivalry and... more
Within a few years of Lateran IV’s prohibition of priestly involvement in trial by ordeal, England moved definitively toward a criminal justice system based on trial by jury. This paper will explore the underlying assumptions of king,... more
Since Piers Plowman occupies a central place in the study of medieval English literature, much attention has been paid to the vexed question of the poem's authorship. This justified interest in revealing the human agent behind the family... more
Masters dissertation. Analyses the English attitudes to the Stranger in the first half of the fifteenth century, and the role of the Other in the elaboration of a sense of Englishness.
The taxation returns of 1377 and 1524 have previously been cited to show that towns made up a growing proportion of England's population in the later middle ages or, alternatively, that this proportion was stable or even declined. Such... more
When William Beufo, vicar of (Winterborne) Whitechurch, a parish church in the county of Dorset, turned to the chancellor sometime in the period 1473-75 seeking assistance, his petition adopted a tone of utter desperation. As he tells the... more
"Contact and Exchange in Later Medieval Europe. Essays in Honour of Malcolm Vale", ed. H. Skoda et alii, 2012. It is often assumed that people sharing a common language follow the same political allegiance. In comparing the medieval... more
Why in the pre-industrial period were some settlements resilient and stable over the long term while other settlements were vulnerable to crisis? Indeed, what made certain human habitations more prone to decline or even total collapse,... more
Fears of being accused of malpractice have plagued the field of medicine since its inception. Despite the longevity of the concerns, English law was slow to catch up and only did so eventually because of the pressure exerted from below by... more
An England between reality and dream. Literature and Society in England in the Fourteenth century In the last centuries of the Middle Ages, England is changing in many ways – cultural, social, political… The complexity of these... more
This version, which I intend to translate in English when I will have the time for it, is the long version of a paper published in the volume Frédéric Boutoulle et Stéphane Gomis (dir.), Cultures villageoises au Moyen Âge et à l’époque... more
This paper takes as its starting point a definition of islands that goes beyond geographical isolation to consider islands as social constructs insofar as they reflect feelings of isolation, separateness, distinctiveness and otherness.... more
Avery Cornburgh (d.1487) of Bere Ferrers (Devon) and Dovers (Essex) – a Lancastrian, Yorkist, and Tudor household servant – was one of the appreciable numbers of crown servants utilised in local government during the fifteenth century.... more
Resumo: Este artigo busca apresentar como as crônicas do século XV produzidas na Inglaterra, construíram uma memória sobre a Batalha de Agincourt que justificava os direitos do rei Henrique V e dos ingleses ao trono francês. Percebe-se... more
Focussing on the Duchy of Cornwall’s organisational structure during the Wars of the Roses, this survey examines the principal offices (which evolved around administration of its marine and terrene regalities) and personnel... more
Our article explores the bed as an object that projects notions of status, aspiration, decorum, and morality. We are interested in the economic and symbolic values that accrue to the bed, bedding, and the bedroom in late medieval England,... more
York, York Minster Library MS XVI E. 32 is a late medieval codex, primarily written in English, which seems to be a living example of what a vernacular guide for medical practitioners was in fifteenth-century England. The manuscript is... more
Given at the 56e Rencontres du Centre européen d'Etudes bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe siècles), this conference paper aims to highlight, understand and differentiate the role of the Burgundian noblemen directly involved in the trade... more