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This is a revised and supplemented edition of a dissertation, defended in 2015 at the Department of Archaeology of the Historical Faculty in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The two-chambered updraught kiln is the most... more
Primele semnalări moderne ale ruinelor fortificaţiei, deşi la momentul respectiv nu era indentificată drept Ulmetum, sunt făcute în anul 1850 de către Ion Ionescu dela Brad într-o scrisoare adresată lui Ion Ghica, cu ocazia unei călătorii... more
Petar Petrović (1938-1997), klasični filolog, epigrafičar, istoričar, arheolog, kustos, pedagog, direktor Arheološkog instituta u Beogradu i načelnik Odseka za arheologiju i istoriju Centra SANU i Univerziteta u Nišu, od svojih... more
This article summarizes the beginning and the earliest phase of the provincial coinage of the city Ulpia Pautalia in Western Thrace. As pointed out in previous numismatic studies (cf. Ruzicka 1932/33, 8; Grigorova 1998; RPC IV Online;... more
The Roman Limes, or the boundaries of the former Roman Empire, now stretching over 7,500 km through 20 countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, making it the largest and longest monument in the world. If in Serbia is not the most... more
Die tiefgreifenden Änderungen der römischen Grenzsicherung an der Wende zur Spätantike, namentlich die Aufgabe der linearen Grenzverteidigung zugunsten eines in die Tiefe gestaffelten Verteidigungssystems („defence-in-depth”), wurden... more
This is the one and only volume of Papers of the American Research Center in Sofia. It is unfortunate that three trustees precipitated the failure of the institute in 2014. We had 3 other volumes in the pipeline and I apologize to all of... more
The several decades long rescue excavations of the ancient city of Viminacium have brought to light a large number of finds with very varied functions. In this paper, we will focus our attention on the remains of agricultural tools. They... more
The antique Niš (Naissus) in today’s Republic of Serbia, was developed in the fertile valley of the Nišava river (Navisos), near it’s confluence into Južna Morava river (Margum). It belonged to the group of the largest cities in the... more
The completed PhD thesis was based on the analysed information for 265 ceramic kilns, excavated in the modern territory of Bulgaria and dated to the 1st – 6th c. AD. In addition, more than 20 pottery kilns from the Pre-Roman period in the... more
The present article deals with those veterani classiarii originated from Philippopolis and its area or settled there after their honesta missio. This is due to the thesis that gained wide acceptance for veterans returning home. All known... more
This paper attempts to trace the distribution of unofficial dies for striking late Republican and early Imperial coins in Moesia and Thrace, discussing eleven dies and one hub (master die). It deals with the key issues concerning these... more
A monograph in 2 volumes, 990 pp., 1 June 2021. ______________________________________ The primary goal of this book is to collect, record and interpret the available coin evidence from the territory of modern Bulgaria during the late... more
The paper publishes a recently discovered inscription from Novae honouring Emperor Gordian III with a statue in the camp of legio I Italica. It is dedicated by the city of Dionysopolis as sign of gratitude to the emperor and the legion... more
This article presents an overview of paleodemographic data obtained from six field seasons of osteological research at Viminacium – a provincial city on the Danubian frontier of the Roman Empire. Skeletal remains from 254 graves –... more
The province of Thrace was established in ca. AD 45-46 on the territory of the last Thracian Kingdom. In the course of more than two hundred years, between the second half of the First and the late Third century, ceramic production was... more
This contribution explores the archaeological evidence for the supply of imported fineware along the Central road (Via Diagonalis) in the province of Thrace during the Principate. Finds from twelve sites situated in close proximity to its... more
The article presents the results of the excavations of ceramic kilns, conducted by the author, in the town of Pavlikeni, situated in the central part of northern Bulgaria. In the course of three rescue archaeological campaigns, nine Roman... more
The time between AD 300 and 800 is seen as a period of transition between Antiquity and the Middle Ages; archaeologists and historians increasingly acknowledge its existence under the term ‘Late Antiquity’ as a period in its own right.... more
In 2017 a new Late Roman settlement was discovered on the road bed of the Struma Highway, near the modern day village of Moshtanets, Blagoevgrad district. The archaeological site was located on a slope and adjacent river terrace, close to... more
This contribution explores the archaeological evidence for the development of the two-chambered updraught ceramic kiln in the territory of modern Bulgaria, from the 6th century BC to the beginning of the 7th century AD. On the one hand,... more
Roman Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia) was one of the most important cities in Late Antiquity in the province of Dacia Mediterranea. Well-developed economy, as well as the fact that this was the birth place of emperor Constantine I (306-337),... more
Публикувано в:
Селищна археология
Годишник на Департамент „Археология“
Том VII, 2012 г.
Нов Български университет
с. 152-165
Abstract: An extensive army bathhouse, excavated in the years 1974-2011 by the International Interdisciplinary Archaeological Expedition of the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, was situated west of the headquarters building... more
Práce se věnuje podlahovým mozaikám z území bývalé římské provincie Moesie. Termín Moesie je používán v této práci výhradně jako zeměpisná definice pro území dnešního Srbska, Kosova a Bulharska. Nejdříve je shrnuta tato umělecká technika... more
This article is dedicated to a previously unpublished ceramic tray with applied figural decoration, discovered in Serdica (nowadays Sofia), as well as to a ceramic mould with identical to the first one’s image found during excavations in... more