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Статья посвящена обзору основных групп источников по истории воинских захоронений Первой мировой войны (на примере Петрограда). Обосновывается тезис об актуальности изучения проблемы организации воинских захоронений в годы тотальной... more
Статья, во-первых, знакомит с общей спецификой новгородских старинных надписей, нанесенных на погребальные памятники эпохи существования Новгородской губернии и, во-вторых, обращается к краткому анализу фамилий, содержащихся в этих... more
A principis del 2017 es va tenir notícies d’unes restes megalítiques associades a una necròpolis altmedieval. Estan situades al damunt d’un petit pujol que s’alça just al davant del veïnat de Bevià, al municipi de Madremanya (Gironès). La... more
2012 Par Virginie Ropiot, Benoît Sendra et Jonathan Moquel avec la collaboration de : Vianney Forest, Nicolas Garnier, Luke Howarth, Philippe Ponel, Béatrice Prat et Julie Touzeau et la participation de : Aurélie Gille, Stéphanie... more
Nel 1917, durante i lavori per l’allargamento della via Ostiense, fu rinvenuto un ampio settore della necropoli romana che fiancheggiava l’antica via Ostiensis. Le tombe, dotate di stucchi e affreschi dipinti e pavimenti a mosaico in... more
La necropoli di San Magno in Puglia, risalente alla tarda Età del bronzo-inizio Età del ferro, viene presentata in questo volume in maniera organica e sistematica, attraverso un' accurata analisi storica e archeologica delle numerose... more
Aprobado por la Junta Examinadora de Embalsamadores el 6/04/2021 como modulo con validez (3 u.e.c.) para la re certificación de embalsamadores licenciados en Puerto Rico. Procedimientos para reparaciones en embalsamamientos vasculares por... more
Póster presentado en el Congresso Internacional de Sepulturas escavadas na rocha na fachada atlântica da Península Ibérica (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 19-20/10/2017)
Recent investigations in the North-East Necropolis and in the st Philip church at Hierapolis brought to light numerous fragments of marble sarcophagi. The paper presents the results of the archaeological examinations carried out on these... more
Some tombstones were discovered during illicit excavations on commanding heights in Gâvur Mezarı neighbourhood, Beşkarış village, Altıntaş district of Kütahya province. The site was surveyed and a rescue excavation was rapidly initiated.... more
ABSTRACT: The archaeological excavation of Unidad de Ejecución número 3 del PGOU de Llíria was carried out between September 2011 and August 2012, coinciding with the redevelopment works. The intervention, directed by Francisco De Manuel,... more
This paper will revisit my thesis to reformulate a new understanding of how essential the collaboration of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics (2003) (which is not discussed in my thesis) is to a (re)conceptualization of necropolitics,... more
En la parte occidental del yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla) se ha documentado una necrópolis islámica con más de cuarenta inhumaciones cuya cronología se puede situar entre los siglos IX y XII.
Il sito di Pantalica rientra geograficamente nell’estesa Riserva naturale orientata Pantalica, Valle dell’Anapo e Torrente Cavagrande, compresa tra i comuni di Ferla e Sortino, nella provincia di Siracusa. La necropoli si trova su un... more
Des del segle XII el cementiri parroquial de Sant Joan sempre havia estat al mateix lloc, a la plaça que hi ha al costat de l’església de Santa Eugènia de Vila-romà. Després de set segles d’enterraments continuats en aquest espai tant... more
Acknowledgements, Copyright and The Archives; Preface:; Introduction and Architectural Terms; CHAPTER I: PREVIOUS EXPLORATIONS; CHAPTER II: ROWE' S NECROPOLIS STUDIES: Tomb Studies: Northern; Eastern; Southern; CHAPTER III: ROWE' S... more
Une journée d’étude qui vise à relancer l’intérêt régional pour les problématiques funéraires aux premier et second âges du Fer. Un tour d’horizon de la région Rhône-Alpes, élargi à l’Auvergne, permettra d’exposer les résultats de... more
Revista Cultural da ADPA- Associação de Defesa do Património Cultural de Alcácer do Sal
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
It has been years since the first emperor of China’s death. But, apart from being the first emperor of China, he would have been forgotten if it wasn’t for the hidden legacy he left behind. Now unearthed, his legacy is now for the entire... more
Resumen: Durante las excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el solar de la calle fueron localizadas 45 sepulturas, en diferente estado de preservación, pertenecientes a la necrópolis de Puerta Elvira. Abstract: During the archeological... more
Le ceneri degli Statielli. La necropoli della seconda età del Ferro di Montabone, a cura di M. Venturino, 2019, Genova (De Ferrari) Il volume raccoglie i risultati dell’indagine archeologica, delle analisi e degli studi sui reperti... more
The largest city necropolis of Naissus in the period of Late Antiquity was formed east of the fortress, along the road to Ratiaria. Since it is located in today’s city quarter of Jagodin Mala, it became known by that name in the... more
Volume of the Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (Spain I, 4) dedicated to the Roman sculpture of the Roman city of Segobriga (Cuenca, Spain, Hispania citerior). In it, all the sculptures of the city are cataloged and studied from the... more
Stefanakis,Manolis I., Kalogeropoulos, K., Georgopoulos, A. and Bourbou, Ch. in .C. Haggis and C.M. Antonaccio (eds.), Classical Archaeology in Context. Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World, Walter de Gruyter, 2015,... more
Dalla nascita delle città-stato nel corso dell’VIII secolo a.C., con uno sguardo alle diverse aree del Mediterraneo, il volume segue lo sviluppo delle città cercando di sottolineare tratti comuni e differenze, continuità, rotture e... more
St Vitus' s Cathedral, founded in 1344, is a prime example of 14th-century cathedral Gothic, a product of the cooperation between the ingenious architect Peter Parler and his patron, Emperor Charles IV. The unusual layout consisted of a... more
THE NECROPOLIS OF HELLENISTIC MARESHA, JUDEAN FOOTHILLS, ISRAEL AMOS KLONER, NILI GRAICER AND BOAZ ZISSU The ancient city of Maresha is identified with Tell Sandahannah, situated in the Judean Foothills, about 40 km southwest of... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
En las siguientes páginas presentamos el estudio de una estructura cuadrangular, dedicada al enterramiento de dos incineraciones, correspondiente a la fase II de ocupación de la necrópolis de Cabeza Ladrero (Sofuentes, Zgz.) y que supone... more
Partially excavated in a context of rescue archaeology related to the Edia’s water supply infrastructures, the fi ve necropolis presented here – Poço da Gontinha 1, Pardieiro (Ferreira do Alentejo, Beja), Poço Novo 1, Fareleira 2 e... more
Monte Pellegrino is one of the most significant complexes for the prehistoric settlement in Sicily; it is a vast territory, but well delimited, where an extraordinary richness in archaeological sites is attested, spread out between the... more