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In Search of Lost Meaning: Peter Zumthor Architecture This study is a critical assessment of meaning, its role in architectural design and its unusual production in Peter Zumthor’s architectural practice. Architecture contains inevitably... more
Adults are the ones who do the social science that takes young people as its object. In this paper we draw on empirical research, social theory, our background in Youth Studies and, for one of us, experiential knowledge as a ‘former’... more
This article discusses why it is necessary to rebuild comparative literature in terms of a geopolitics of comparison. “Geopolitics” is understood here, following Gearóid Ó Tuathail, to mean a distinctive genre of geo-power which brought... more
La Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT), es reconocida desde hace más de tres décadas como una de las más relevantes terapias basadas en la evidencia, por lo que ocupa un lugar privilegiado dentro de las llamadas terapias de tercera... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
Nouvel épisode de "Basculements", le podcast du LAAP traitant d'anthropologie. Dans cet épisode, Jacinthe Mazzocchetti parle de ses terrains, de son rapport à l'écriture et à la poésie. Elle questionne nos épistémologies d'anthropologues,... more
The article unpacks the issues of bias and partisanship—and the risk of being accused of these—which confront social scientists who study socio-political conflict. Drawing on the author's experience when conducting research on the... more
Translated from:Åsa Berggren and Bjorn Nilsson, Going back, looking forward. Reflexive archaeology or reflexive method? In: Hodder,I (ed.), Integrating Çatalhöyük: Themes from the 2000-2008 Scasons, London: British Institute at Ankara,... more
Explorations of reflexivity and research relationships in psychotherapy.
The use of 'traditional' medicine, or a combination of biomedical treatment and 'traditional' medicine, is a common phenomenon all over Indonesia. In today's Indonesian healthcare system 'traditional' and alternative medicine coexist with... more
India’s fetish for gold and all that glitters is hard to ignore in a country that has over 20,000 tonnes of idle gold worth over Rs.52 lakh crore. When it is a question of gold - ‘I am loving it’ would best serve to describe the... more
The Transformative Education/al Studies project (TES) is a three-year, funded project led by researchers from three universities: a university of technology, a research-intensive university, and a rural comprehensive university. The... more
Background. It is well established that handwriting fluency constrains writing quality by limiting resources for higher order processes such as planning and reviewing. According to the ‘simple view of writing’ then slow keyboarding speed... more
Innovative tools and teaching practices often fail to be adopted by educators in the field, despite evidence of their effectiveness. Naïve models of educational change assume this lack of adoption arises from failure to properly... more
In the first chapter of this volume, Wyatt-Smith and Elkins argue that 'it is timely to review how different theoretical frameworks and methodologies provide different lenses through which to study students' learning needs'. By viewing... more
Relational Research Supervision for Doctoral Psychotherapy Research - A Guide for Supervisors and Supervisees By Dr Sofie Bager-Charleson, Dr Alistair G McBeath and Dr Biljana van Rijn Research supervision is a professional area that... more
Opportunities to develop the productive sector in the agricultural sector in eastern Indonesia is one of the drivers o f entrepreneurship in the provision of student materials from eastern Indonesia, which aims for the prosperity and... more
Our methods, methodologies, and ways of producing and communicating knowledge not only orient the questions we ask and the knowledges we pursue, but they also direct the effects and purposes of our work. Methods enact our worlds. While... more
Historically, the psychotherapies have subscribed to an idea that the spoken word is the first language of psychotherapy. This idea has influenced my practice but work with Susan challenged this prejudice. We have worked together to find... more
... Judith Green, Maria Lucia Castanheira, and Beth Yeager ... J. Green (B) University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA e-mail: 1In the United States, these students are referred to as having learning... more
Let me start by saying that what follows might be a heavy listening exercise for some. This is why I decided to do this in the old-fashioned, academic way by what was previously correctly called "reading a paper" at a conference. The... more
Short abstract: This paper will advance a decolonial critique of paradigmatic approaches to domestic violence in public health scholarship and practice. The aim is to increase reflexivity about the 'situatedness' of these constructs in... more
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has comprised one of the priority areas of public health research and practice, especially in relation to African development. However, this scholarship and practice has been dominated by gender-based... more
This chapter reworks notions of reflexivity, exploring how it can be considered as a process through which bodies and places, always mutually constitutive, are continuously and relationally negotiated in ways that decenter subjectivity.... more
This paper explores roles and interventions in IS action research. I draw upon a four-year research project about electronic medical records, conducted in close collaboration with a community partner. Following a self-reflexive stance, I... more
On December 1, 2011, the full professors at Claremont School of Theology unanimously recommended two of my colleagues and me for tenure. Provided that the Board of Trustees approves their recommendation and two extremes never come to... more
Diese Forschungsarbeit stellt die Vorstudie zur Arbeit ›Intergeschlechtlichkeit aus medizinischer und nicht-medizinischer Perspektive‹ (Marek 2019) dar. Darin nähert sich die Autorin anhand eines ethnografischen Interviews mit einer... more
The purpose of this article is to investigate how dramaturgy as a theoretical concept (Pavis, 2014; Szatkowski, 2017) can act as a methodological platform in relation to arts-based research. In artsbased research, the researcher has the... more
Keywords: butoh, site-specific performance and dance, poetic enquiry, performative writing, ecological performance, reflexive phenomenology Abstract: [stories]… conjugating butoh … go, how? … creviced articulations of (academic) bodies... more
Este escrito presenta el uso de técnicas de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (CFA), como una nueva aproximación al problema de la medición de la producción académica de profesores universitarios. Para este propósito se usa como ejemplo... more
A questionnaire about how academic performance is evaluated and the importance of teaching and research was completed by 265 faculty at a UK research university. Factor analysis followed by t-tests showed that male faculty had a more... more
The DEHub Virtual Worlds Working Group (VWWG) consists of Australian and New Zealand higher education academics investigating the role that virtual worlds (VWs) play in the future of education. A sub group of the VWWG that includes Higher... more
This paper considers the role of digital recording methods and visualisation tools in the primary recording of archaeology at the Neolithic tell site of Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Operating within and building on Çatalhöyük Research Project's... more
Drawing from Narrative Theory, Reflexive Inquiry, and Critical Pedagogy, the intent of this thesis is to position narrative as perspective, process, and product that together frame a transdisciplinary method to construct theoretically new... more
... And even this dimension of self-reflection of science reveals the social impli-cations of the ... archive research, as I did not expect to experience interactional problems with staff, clothes associated with ... In some cases... more
ABSTRACT L a crisis ambiental y social que aqueja al planeta hace urgente practicar y rescatar valores para que el pensamiento científico se construya con la gente y no para la gente (Funtowicz y Ravetz, 2000). La educación juega un papel... more