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Carl Jung’s theory of Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle is defined as the “…occurrence of a certain psychic state with one or more external events which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state…”... more
In Search of Lost Meaning: Peter Zumthor Architecture This study is a critical assessment of meaning, its role in architectural design and its unusual production in Peter Zumthor’s architectural practice. Architecture contains inevitably... more
Second part of the study of Madlax, covering the episodes 3-5. Discussion on the relationship of the notions intuition and psyche are developed.
Rituals are thought to bind individuals together. Rituals that are perceived high in pain and behavioral synchrony increase social bonding, but the relative contribution of perceived pain vs. synchrony is unexplored. In addition, gender... more
Translation and interpretation of Paul Kammerer's 1919 Das Gesetz Der Serie, its implications and applications from chaos and complexity theory to multiple aspects of anomalism and the generally with Robert... more
Among homeopaths the common idea about a working hypothesis for homeopathic effects seems to be that, during the potentization process, 'information' or 'energy' is being preserved or even enhanced in homeopathic remedies.... more
This book of expert essays explores the concept of the whole as it operates within the psychology of Jung, the philosophy of Deleuze, and selected areas of wider twentieth-century Western culture, which provided the context within which... more
"Wenn es nicht eine gigantische Verschwörung gibt, an der ungefähr dreißig Universitäts-institute in der ganzen Welt beteiligt sind und mehrere hochgeachtete Wissenschaftler in verschiedenen Gebieten (von denen viele ursprünglich den... more
Il principio sincronico viene qui mostrato come figlio dell'exaíphnes platonico, che è archetipo del tempo e dell'eternità. In questa ottica, il rigore e l'appassionata spregiudicatezza delle riflessioni psico-fisico-logiche di Jung e... more
Every now and then, we all have experiences that seem too meaningful to be chance but that we can't explain in any normal way. Now, philosopher Sharon Hewitt Rawlette tackles some of the hardest questions surrounding such "coincidences."... more
This paper is an attempt to expand the Orion Correlation Theory, the decades old theory of Rober Bauval, in which he related the 3 major pyramids in Giza with the three belt stars of the constellation Orion, following the ancient Egyptian... more
Carl Gustav Jung, psychiatre suisse collaborateur de Freud dont il s'est dissocié, est l'auteur du concept de synchronicité définit comme une coïncidence de faits simultanés survenant sans lien causal mais liés entre eux par le sens. La... more
Jung coined the term "synchronicity" to refer to personally-meaningful coincidences which give the impression of revealing an "acausal orderedness." Lacan formalized the distinction between the registers of the Imaginary, Symbolic and the... more
Seit einigen Jahren nimmt das Interesse am Begriff der Synchronizität zu. Der Begriff wird damit verstärkt kontrovers diskutiert. Der vorliegende Text sucht dessen philosophische und psychologischen Wurzeln auf und zeichnet nach, wie Jung... more
A fictional work has various perspectives that are indispensable to construct a particular possible world. The reader is supposed to surmise the principle mechanism that is associated with all the elements of the fictional world,... more
Based on his dreams and visions, Wolfgang Pauli, the co-founder of quantum physics and Nobel Prize laureate in 1945, believed that, symbolically speaking, he carried both Johannes Kepler, the founder of modern natural science, and Robert... more
Can one really claim to be devoted to science without being fastidious about facts? Who would take a contractor seriously who boasted of building the finest quality homes in town but was notorious for cutting corners on materials to save... more
In 1978, the Grateful Dead traveled to Egypt for three historic shows at the Giza Sound and Light Theater beside the Sphinx at the foot of the Great Pyramid during an eclipse. The eclipse itself marks the climax of many synchronicities... more
One of the most prospective directions of study of C.G. Jung’s synchronicity phenomenon is reviewed considering the latest achievements of modern science. The attention is focused mainly on the quantum entanglement and related phenomena –... more
Part 3 of Madlax Study, covering the episodes 6-14.  The speculative function of consciousness in fiction-reality continuum is discussed.
Synchronicity is a term originated by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl. G. Jung that attempts to explain the paradoxical occurrence of events that are tied together without obvious cause but have intrinsic meaning to the person experiencing... more
Ziel dieses Papiers ist es, den Jungschen Begriff der Synchronizität als Theorie bildende Metapher aus dem rein psychischen Bereich herauszuholen, um ihn auch in anderen Bereichen einzuführen. Dazu werden zunächst die Verbindungen... more
As a Tarot card reader the question of authenticity is an important one. The scientific scepticism and theological prejudice that both tarot reading and divination in general endure, often exists as a ‘hangover from history’ - a negative... more
Carl Jung and Wolfang Pauli called synchronicities the meaningful coincidences that reveal a deep interconnection between mind and outside events. Dubbed 'acausal', this interconnection seems to develop independently of Newtonian... more
The article brings to light many points of agreement between Jungian psychology and the Neoplatonic worldview of Late Antiquity. Also the worldview of Emanuel Swedenborg is compared with Jungian ideas. Swedenborg ought to be regarded as... more
Having previously read Freud's cold clinical analysis of the uncanny, or what Jung would term as synchronicity, I felt that Freud too swiftly condemns synchronous events which stir our unconscious mind as coincidence and the result of an... more
Parapsychology plays a major role in Arthur Koestler’s life: not only did he entertain a life-long interest in parapsychology, he wrote several books or book-chapters on parapsychology and/or related topics, and he bequeathed the major... more
Master's Thesis. Grade: 12 (A). Why do people experience that drinking a psychedelic brew teaches them about themselves? If the visions that people see are “hallucinations”, then how can it teach them anything about reality? This was the... more
Depth psychology cannot compensate for the loss of spiritual tradition, nor can God make his abode in the psyche. Today, spiritual symbols are often misinterpreted in psychological terms. To remedy this, psychological theory must be... more
This article explores the connections between the Classic of Changes (Yijing) and analytical psychology (fenxi xinlixue) in contemporary China. With the spread of Western modern science in late imperial China, old Chinese words were... more
Data driven, criteria-based science on dream-like experiences, spiritual emergence processes, and the Jungian concept of synchronicity is presented in a hermeneutic literature review and multiple case studies, based on a recent... more
This presentation will trace the arc of the Jungian process of synchronicity exploring its depth in the cosmic Self. It will focus on the dynamic of the psyche as (ProcessMind) field and the unus mundi. Synchronicity has a “vertical” and... more
Unlike his dream theory and theory of archetypes, Carl Jung’s notion of synchronicity hasn’t met with success. The metaphysical system surrounding the hypothesis includes notions of supernaturalism (transcendence). This is a... more
Theoretical approaches in parapsychology: Chaired symposium at the combined 58th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association and 39th International Society for Psychical Research Annual Conference, University of Greenwich,... more
Robert Fludd (1574-1637) was a physician from England who wrote expansive books on nearly every subject of human inquiry. In these works are beautiful copperplate engravings that are easily recognized as the hieroglyphic illustrations of... more
In this lecture, I show my path to what I call synchronistic living. It was many synchronicities that led me on this path. In other words, they spoke out of themselves and thus showed me that instead of causally, thanks to the will, one... more
This essay is an exposition of the inner journey through the unconscious and the process of self-realization. The sections in this essay are: the inner journey, the hero’s journey, the psyche, the call, dark night of the soul, dream... more
This article follows a first presentation of the 'dance steps' between therapist and client, which appeared in the Spring 2017 issue of this journal, and gives a clinical example of how this phenomenological and aesthetic observational... more
Clinical Parapsychology: Extrasensory Exceptional Experiences is a graduate-level textbook designed to facilitate more reliable diagnosis, classification, treatment, and research. It is designed for clinicians, educators, and researchers... more
The article investigates the Neoplatonic Self notion. In the historical record the ideal of personality and the psychological notion of Self have taken many forms. Also the modern ideals of Self are discussed and criticized, such as the... more