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NOW IN PAPERBACK (June 2019) This is the only substantial and up-to-date reference work on the Ptolemaic army. Employing Greek and Egyptian papyri and inscriptions, and building on approaches developed in state-formation theory, it offers... more
Radiological examination of an ancient mummy said to have been found in royal tombs in Thebes, Upper Egypt, has proved it is the body of a pregnant woman. She came from the elite of Theban community and was carefully mummified, wrapped in... more
Arsinoe I is one of the least well-known Ptolemaic queens. This article aims to re-evaluate the available evidence that has been attributed to her and review in so far as possible her basic biographical information. I will examine issues... more
This research analize the proportions and architectural features of Osireion Hypogeum in order to determine the level of knowledge of the geometric rules achieved by Egyptian Priests and Harpedonaptae before the birth of Euclidean Geometry.
Vol. 1: Die Göttin im griechisch-römischen Ägypten.
Vol. 2: Adaption(en) des Kultes im Westen.
Philippika 109
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2019.
The Raphia Decree of Ptolemy IV Philometor is best preserved in multiple Demotic redactions, but two fragmentary copies of the hieroglyphic portion have also survived. Both stelae were published long ago by Kamal and Gauthier (Cairo, CG... more
The article analyses one of the hexametric poems copied on a second century AD papyrus, possibly from Hermupolis, P.Lit.Goodspeed 2: a Hellenistic hymn to Aphrodite celebrated as a patroness of the sea and of wedded love. This portrayal... more
Publiées au début du siècle dernier par G. Daressy, les deux stèles hiéroglyphiques conservées au Musée égyptien du Caire (RT 2/3/25/7 et JE 44901) constituent les seuls exemplaires connus à ce jour du décret du synode de prêtres qui eut... more
Cette première livraison du Glossaire des inscriptions de Karnak consacrée au vocabulaire a été rendue possible grâce au travail de dépouillement systématique de la documentation épigraphique des temples de Karnak réalisé dans le cadre du... more
El presente trabajo se centra en el rol de los papiros como medios de comunicación en las sociedades del Egipto ptolemaico, para ello, presentamos un estudio que analice desde el proceso de fabricación del papiro, su forma de... more
‘Conception of Horus’ scenes in Egyptian temples date at least from Ramesside to Greco-Roman times. This article seeks to establish whether any changes to their composition or interpretation occurred over this long time-span. The main... more
New translation of two hymns to the goddess Isis from Philae, with an analysis of the (crypto-)graphic principles found in inscriptions from the early Ptolemaic Period.
This study deals with a unique crown that was created for Queen Arsinoë II. The aim is to identify and understand the symbolism that is embedded in each pictorial detail that together form the crown and how this reflects the wearer’s... more
The paper reports the results of die studies of three major Ptolemaic gold coinages of Alexandria: the coinage in the name of the Theoi Adelphoi, featuring the jugate busts of the two first Lagid couples; the mnaieia in the name of... more
Miscellaneous texts from the inner chapels from Hibis Temple are better understood by considering textual parallels from other temples and papyri from the New Kingdom through the Ptolemaic Period. These scenes include: (1) A procession... more
Die Astrosophie ist eine auf Sternkonstellationen gerichtete Weltanschauung, die vornehmlich im Bereich der Esoterik und des Okkultismus vertreten wird. Etymologisch lässt sich der Begriff aus griechisch astron („Stern“) und sophia... more
New edition of two cuboid statues belonging to Nesmin, a young Ptolemaic Priest from Thebes. Although both objects were published decades ago, many transcription errors in the modern editions rendered the inscriptions nearly illegible.... more
Abstract: To date, four Ptolemaic mummy masks with chapter 151a of the Book of the Dead (spell with Anubis and the mask) inscribed on a fillet around the head are known: a mask at the Louvre and one in Bonn – both of which showing a... more
Trabajo de Fin de Máster (investigación/recerca) de Mediterrània antigua (UOC) dirigido por el profesor I. Borja Antela Bernárdez.
Revolts in Hellenistic Egypt consisted of rebellions and riots, which occurred sporadically from the reign of PTOLEMY III EUERGETES (246–221) until the year following the Roman conquest (29). The term may also include the various periods... more
The recent catalogue of previously unknown Kriegsverluste from the Museum August Kestner, Hannover, has brought to light an inscribed cuboid statue of the Late Period (Dynasty 30 to early Ptolemaic Period). Titles, prosopography, and... more
Naukratis was a Nile Delta settlement in which many inhabitants followed the Egyptian religious and cultural practices of Lower Egypt. The over 550 Late Period Egyptian figures found at the site are a large and important group among the... more
Thebes (modern Luxor) was a popular tourist destination during the Roman Period, receiving the likes of Strabo, Germanicus, and Hadrian. Yet while its international fame rested on its royal tombs and the Memnon colossus, Thebes was also a... more
Was the individual in Ancient Egypt completely at the mercy of demons, illnesses or other threats? Or could various practices be called upon to keep the likes of these at bay? Christoffer Theis examines written and archaeological sources,... more
In this article two hitherto unpublished Ptolemaic block statues from Thebes belonging to the Chief Astronomer Harmais, son of Nesmin, are edited: Cairo, TR 25/10/17/5, in perfect condition, and JE 43652, highly destroyed. The study of... more
The Rosetta Stone, the trilingual key for deciphering the hieroglyphic script and bearer of the Memphis decree (196 BCE), is one of the most iconic monuments from Ptolemaic Egypt. The fragmentary state of the monument – half of the... more
ABSTRACT: Analysis of satellite imagery covering Egypt between 2002 and 2013 indicates a significant increase in looting and other damage to archaeological sites. Looting escalated dramatically from 2009 with the onset of the global... more
The first season of the excavation at ancient Philadelphia necropolis was made thanks to the permission given by the Egyptian antiquities permanent committee of the Egyptian ministry of antiquities, the first season comes after the... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
At the temple of Esna, the seated baboon sign obtains several phonetic and ideographic values. In addition to previously recognized usages, this hieroglyph also represents the copula pronoun "pw", which at the time should have been... more
Le phénomène de miniaturisation dans la production artistique fait l'objet à l'heure actuelle d'un intérêt croissant. Parmi les formes que peut prendre la miniaturisation, il faut signaler le portrait. Le petit portrait royal trouve son... more
"Abstract: Of all the lost Foundation Poems attributed to Apollonius Rhodius, active at the court of Ptolemy II, the Ktisis of Alexandria must have been the most important for his contemporaries, and surely is the most intriguing for... more
Hunderte von Gottheiten schmücken die Wannen und Deckel ausgewählter Sarkophage und Särge aus der 30. Dynastie und der Ptolemäerzeit, die hauptsächlich in Saqqara gefunden wurden. Carolina Teotino teilt diese Götter in verschiedene... more
At its greatest extent the Roman Empire incorporated about 2.5 million square miles. This made it one of the largest empires in the world in antiquity. To help protect this massive empire, Emperor Augustus implemented a permanent,... more
The use of elephants for military purposes was, for centuries, one of the most important military arms of the armies in the Antiquity. Although, these could get to suppose so many advantages as drawbacks and, for this reason, they were... more