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(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
Поезијата на Блаже Конески веќе долго време предизвикува голем интерес и кај читателската публика и во книжевно-научните кругови. Во овој труд се анализираат и се интерпретираат песните на Конески што имаат специфики на молитва. На... more
A genuine historical testimony of Macedonia before the big geopolitical reshuffle in 1878. „Every nation that has glorious deeds is a glorious nation. However, beside all the glorious deeds, if those deeds remain unknown, the nation... more
¿En la antigua Macedonia se impartían clases sobre la historia de Argantonio y las aventuras de los griegos en Tartessos? Argantonios, el rey de Tartessos que reinó durante 150 años en un ostracon griego contemporáneo. Georgeos... more
Macedonians have emerged from the substratum of prehistoric tribes belonging to the huge family of Pelasgians, Aeols/Boreans and Hyperboreans (Anti, Brygii, Danuni, Kiti, Hittiti, Lapiti, Macedoni, Minyi, Misiani, Mosiniki, Pelasgi,... more
The immemorial timeworn creation myths of the world, of the Supreme Creator-God from the sky, the Great Mother-Goddess of the Earth, the birth of the young Sun-God, myths of the Moon that gets to the earth and turns into a cow, conception... more
Title: Sylvia Plath - Selected Poems
Publisher: Academic Press, Skopje
Edited and translated by Kristina Zimbakova.  39 poems.
Bo прилог на овој милениумски континуитет е несоборливото сведоштво на Јорданес од 551 г. во неговата „Гетика", каде тој многу децидно и недвосмислено го сумира овој непрекинат континуитет на Македонскиот јазик: „...секој знае и... more
Trabajo de Fin de Máster (investigación/recerca) de Mediterrània antigua (UOC) dirigido por el profesor I. Borja Antela Bernárdez.
From the book: Hakan Yavuz & Isa Blumi, Eds. War and Nationalism: The Balkan Wars, 1912–1913, and Their Sociopolitical Implications (SLC:univ. of Utah Press), 2013. Armenian and Macedonian revolutionary organizations boast of mutually... more
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
Report of Macedonian minority in Bulgaria presented in 2009 and supported from numerous Macedonian organisations in Bulgaria. It is the first report concerning Macedonian minority in Bulgaria prepared from Macedonian human movement in... more
Трудот претставува осврт кон книгата со наслов „Воскресението на читателот“ од Венко Андоновски – македонски прозаист, поет, драматичар, книжевен теоретичар, критичар, есеист, полемичар, колумнист, антологичар, професор по книжевност на... more
The Balkan peninsula has long been considered as Europe’s tinderbox; and with good reason! With so many languages, ethnic groups (or peoples), and religious systems, the Balkans lived their most peaceful period of their millennia long... more
Hesychius' Macedonian words are those which he assigns to the Macedonians as a whole, as well as to individual Macedonians such as Amerias, Alexander, Marsyas, etc. These terms are analyzed through and Indo - European perspective to find... more
Маријана Горгиева-Ристевска е коавтор на текстот. Овој труд претставува приказ на одредени неантропоморфни ликови во романот „Ќерката на Математичарот“ од Венко Андоновски, а се укажува и на нивната симболика. Во овој труд се зборува и за... more
Трудот претставува компаративна студија во која се истражуваат металитературните наративни постапки во два романи од две различни епохи и две различни култури – „Театарски роман“ на рускиот автор Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков од 1937 година... more
The fact that human—large carnivore relationships tend to be full of material and social conflicts raises applied questions concerning the origin of human perceptions linked to these animals and more theoretical questions concerning the... more
A compilation of all of the attested Macedonian words in the lexicon made by Hesychius of Alexandria. (The previous one was taken down to correct for an error. All of the translations are now correct.)
The first version of a compilation of glosses from Hesychius' Glossary that are suspected to be ancient Macedonian.
This paper deals with a so-far unnoticed phenomenon in prosodic phonology, which we dub prosodic smothering. Prosodic smothering arises when the prosodic status of a clitic or affix varies with the presence or absence of some outer... more
This report describes the macro-econometric model for the Republic of Macedonia MAKMODEL. It documents the main features of this model that was built by research teams of the Macedonian and Dutch central bank during July 1999 - June 2001... more
Abstract—Zero derivation is a word formation process when the lexemes before and after the process, most often, when talking about clear or genuine types of zero-derivation, share the same form, display similar, expanded meaning, but... more