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(可直接下載 Preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button below.) In the past, researchers who studied ceramics tended to focus on the imitation of marbled ware in the pattern, or to incorporate it into... more
This PhD thesis engenders new approaches to the understanding, appreciation, and experience of modern and contemporary ceramic art. It focusses on two recent outputs. The initial, Scorched Earth: 100 Years of Southern African Potteries... more
[By Christopher Lotis and Michel D. Lee; Foreword by P.M. Taylor. This full book is uploaded here while the Smithsonian website, where it was published online, is being revised.] An important theme of this volume is the relationship... more
The rediscovery of Yixing teapots, p. 208-223, 1999. This article has been published in Tea for Two, Tea rituals around the world. This is my first published research results on ancient Chinese Yixing teapots and their chronological... more
Ever since ancient times, clay has played an important role in the history of the visual arts. Clay is the material that shaped the visual imagination of many civilisations, from the Chinese ceramics, Etruscan statues and Delft pottery to... more
Boron doped and undoped Poly(vinyl) alcohol/Zirconium-yttrium acetate (PVA/Zr-Y) nanofibers were prepared by electrospinning using PVA as a precursor. The effect of boron doping was investigated in terms of solution properties,... more
After the second world war, there was a growing interest in the material of clay among European artists. Pablo Picasso, Asger Jorn and many others appreciated the way in which they could easily and quickly form the material, brightness... more
"Soil So Good: Neil Brownsword’s Reinventions": For the sake of alliteration as well as the productive confusion between an eighteenth-century metaphor and a contemporary euphemism, the neologism ‘brownfield’ is as good a contradiction as... more
This paper examines the attempts of the China Club, a group of china dealers formed by Miles Mason in 1785, to control the market for Chinese porcelain imported by the East India company as well as other activities which they objected to,... more
Alfred Le Chatelier et l’Atelier de Glatigny - Cet article parle d’Alfred Le Chatelier et de son intérêt pour la céramique, démontré en particulier par la création d’un atelier à Glatigny (Le Chesnay), près de Versailles, fondé en 1897... more
Edited by Sarah E. Fraser, Mio Wakita, and Lianming Wang, pp. 132–144. Heidelberg: (Open Access)
Joint lecture given at the 2017 NCECA Conference, Pittsburgh. Outlines a broad overview of what is happening in Iran today, including a few local and active centers of traditional pottery as well as new directions being explored by... more
Catalogue essay to accompany solo exhibition by Bouke de Vries at Chateau de Nyon, Switzerland. 28/11/14 - 31.12.14
ceramics is one of the first raw materials that people use in making their requirements in daily life due to the availability of its materials in the surrounding environment and it has been used in making fashion supplements accurately... more
This is a French version an overview of the history of Armenian Kütahya ceramics and its continuation after the genocide in Jerusalem. Kütahya was perhaps the most important center of Armenian ceramic production in post-Medieval times.... more
In 2003, Australia's National Portrait Gallery (NPG) in Canberra commissioned a rising Australian contemporary artist, Ah Xian, to create a portrait of Dr John Yu, one of the country's most celebrated paediatricians. Both the artist and... more
It's indubitable, that earlier stages of the pottery productions had done by women. It was probably started by talented women as producing some pots own home needs as well as their neighbours. By the time, this domestic economy, were... more
SUMMARY: In his film " Secret Beyond the Door " (1947), German director Fritz Lang introduced the symbolic concept of " felicitous room " developed by a character who is an architect exploring a thesis according to which the way a place... more
The article about exhibits from India in Dickinsons’ Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition began with a curious reference: ‘Monsieur Brongniart, the ex-director of the porcelain manufactory at Sèvres, once remarked that pottery... more
This paper focuses on ceramics advertised in St. Louis newspapers between 1809 and 1850. The bulk of references to ceramics in these advertisements referred to inexpensive refined British earthenwares, which were generically called... more
The digital possibilities for ceramics included here primarily address documenting ceramic education processes, building and engaging communities, and extending studio activities into the web space. In this context, “digital” is meant to... more
У монографії досліджуються українські кахлі як самобутнє мистецьке явище в національній культурі в європейському контексті. Визначені спільні засади та етноспецифічні, локальні риси, витоки, висвітлюється історія українською кахлярства,... more
In the first half of the 19th century emerged in Caldas da Rainha an authored ceramics mostly done for decorative purposes. In this article are listed some of the masters craftsmen and manufacturers that produced and developed this type... more
Over the course of 40 years, Vincenzo Funghini (1828-1896) accumulated a wide range of maiolica objects that are now treasured in many private and public collections. Born in Castiglion Fiorentino, in Arezzo's district, Tuscany, Funghini... more
Ceramics has only a marginal role in the history of art. In this talk I consider the major excuses that have been given (ceramics is a “minor” art, and so forth). I conclude that it is best not to continue to fight to have ceramic art... more
Em 2016, o Museu Nacional do Azulejo, em Lisboa, organizou uma mostra dedicada à cerâmica de Hein Semke (1899-1995), artista de origem alemã que se radicou em Portugal. A exposição “Hein Semke - Doação Teresa Balté”, pretendeu espelhar a... more
Jun Kaneko is a contemporary artist who pioneered techniques for building, firing, and glazing large-scale ceramic sculpture. In 2009 the University of Missouri's Museum of Art and Archaeology was gifted three monumental works by Kaneko:... more
When one examines porcelain, it is often the imagery that is privileged, whereas color is relegated to the background as a decorative element used to enhance the design. This paper will attempt to counter this perception by arguing for... more
Maqolada O'zbekiston davlat san'at muzeyining "O'zbekiston kulolchiligi" kollektsiyasini tartibga keltirish, zahira ishlarining o'ziga xoz jihatlari o'rganilgan. Avtor o'zining shaxsiy ish tajribasidan kelib chiqqan xolda, ayrim... more
The archaeological analysis of the Leone Village site was conducted to keep a road revetment project, for the Federal Highway Administration (“FHA”), in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (“NHPA”), as amended.... more
Traditional houses of American work reemigrants in Eastern Slovakia of interwar period. Typology, constructions, materials, structural members, master-builders.
Exhibition Opening Address “Anglo-Oriental Ceramics - Connecting Past to Present” at the Rust-en-Vrede Gallery and Clay Museum, Durbanville, South Africa, 11 November 2014. My intent is to track the Anglo-Oriental tradition’s... more
A growing demand for refractory castables with advanced properties has given rise to a continuous technological evolution and highlighted the necessity for secondary raw materials reapplication even in refractory industry. For the... more