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Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
Whipped: Party Discipline in Canada examines the hidden ways that political parties exert control over elected members of Canadian legislatures. Drawing on extensive interviews with politicians and staffers across the country, Whipped... more
Siyasette İlk Kadın Parlamenterler Dönemi adlı bu yazıda Dünya Kadınlar Günü nedeniyle 1935’te Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde halkın vekilleri arasında yer alan kadınlara ilişkin bilgilere yer verilmiştir. 1935 yılında yapılan genel... more
Cette note propose une évaluation ex-ante de la réduction d’un tiers du nombre de députés en France, annoncée officiellement en juillet 2017 par Emmanuel Macron. Après avoir discuté les différents arguments plutôt infondés soutenant cette... more
In this chapter, we present a typology of the tweeting behaviour of candidates as a means of analysing the extent to which politicians are harnessing the potential of social media to actively interact with their constituents. Our... more
While the newspaper industry is in crisis and less time and resources are available for newsgathering, social media turn out to be a convenient and cheap beat for (political) journalism. This article investigates the use of Twitter as a... more
Retired military officers often continue to wield significant influence in regimes built after the end of junta rule, sometimes helping to bridge enduring civil-military divides. Myanmar's recent legislative elections offers a... more
L’article étudie la réduction du nombre de parlementaires en France, au Portugal et au Royaume-Uni. Il vise à en comprendre le sens grâce à une approche discursive et argumentative comparée, réalisée à partir de l’étude d’un large corpus... more
The parliament is often being considered as an unfamiliar ‘world’ to women due to men domination among its members. Despite gender difference, members of parliament (MPs) are expected to play three main roles; as representative,... more
This Background Note for the Conference on Effective Legislatures provides an overview of the rules regarding conflict of interest issues that may arise in Parliament.
Twitter has become one of the most important online spaces for political communication practice and research. Through a hand-coded content analysis, this study compares how British and Dutch Parliamentary candidates used Twitter during... more
Analysis of Kenyan politics that focusses on change and continuity in the structure of the state and in patronage politics, focussing on political corruption, the nature of harambee, and the introduction of the Constituency Development... more
This paper examines the core elements and the problems posed by the doctrine contained in the STC 141/2007, within the framework of the constitutional case-law on the MPs' status. The article specially focuses on the meaning and nature of... more
This briefing paper provides data on the gender, age, ethnicity and occupational and educational backgrounds of Members of Parliament elected at the 2015 General Election and how this has changed since 1979 > After the 2015 General... more
In modern British politics particular socioeconomic and demographic groups have established an unprecedented presence in government. The overall composition of the House of Commons, however, continues to be highly unrepresentative of... more
Preface; Part I: Theorizing Public Policy and News Media Representations >Introduction: some notes on public policy and media; Chapter 1: Political philosophy; Chapter 2: Public policy; Chapter 3: News media... more
Quelle relation lie un élu à son parti ? Cet ouvrage analyse la dépendance des députés français au parti. Il montre qu'aujourd'hui comme hier, dans une sorte de pacte faustien, les élus se voient offrir par les partis des carrières... more
The Westminster parliament is admittedly a cabinet controlled one. Government’s grip over the Order Paper – the daily schedule of parliamentary business - is a rule. Non-governmental private members from government and opposition parties... more
Politicians are known to be targets for some of the worst abuse on social media, including rape and death threats. But exactly how bad is it? Who gets it worst? And where is this onslaught of negativity taking us? This article is based on... more
This article introduces the special issue on constituency representation in France, Belgium and Germany. First, it proposes a brief state of the art to show that the literature on European parliamentary systems concentrates on the... more
Keine Dauerreden mehr: Die Demokraten haben im US-Senat die Filibuster-Regel gelockert. Doch wie schaffte es die Lizenz zum Labern überhaupt in die Verfassung?
Spanish Parliamentary Law has progressively recognized the category of «unaffiliated MPs». However, its constitutionality poses many different problems as both the constitutional concept of political representation and the fundamental... more
L’auteure s’appuie sur un panel exhaustif de blogues politiques français (3 509 sites). Une qualification fine des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des blogueurs, de la politisation de chaque blogueur et d’un ensemble de données... more
An ongoing theme in the study of elected representatives is how they present themselves to their constituents in order to enhance their re-election prospects, but there are few examples of studies exploring how elected officials present... more
Olivier Costa et Eric Kerrouche, " Le mandat parlementaire comme profession : les manifestations de la professionnalisation locale des députés ", in Gilles Toulemonde et Emmanuel Cartier (dir.), Le parlement et le temps. Approche... more
Spanish Parliamentary Law has progressively recognized the category of «unaffiliated MPs». However, its constitutionality poses many different problems as both the constitutional concept of political representation and the fundamental... more