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The area corresponding to the modern city of Rome is usually known for the magnificent remains of the Roman civilization and the myths of its foundation in 753 BC. Less known is evidence of the prehistoric occupation occurring until the... more
During the Final Eneolithic the Corded Ware Complex (CWC) emerges, chiefly identified by its specific burial rites. This complex spanned most of central Europe and exhibits demographic and cultural associations to the Yamnaya culture. To... more
Archaeology of Death E-learning Dear Colleagues, As the Covid-19 safety measures are limiting our communication, please use the following web link to download presentation of the Archaeology of Death course.... more
Studie byla publikována v knize Petr Čech a Miroslav Dobeš (ed.): Sborník Miroslavu Buchvaldkovi vydané v Mostu roku 2000 / The study was published in the book Petr Čech a Miroslav Dobeš (ed.): Acta Miroslav Buchvaldek, published in Most... more
The article presents the results of soil and archaeological study of the pedo-sedimentation sequence formed in the floodplain of the Derkul River (West Kazakhstan). The aim of the study was to reconstruct the stages of the alluvial... more
Chemical analysis of archaeological objects is an important part of current investigations. In the presented study, a soil from an archaeological vessel from rescue excavation close to the village Držovice (Central Moravia Region, Czech... more
В статье приводятся краткие итоги исследования грунтового энеолитического могильника Екатериновский мыс в Самарском Поволжье в 2017 году
Článok je zhrnutím vybraných pravekých nálezov z územia mesta Trenčín a snahou v krátkosti priblížiť situáciu v jednotlivých obdobiach staršieho praveku.
Studie byla publikována v knize ,,Ivan Pavlů ed.: Památky archeologické - Supplementum 13 – In Memoriam Jan Rulf " vydané v Praze roku 2000. ISBN: 80-86124-27-4 / The study was published in the book "Ivan Pavlů ed .: Archaeological... more
In the second half of the 20th century, and in particular at the beginning of the 21st century, archaeological discoveries were made, unveiling when, where and why the oldest cities were emerging. For a long time it was believed that the... more
Н.О. Гаврилюк, Ю.Я. Рассамакін, М.А. Остапенко, С.М. Разумов, М.М. Дараган, М.В. Ковальов, Н.І. Мінаєва. Розкопки та музеєфікація курганів на острові Хортиця Археологічні пам’ятки Хортиці та їх музеєфікація. – Запоріжжя: Дике Поле, 2006.... more
The article presents the results of archaeometallurgical studies performed on a so-called copper axe recovered from the vicinity of a former village of Antoniny, Chodzież district (Great Poland).The relics of an intensive settlement... more
Riassunto Dopo una breve introduzione sull'importanza delle grotte per lo studio della Preistoria, si parla delle grotte vulcaniche dell'Etna. Si accenna alla storia delle loro scoperte e delle interpretazioni che le accompagnarono e si... more
Climate and palaeoeconomy in the Neolithic of Turgai Animal farming of Sintashta Culture by the data of rituals Sacral meaning of gaming culture in the early history of Eurasia Razor in warriors’ culture of the Bronze Age Snake-Man in... more
In questo articolo sono esposti i risultati della prima campagna di scavi del sito di Casale del Cavaliere, situato ad est di Roma, quasi ai confini del territorio comunale. La campagna si è svolta nell’autunno del 1991 ed ha interessato... more
Archeologové zjistili, že lidé z pozdní doby kamenné (eneolitu) používali nové typy keramických nádob, které jejich předkové nepotřebovali. Takové nádoby nacházíme nejen v hrobech, ale také v celých souborech ukládaných do země mimo... more
In base ai materiali raccolti sulla superficie dei campi dagli appassionati scopritori dell’insediamento preistorico e a quelli emersi nel corso degli scavi, l’area di Meduno sembra essere stata frequentata quasi esclusivamente in un... more
The copper Age in central southern Italy. Anthropological problems of the Gaudo facies - In order to reconstruct the biological characteristics of the populations who lived in Italy during the Eneolithic period, some skeletal samples come... more
Human skull artifacts are found relatively rarely and in various cultural environments. They have been discussed in anthropological literature since the nineteenth century during which the discovery of the majority of the known finds from... more
‘Proto-Linear A’ of Troy II–V (2600–1900 BCE) is preceded by ‘pre-Linear A’ of Cucuteni A-B (4100–3800 BCE) and late Trypillia (Troianiv and Gorods’k, early 3rd m. BCE) which may be read in Greek or Greek-Armenian
Монография посвящена публикации материалов мегалитического комплекса и поселений острова Веры на озере Тургояк в Южном Зауралье. Комплекс представлен тремя камерными мегалитами и святилищами энеолитического времени (IV–III тыс. до н. э.).... more
The recent discovery of the Early and Middle Eneolithic cemetery in Pecica-Est can generate a beneficial discussion on the multiple chronological and social implications that such a site propagates over the neighbouring region. Through... more
Knjiga je rezultat genetičkih i historijsko - arheoloških istrazivanja porijekla danasnjeg stanovnistva Bosne i Hercegovine.
This work is focused on conducting an archaeological topography of the Trnavská pahorkatina Upland and Lower Váh Alluvial Plain from the age of the paleolithic to the Hallstatt period. Based on studying Professional literature we created... more
Статья вводит в научный оборот материалы погребений эпохи энеолита, происходящие из кургана, расположенного на Среднем Дону (Воронежская область). Обнаруженный в кургане инвентарь (керамика с примесью раковины, подвески из зубов оленя,... more
Die Technik des „maschinellen Sehens“ (computer vision) hält immer stärkeren Einzug in den archäologischen Alltag und eignet sich mittlerweile bestens zur systematischen Anwendung auf archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Im vorliegenden Artikel... more
Abstract: The paper addresses the research on topographic features and economic potentials of landscapes connected with Metal Age sites, in order to compile fundamental data on settlement trends in the Toplica District during the... more