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Curso ministrado no Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo. Conteúdo teórico: A simbologia do ouro na História da Arte; a aplicação do ouro na escultura, na talha e na pintura; o ouro na Arte Sacra Barroca; materiais tradicionais e as técnicas... more
This paper summarises restoration reports for various European frames. The frames commonly reach the workshop from various regions or countries in order to be sold. Since they are trade objects by themselves, they usually do not contain... more
Summary/Zusammenfassung: The paintings gallery of the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum holds one of the great princely collections in Germany. Its core consists in the acquisitions of Duke Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel in the late... more
This paper describes the technical examination and restoration treatment of a British Carlo Maratta style frame. The frame belongs to the 1867 oil canvas painting of Joseph Poulter Mackesy by Catterson Smith. The preservation state of the... more
Download “The gilded Buddha” in high resolution (167 MB): This book celebrates in words and images the traditional metal crafts practised for over a thousand years by the creators of religious Buddhist... more
This article discusses aspects of interactions between image and frame in the context of medieval devotional images. In the later Middle Ages the mimetic strategies to convey the figure’s presence in the image were complemented by pieces... more
Download “Der vergoldete Buddha” in high resolution (168 MB): Dieses Buch handelt in Wort und Bild vom traditionellen Metallhandwerk, das die Schöpfer religiöser buddhistischer Statuen in Nepal seit über 1000... more
L’articolo è dedicato al commento di alcuni passi del trattato El arte de la pintura del pittore sivigliano Francisco Pacheco (1564-1644), che illustrano i procedimenti per la realizzazione della policromia nelle sculture lignee, attività... more
This paper is the first part from an experimental study on documented reconstructions of gilded composites performed within a research project on gilding materials and techniques in Portugal between 1500 and 1800... more
En este documento se exponen varios casos en los que la superficie original de los marcos de periodos, orígenes y estilos diversos fue cubierta, repintada o reinventada. A través de su restauración se recuperan las características de la... more
Alison Clarke considers the collection, practice and legacy of the 19th century dealer and connoisseur, in respect of his picture frames. The Florentine art dealer Stefano Bardini (1836-1922) was, like so many of his contemporaries, a... more
Quite commonly, " worn " , " old " , " rusty " and " rotten " ecclesiastical and litourgical objects end up unwanted and disposed of, burnt or burried following the customs of Eastern Orthodox Church, and replaced by modern ones lacking... more
The gilded polychrome carved wood in Portugal, (talha dourada) gained its most rich expression during the Baroque epoch with the development of production techniques and the use of of gold leaf. The present paper proposes a... more
Three case studies illustrate how accepted principles are applied conscientiously and creatively in the conservation and restoration of gilded wooden artefacts. The cases presented are a late 18th-century French Louis XVI frame, two... more
The study analyses two bundles of official documents from the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno and the Provincial Archive in Opava that emerged in the connection with the Verordnung über die Einfuhr fremder Industrie- Erzeugniße decree... more
Trotz der kaum zu verkennenden Bedeutung malerischer Fassungen für das Erscheinungsbild und die Wirkung von Bildwerken des Florentiner 15. Jahrhunderts konzentrierten sich die Kunstwissenschaften bislang überwiegend auf deren... more
A dispute among the best five painters-gilders of Evora, for two of the most important contracts regarding the gilding of the altarpieces, gave rise to an extensive and detailed documentation on the technique, materials and prices used in... more
En el Palacio Real de Madrid, entre septiembre y diciembre, podemos contemplar la extraordinaria exposición "Obras Maestras del Museo de Capodimonte", en la que se muestran excepcionales piezas de, entre otros, Tiziano, El Greco,... more
This article examines a richly carved mirror from Windsor Castle, thought to be by Thomas Chippendale, exhibited in London in 1853 at the Gore House exhibition and at the Museum of Ornamental Art, predecessor body of the Victoria and... more
Der Vortrag untersucht verschiedene Aspekte des Spannungverhältnisses von Bild und Rahmen spätmittelalterlicher Kultbilder. Ausgangspunkt meiner Überlegungen sind die Heiligenbilder von etwa 1360 aus der Heilig Kreuz Kappelle der Burg... more
Der Vortrag untersucht verschiedene Aspekte des Spannungverhältnisses von Bild und Rahmen spätmittelalterlicher Kultbilder. Ausgangspunkt meiner Überlegungen sind die Heiligenbilder von etwa 1360 aus der Heilig Kreuz Kappelle der Burg... more
Framing butterflies is a niche craft that takes hobbyists closer to the masterpieces of nature and preserves the view. Shadow boxes are ideal options for bug art, but there can be other alternates too. Here are some inspirations for... more
Een nieuwe inlijsting van een laat 14e -eeuwse paneelschildering uit Haarlem: De Heilige Maagschap door Geertgen tot Sint Jans. Nog aanwezige lichtgroene verf op de 'baard' rondom het beschilderde oppervlak vormen een belangrijke... more