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Hammerscale is the product of high-temperature oxidation of iron alloys and it is particularly associated with the forging of iron. Due to its magnetic properties hammerscale is easily recovered from archaeological contexts. While most... more
चषालः caṣāla on Yupa, made of wheat straw, an Indus Script hieroglyph, signifies pyrolysis/carburization in smelting ores into steel/hard alloys Yupa is a kunda, a pillar of bricks. This kunda signifies a fire-alter or agnikunda in Vedic... more
Clonfad is an early medieval ecclesiastical enclosure, 10% of which was excavated in 2004-5, in advance of the N6/N52 link road. Work revealed important evidence for iron hand-bell production, intensive iron-working, and other artisan and... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
The article analyzes the current status of innovative-investment development of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine. The use of modern technologies of steel production and of resource-saving is investigated. The properties of the... more
Due to the rapid growth of high performance electronics devices accompanied by overheating problem, heat dissipater nanocomposites material having ultra-high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion was proposed. In... more
В отходах пирометаллургического производства меди накоплено значительное количество отвальных шлаков. Даже при среднем содержании меди в них 0,30–0,80 %, видно, что потери металлы составляет значительных. В этой связи задача создания... more
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the production feasibility of triaxial whiteware using sand from cast iron moulds as a raw material instead of silica, and recycled glass in place of feldspar. Formulations were prepared using... more
Heterogeneous synthesis of monodisperse pure nickel nanoparticles in aqueous medium has been carried out using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and a lower alkylammonium bromide mixture of tetraethylammonium bromide and tetrabutylammonium... more
Har yili dunyo miqyosida insonlarning koʻpayishi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoatning kengayishi katta shaharlarning globallashuvi bu - oziq-ovqat tanqisligi, ishlab chiqarish va sanoat chiqindi gazlari, qattiq hamda suyuq chiqindilari,... more
Purpose of this paper is to improve parameters of metal structures elements of hoisting-and-transport machines (HTMs) by means of systematic approach to study changes of their stress-strain state during design or usage stage. Subject of... more
Observations on South Levantine Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age metallurgy. The Transition from Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze in southern Levant: Continuity or Discontinuity?
Vertical cylindrical vessel-chambers as a part of coal — drying plants, whose purpose is to collect wastewater, are supported at 3 points in upper dish head area and are made of fine-grained Mn steel plates, joined by welding. Significant... more
Monel is an enigma. Poorly understood and grossly under-researched, the alloy has largely been ignored despite its importance in the first half of the twentieth century in the history of metallurgy and the moderne style. In exterior... more
PCDD/F homologue profiles and 2,3,7,8 chlorine-substituted congener patterns are studied using principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. Measurement data from different industrial metallurgical processes such as iron... more
Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide-and nitride... more
As a result of optimisation of high current circuit for the furnace 7.75 MVA, its substitute values of phase reactances have been considerably decreased and its asymmetry has been minimised. Decrease in the voltage drop of the high... more
Laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing is used for demanding applications in industries such as aerospace. However, machine-specific, optimized process conditions and parameters are required to assure consistent part quality. In... more
O trabalho tem como finalidade descrever o tratamento térmico de têmpera em água no aço 1045 realizado no laboratório da instituição, além de analisar as microestruturas resultantes do processo.