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2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts (IMCDEA) ABSTRACTS 14th- 15th December, 2016 Zakynthos Island, Greece 2 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 ORGANISED BY: Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands Department of Environmental Technologies Division: Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Ecumenical Patriarchate Theological School of Halki 3 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 Committees Organizing Committee:  Dr. Christos Karydis, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece (Chair)  Assistant Professor Katerina Kabassi, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece  Assistant Professor Adamantia Kampioti, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece  Dr. Nikolas Sarris, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece Scientific Committee:  Assistant Professor Glykeria Chatzouli, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece  Prof. Ioannis Dragonas, TEI of Athens, Greece  Associate Professor Ioannis Karapanagiotis, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece  Emeritus Professor Katerina Korre-Zografou, University of Athens, Greece  Dr. Christos Karydis, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece  Assistant Professor George Kordis, University of Athens, Greece  Dr. Eleni Kouloumpi, National Gallery-Alexandros Soutzos Museum,Greece  Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis, University of Kent, UK  Dr. Dimitris Lambakis, TEI of Ionian Islands &University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece  Mr. Christos Liondas, Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, Greece  Dr. Panagiota Manti, University of Cardiff, UK  Dr. Artemios Oikonomou, University of Nottingham, UK  Professor Theodore Ganetsos, Piraeus University, Greece.  Assistant Professor Gerasimos Pavlogeorgatos, University of the Aegean, Greece  Prof. Ioannis Sianoudis, TEI of Athens, Greece  Dr. Sophia Sotiropoulou, Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre, Greece  Assistant Professor, Ioanna Stoufi, University of Athens, Greece  Associate Professor Nikolaos Zacharias, University of Peloponnese, Greece Honorary Committee: Prof. Metropolitis Elpidophoros Lambriniadis, Turkey Metropolitis Dodonis Chrysostomos, Greece Stavros Baltogiannis, Greece Design of the meeting posters & invitations: Mr. Nikos Salamouris Design of the meeting sign and webpage: Dr.Christos Karydis & Dimitra Kagioglidou Web site: Fb: 4 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 Meeting programme 14th December 2016 16:00 16:30 17:15 17:1517:30 17:3017:45 17:4518:00 18:0018:15 18:1518:30 18:30 18:4519:00 19:0019:15 19:1519:30 19:3019:45 19:4520:00 20:0020:15 Registration at the Main Hall of the Theological School of Halki (Heybeliada) Welcoming & Opening Ceremony at the main Hall of the Theological School of Halki Speakers: - Metropolitan of Bursa, Professor Elpidophoros Lambriniadis, - President of TEI of Ionian Islands, Professor Ioannis Dragonas, - Head of the Department of Environmental Technology- Division Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ass. Professor Adamantia Kambioti - Chair, Dr. Christos Karydis. SESSION 1: Documentation, museums & ecclesiastical history Chairpersons: Assistant Professor Glykeria Chatzouli & Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis Maria-Xeni Garezou, Elena Glytsi, Stefanos Keramidas and Maria Pizga. Ecclesiastic Museums and Heritage Protection: Challenges and Synergies Aristoteles- Georgios Sakellariou. Developing capacities behind the scenes for the care of religious art in Museums. A. Agni Apostolidou. From the Church…to the museum, from the believer…to the visitor. Athina Tsigkaropoulou & Eleni Makridou. Recording and preserving ecclesiastical religious objects in Iera Metropolis Kitros, Katerini & Platamonas. Stylianos Perdikis. The Museum of Kykkos Monastery, an institution which rescues and promotes the cultural treasures in Cyprus. Coffee break/ Poster Session I Nikolaos Graikos and Georgia Graikou. Observations about the types and the preparation of painting surfaces in works of ecclesiastical paintings (19 th-early 20th century). Dora Markatou. The depiction of „ouranies‟ in the Churches of the Ionian Islands. Christoforos Kourouzidis. Byzantine reliquary cross from Pan-Hellenic Foundation of Panagia Soumela. Remarks on technique and iconography. Sapho Tambaki. Icons, Saints ... and young children. Educational Approaches. Ianthi Assimakopoulou. Taking Jesus' body: a Renaissance motif and its history. Nikolaos Markozanis. The management of the Orthodox ecclesiastical art as a liturgical and cultural value. 5 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 15th December 2016 Morning session 11:00 11:0011:15 11:1511:30 11:3011:45 12:15 12:3012:45 12:4513:00 13:0013:15 13:1513:30 13:3013:45 13:50 13:5014:30 SESSION 2: Physicochemical analysis, materials & collections Chairpersons: Professor Theodore Ganetsos & Dr. Artemios Oikonomou Agathi- Anthoula Kaminari and Athina Alexopoulou. The contribution of nondestructive documentation and imaging techniques in the study of post Byzantine icons. George Karagiannis., Christos. Salpistis and Rev. Dimosthenis Demosthenous. Application of 3D spectroscopic mapping imaging using the mobile laboratory of “ORMYLIA” Foundation. The case of an icon of the Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus. Eleni Kouloumpi., Nikos Zacharias., Christos Karydis., Eleni Palamara., Afroditi Kamara., Alexandros Konstanta., Vaggelis Siokos and Alexandros Floros. Integrated study for the phyicochemical characterisation of ecclesiastical collections from the area of Taygetos, Greece. Coffee break/ Poster Session II Theodore Ganetsos., Panagiota Kopidou., Panagiota Skagou., Thomas Katsaros and Afroditi Loukaiti. Identification of pigments using portable Raman on wall paintings of St. Sophia or Odigitrias Church upper town of Monemvasia. Sergios Sergiadis, Nikos Karagiannis and Ioannis Kotsalas. Byzantine fresco: obsession or spiritual excess. Stamatis Chondrogiannis. The sacristy of Monastery of St. Dionysiou at Mount Athos: from preserving and exhibiting the holy relics to highlighting the Monastery‟s architectural history. Αdamantia Panagopoulou., Thothoris Tsirigotis, Dionysios Zafiropoulos and Thothoris Ganetsos. Nondestructive physicochemical analysis and preventive conservation of Zakynthian wall paintings: first view. Archim. Dionysios Lykogiannis. The Church of St. Paraskevi in VolimaZakynthos. Archival and artistic imprints. -Tour to the Theological School and to the Main Church -End of the morning session Round table Chairpersons: Dr. Ch. Karydis & Ass. Professor Ad. Kambioti. Lunch break Afternoon session 17:0017:15 17:1517:30 SESSION 3: Interventive & Preventive Conservation, case studies Chairpersons: Assistant Professor Adamantia Kampioti, Dr. Eleni Kouloumpi & Dr. Nikolaos Sarris Maria Margaritof and Dimitris Margaritof. Conservation of artefacts through the eyes of Tasos Margaritof, the first certificated Conservator in Greece. Important examples of all his work: the maintenance of encaustic Christ of Sinai and the first removing successive layers of painting worldwide in 1962. Maja Živić. Dionysus, opening and revelation of the soul. Restoration of mosaic with the presentation of Dionysus at a feast from Felix Romuliana. 6 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 17:3017:45 17:4518:00 18:0018:15. 18:15 18:3018:45 P. Çakar and S. Çumralı. Comparison of conservation and production techniques of an Armenian manuscript and traditional islamic manuscripts. Marianna Tesse. The French restoration: a comparison on the Italian approach. The case of the Church of Saint Sulpice in Paris and the Andria‟s Cathedral, South of Italy. Evangelia Kyriazi., Christos Karydis., Stamatina Nera., Evangelia Foustalieraki., Evrydiki Zachariou., Stauvroula Relaki., Kalliopi Trikoili., Antonia- Maria Patithra and Thomas Apostolou. Unwanted Ecclesiastical Heritage: Ignorance and Neglect, Replacement and Destruction or Research, Conservation, Reuse and Exhibition? The case of a rescued tabernacle (artophorion). Coffee break/ Poster Session III 19:0019:15 19:1519:30 Dimitrios Tsipotas., Katerina Kalamartzi., Maria Karta and Nikoletta Giovanoglou. The Church of St. Athanasios in Chorouda, Holy Metropolis of Lagada, Lete and Rentini prefecture, Thessaloniki. Preliminary report on the application of the conservation procedures on the wooden constructions and wall paintings. Angeliki Stassinou and Penelope Banou. The conservation of a 16 th c. imprint of the Holy Gospel printed in Venice from the collections of the General State Archives of Greece. Nikolas Sarris. Some Finishing Tools and Bindings from the Monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai. Panagiotis Spathis. Methodology and standards in preventive conservation of cultural property. 19:3019:45 Maria Bratitsi. The conservation of the icon of the Holy Mother of God of Ypseni from the island of Rhodes. 18:4519:00 Closing & remarks 7 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 Posters 1. R. Alkhleef and Aik. Katsi. Management of ecclesiastical artefacts and social economy. 2. O. Anastasiadou and N. Galanis. An alternative proposal of preservation of famous paintings by students. 3. D. C. Barmpounis. The expression of the Supreme Idea in the Architecture of Hagia Sophia. 4. P. Christidis., A. Konstanta., D. Karakatsanis., Ch. Galanopoulos., A. Alexiou and I. Karapanagiotis. Physicochemical investigation and conservation of iconostasis of the Church of the Annunciation of 19th century in Vrastama of Chalkidiki, Greece. 5. Marg. Dimitriadou. The Holy Monastery of Faneromeni (Salamis Island) Religious and National Center: History and sacred relics 6. Anast-Soph.Dimopoulou., V. Datsioudis., E. Margariti., E.Theochari., S. Xynarianou., E. Chouliaras and Al.Diamantakis. “Cultum” e-learning platform: An educative web tool that raises awareness of the ecclesiastical museums and sites 7. D. Eliopoulos. Ecclesiastical Museums in Greece. A first approach. 8.M. Estadella -Colomé. Interdisciplinary approach in a preliminar research on wooden baroque procesional tabernacles in the contemporary Catalonia, Spain. 9. S. Germanidou. The influence of byzantine art into modern painting (end of 19 th first decades of 20th centuries): stylistic and iconographic affinities. 10. Ir. Hrakleous and Chr. Karydis. Documentation & preventive conservation of icons and textiles of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Leimonos in Lesbos: Problems and solutions. 11. E. Lambi. Photosensitivity and preservation of modern Epitaphs: A first approach. 12. A. Oikonomou and E. Kouloumpi. Documentation of construction technique and materials, conservation and restoration of an 18th century western-type Tabernacle from Zakynthos. 13. K. Papakonstantinou., Chr. Karydis., E. Kouloumpi., N. Zacharias., A. Kamara., A. Konstanta., E. Palamara., A. Floros and V. Siokos. The study and conservation of 18th mid 19th c. Sanctification Cross from St. Catherine of Nedousa. 14. M. Psarianou. The enzymes‟ application in conservation of textiles items and their use in Greece. 15. M. Rentina and Chr. Karydis. Recognition and identification of textile fibres of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine icons from the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki – Comparable study of the morphology of the fibres. 16. M. Sideri. Depiction and analysis of Makarismoi on icons. 17. A. Skyvalaki and T. Karafotias. Restoring a carved and gilded wooden iconostasis of the 18th Century: Challenges and concerns in occasion of a puzzle of 198 pieces. 18. N. Stamatouroglou. Monumental Management of the Byzantine Parish Church of Prophet Elijah at Thessaloniki (14th century), Greece. 19. K. Stefanaki. Orthodox Academy of Crete „Art & Churches‟. 20. G. Stergiou. Conservation and restoration of a double-sided ecclesiastical banner from Saint Nicholas Church, Molista, Ioannina. 21. G. Stergiou., D. Lampakis., C. Stergiou., I. Karapanagiotis and V. Melfos. Identification of pigments used in early 19h century icons from St. George Church, Asvestochori, Thessaloniki, Greece. 22. Ath. Stogiannos. New technologies for the protection and the curating of 8 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 ecclesiastical relics at Churches. 23. V. Touli., Eft. Papadopoulou and Arg. Koniditsiotis. Application of non-destructive analytical and imaging techniques as part of a wall-paintings conservation project at the St. Panteleymon Monastery in Agia, Larissa. 24. G. Tsairis and Our. Theodoropoulou. Restoration of the overly-extensive damages caused to a post- Byzantine icon by the superimposition of a silver repousse cover, along with a proposal on how the icon should be placed back (and treated as a cult object) in the church where it belongs. 25. M. Tsiapali., S. Vivdenko., Ch. Tsangalidis and A. Konstanta. Multi -analytical investigation of the mural painting‟s pigments of the Church of Saint Andrew “Peristera”, Thessaloniki, Greece. 26. V. Tsinaridis and I. Karapanagiotis. Identification of inks and pigments in a manuscript from the Ecumenical Patriarchate. 27. D. Tsipotas. Managing and communicating a conservation scheme of gilded polychrome wood-carved work of art, utilizing “open source software applications”: The case study of the sanctuary gates from a Οrthodox wood –screen in Northern Greece. 28. F. Vasileiadou. Conservation Study and Management of relics of the Holy Monastery of St. George Peristereota. 29. G. Velkos. Three valuable artefacts of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Olympiotissa of Elassona. 30. Rev. V. Verginadis. Considerations for the maintenance and preservation of the religious relics. The cases of remote Parish Churches. 31. E. Vlachou. The study and conservation of an18 th early 19th century of the wood carved cross of the iconostasis in Kerkyra. 32. E. Lygnou., E. Vlaxou and A. Peppa. The conservation of an 19th century oilpainting from the Church of St. Sergios, Vackhos and Ioustina in Kerkyra: The Three Hierarchs. 33. N. Zacharias and A. Oikonomou. The development of glass industry during Late Antiquity. The example of glass tesserae. 9 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 Abstracts SESSION 3: Interventive & Preventive Conservation, case studies 31 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December, 2016 Unwanted Ecclesiastical Heritage: Ignorance and Neglect, Replacement and Destruction or Research, Conservation, Reuse and Exhibition? The case of a rescued tabernacle (artophorion) E. Kyriazi1, Chr. Karydis2, S.Nera2, E. Foustalieraki2, E. Zachariou2, S. Relaki2, K. Trikoili2, A. M. Patithra2 and Th. Apostolou2 1 University of the Peloponnese, Laboratory of Archaeometry, Department of History, Archaeology, and Cultural Resources Management, Palaio Stratopedo – Anatoliko Kentro, Kalamata, 24100, Greece 2 A.TEI of Ionian Islands, Department of Environmental Technologists-Division of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Panagoula, Zakynthos, 29100, Greece Keywords: artophorion, wood, gilding, conservation, overpainting Abstract Quite commonly, “worn”, “old”, “rusty” and “rotten” ecclesiastical and litourgical objects end up unwanted and disposed of, burnt or burried following the customs of Eastern Orthodox Church, and replaced by modern ones lacking the artistic and historical value of their predecessors. This paper discusses research, conservation, reuse and exhibition as alternatives to neglect, replacement and destruction. The case study of this paper is a wood-carved church tabernacle or artophorion discovered in a tavern on a Greek island. Its small door was spotted hanging on a wall of a private museum a few kilometres away. The object was identified by the abbot of a local monastery as originally placed on the altar of a small glebe church, serving to keep the reserved sacrament. The tabernacle, reunited with its door, was transported to the TEI of Ionian Islands for study and conservation upon request of the abbot. The external appearance of the tabernacle gave few clues about its original grandeur. Similar objects were often shaped like miniature churches with a cross on their top, and whether wrought of precious metals or wood-carved, they were usually elaborately decorated or gilded. However, this artophorion was nearly entirely covered in white paint; the cross that used to ornate its top and some of its relief decorative elements were missing, and some wooden additions had been loosely nailed on the carved decorative buttresses of its facade. Careful study of the object resulted in a better understanding of its construction materials and methodology. Cleaning tests and sampling indicated that the object had been over-painted several times. Conservation, which is currently in progress, has been revealing a burnished, water gilded artefact of great beauty and craftsmanship that deserves to be treated in respect for what it represents in terms of religion and aesthetic excellence. 35 2nd International Meeting for Conservation & Documentation of Ecclesiastical Artefacts, December 2016 Media & communication sponsors: 76