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This detailed entry provides descriptive information for the manuscript Itinerarium of Jakub Římař (1682–1755) and its significance for the history of Christian-Muslim relations. It was published in the series Christian-Muslim Relations:... more
Egypt abounds in a great and unique heritage, which is rich and diverse, reflecting the various civilizations and the history it has witnessed for thousands of years. This human heritage is the most wonderful thing left to us by our... more
This article is a study of the brief tenure, rebellion, and sultanate of Egypt’s Ottoman governor Ahmed Pasha (d.1524). It investigates the context of the rebellion, it’s aftermath and impact in Egypt and the Ottoman Empire as an event... more
The history of Egypt under Ottoman rule is one of the least studied chapters of the history of that country in the Muslim era. Egypt was ruled by the Mamluk sultans for 267 years (1250–1517); it was an Ottoman province for 281 years (from... more
Published in Elisabetta Borromeo, Frederic Hitzel, and Benjamin Lellouch (eds), Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, Leuven:  Peeters 2022, 581-600.
This special issue is a small collection of essays devoted to the history of the Janissaries, intended to be the first of a series of publications investigating the processes which made the Janissary Corps a formidable political and... more
This volume analyzes historical processes of mobility by focusing on material objects. Mobility—as a shorthand for various related processes such as migration, transfer, entanglement, and translation—involves human actors, immaterial... more
The burial of Queen Ahhotep represents one of the most significant finds in Near Eastern Archaeology. A gilded coffin and a trove of magnificent jewels and precious objects belonging to a queen named Ahhotep was discovered at Dra Abu... more
NOTE: some (many, perhaps most) aspects of this analysis have been rendered obsolete by new research published since this thesis was written in 1999-2000. I am not currently working on this topic and have posted this here primarily for... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
Announcement of the Turkish translation of my 2018 history of the office of Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman imperial Harem.
Journal of Arabic Literature, 44/2 (2013): 181-239 This article deals with a literary offering presented by Ibn Sulṭān (d. 1544) — a Mamluk Damascene ʿālim who eventually became the Ottoman muftī of Damascus — to Sultan Selīm I that... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
1517 yılında Osmanlı topraklarına katılan Mısır, İstanbul’dan yönetildiği yaklaşık dört yüz yıl boyunca Osmanlı otoritesi ile kendine has bir ilişki kurmuştur. Siyasi açıdan çalkantılı bir seyir izleyen bu ilişkinin sosyo-kültürel boyutu... more
The following maps were composite sketches I drew in early 2009 for a research project on the patterns of patronage of urban development in Cairo by Ottoman governors during the first decades after the Ottoman conquest in the 16th... more
Relation sur le cambriolage et le meurtre commis dans la maison de Monsieur Napollon au Caire et sur l'enquête des autorités égyptiennes pour arrêter et châtier les voleurs en janvier 1761. Transcription d'un petit manuscrit portant le... more
While our understanding of the Gülşenīye and its Egyptian chronicler, Muḥyī-i Gülşenī, has progressed greatly, various aspects of the latter remain underexplored. This chapter seeks to rectify this by looking into two of his unpublished... more
Were Ottoman autonomous provinces nation-states in the making or signs of a semicolonial and irredeemably weak empire? Or, were they evidence of alternative arrangements of imperial sovereignty? By taking a long view of Ottoman history... more
This article examines the deposition of the Ottoman governor of Egypt by Cairo’s soldiers in 1676, and a subsequent court case, in order to illustrate the increasing importance of law and legal institutions in Ottoman politics during the... more
A study of Islamic law and political power in the Ottoman Empire’s richest provincial city. What did Islamic law mean in the early modern period, a world of great Muslim empires? Often portrayed as the quintessential jurists’ law, to a... more
In November 2015, the Journal of the History of International Law published a special issue entitled "International Legal Histories of the Ottoman Empire". The symposium was co-edited by Umut Özsu (Assistant Professor of Law, University... more
The patriarchate of Nicanor (1866-1869) was a time of internal perturbations for the Church of Alexandria. The Orthodox Communities of Egypt and foreign diplomats were key actors in the Church dramas. Playing against Nicanor, his enemies... more
Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği 2007 En İyi Tercüme Ödülü / Turkish Authors' Association 2007 Best Translation Award.
This is a Turkish translation of Muḥammad Farīd Bey’s (d. 1919) Mudhakkirātī ba‘da al-hijra.
an article in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought, eds. Gerhard Bowering, Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, Muhammad Qasim Zaman (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012), pp. 376-77.
The Karaites in the Ottoman Empire were a heterogenic group that included communities of Arabic speakers, mainly in Cairo, Damascus and Jerusalem, and of Greek (and later Turkish) speakers, mainly in Istanbul. All Karaite communities... more