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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a nutritional program on the nutritional knowledge of children and adolescents with visual impairments. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the... more
Summary Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable... more
Introduction Children who are deafblind have unique educational needs, especially when it comes to developing a foundation for recreation. This foundation includes a well-rounded physical education program. Purpose The purpose of this... more
Methodological approach to a diversity of sources and pedagogical theories in a portuguese school both for blind and sighted students from the 50s of the 20th century.
An essay on Ray Charles' blindness during his life, written for the Smithsonian Institution.
The color human visual response is driven by specialized cells called cones, which exist in three types, viz. R, G, and B. Software is developed to simulate how color images are displayed for different types of color blindness. Specified... more
盲人通常被認為是經濟弱勢且行動上較多障礙,因而活動能力與範圍較為有限。然而從19世紀末開始,臺灣的盲人因為西洋傳教士的派遣而往來於中國與臺灣之間。日本殖民統治時期,由於基督教鼓勵積極接受西式教育,因此開始有臺灣盲人到日本唸書和中國盲人到臺灣唸書。20世紀上半日本內地許多明眼人加入針灸按摩工作,造成當地盲人失去養活自己的能力。由於當時殖民地臺灣只有盲人可以到學校學習鍼灸與按摩,一般人不容易取得執照許可,而傳統抓龍又受到禁止與取締,因此吸引許多日本人來到臺灣工作,也鼓勵臺灣盲人加... more
This article presents a pilot study conducted in Barcelona with blind and visually-impaired people. The aim was to analyze the use and efficacy of tactile maps produced by means of 3D printing. For this purpose, structured interviews were... more
The low-incidence disability of visual impairment has led to many challenges in the field of education. The present study compared school related issues of adolescents with a visual impairment and their parents to adolescents who do not... more
The main object of this dissertation is the study of the performances of "visual disability", "blindness", "low vision" and “seeing”, through social interactions. Its main objective is to describe and to analyze these performances as the... more
Este artículo pretende acercar al lector la figura del músico ciego Gabriel Abreu Castaño, inventor de un sistema musicográfico en puntos de relieve semejante al de Louis Braille aunque con mayor posibilidad de combinaciones. Dicho... more
資本主義生產模式和生物醫學詮釋,是影響西方現代身心障礙者社會地位 的兩個主要因素。資本主義生產方式將身心障礙者排除在經濟活動之外,而特殊教育和社會福利則造成身心障礙的社會隔離。生物醫學讓異常身體擺脫神祕色彩,但也使得身心障礙成為醫學管轄與矯治的對象。日本統治時期挪用歐美的現代主義和東方主義,「折射」到殖民地社會而形成了新的「殖民現代性」(colonial... more
Blindness. The Perception of a (Dis)ability in Early Modern Italy. People with visual impairment were a permanent and active presence in Italy from the end of the 13th century. In that period, they started creating their own... more
This situational analysis (SITAN) addresses the question: “what is the current situation for persons with disabilities in Bangladesh?”. It has been prepared for the Disability Inclusive Development programme (which works on access to... more
Bu araştırmanın genel amacı, okul öncesi dönemdeki bir az gören çocuğun işlevsel görme becerilerinden izleme becerilerinin gelişiminde İşlevsel Görme Aktivite Programı’nın (İGAP İzleme) etkililiğini belirlemektir. Araştırma amacına göre,... more
Purpose: Special education for the blind has existed for more than 130 years in Taiwan, but little is known about its early development, and some mistakes have been passed on constantly. The purpose of this article is to explore and... more
The present work intends to redirect and reposition several questions related to the birth of schools conceived for the blind, which happened simultaneously in several locations of the modern western world. This very same event may also... more
Our paper addresses the ‘middle-blind’ status of the man from Bethsaida whom, according to Mk 8.22–26, Jesus heals in two phases. Drawing on observations from modern philosophical psychology and from ancient Greek and Jewish perspectives... more
A literary, historical and philosophical exploration of blindness, the possibilities of sensory substitution, and the perennial fascination with what the blind ‘see’ The “man born blind restored to light” was one of two foundational... more
The blind flutist Friedrich Ludwig Dülon (1769–1826) toured northern Europe from the early 1780s to the first years of the nineteenth century, winning applause as a virtuoso and composer. His travels took him throughout Germany and to... more
The accessibility of bank websites has been a great challenge for people with visual disabilities, especially in developing countries. Egypt is considered a good example for such countries with a population over than 98 million. The low... more
Hiring decisions can be risky. How much can employers save by better understanding the motivations and objectives of each applicant? How much time and expertise should be invested in getting to know each applicant? Will such efforts... more
Als populäres Sujet innerhalb der Künste markiert Blindheit keinen Gegensatz, sondern eine spezifische Ausprägung visueller Wahrnehmung. Vor dem Hintergrund der von den Visual Culture Studies, der Kunst-, Theater-und Kulturwissenschaft... more
Essay on collections of human monsters in Italian Renaissance Courts: dwarves, giants, hirsutes, blind, mutes, goiters, brawnies, castrates, twins, albinos, loonies, obeses, hunchbacked, lames, and many others - male and female - 1450-1650
This study observes a particular pedagogical experience in Portugal during the mid 20th century: Centro Infantil Helen Keller. Following Freinet pedagogic techniques, part of Movimento da Escola Moderna, its main purpose was the inclusiva... more
S'il est difficile d'appliquer sans critique les théories des "disability studies" à la période médiévale, au risque d'un anachronisme évident, les sources permettent toutefois d'envisager une histoire du handicap au Moyen Age, illustrée... more