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Abstract This study discusses the perception of “the living” in nature, in the context of cross-curricular gardening, kitchen and food-and-health-science teaching at the Waldorf School. It focuses entirely on the phenomenological and... more
This paper attempts to uncover the ontological basis of Hoffmann's tale the Sandman (in contrast to "psychological" interpretations): what sort of semiotic and imaginative operations are associated with the figure of the Sandman--not as a... more
What happens to language after the post-linguistic turn? In what does a speculative approach to religion consist? Such are the two questions around which this essay is structured. It answers them using some of the framework supplied by... more
Texto integral disponível: Tradução, introdução e notas. Publicada em 1801 na Revista de Física Especulativa, a Exposição do meu Sistema da Filosofia é, segundo o próprio Schelling, a única exposição "estritamente científica" do sistema... more
Abstract Vitalism is regarded as a defining feature of most Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalities, and Contemporary Western Herbal Medicine (CWHM) is no exception. In order to fully understand the current function of... more
Abstract: This essay wants to show how the philosophical concepts of biocentrism, epigenetic development of cosciousness, and multi-identity are central to a post-humanist thought that aims at preserving hybridization and... more
Döblins Frühwerk zwischen Wilhelminismus und dem Ende der Weimarer Republik ist eine stetige Auseinandersetzung mit ‚Natur‘ – mit der menschlichen und nichtmenschlichen, mit der dynamischen und kontrollierten, mit der sorgenden und mit... more
In: Lukas Pokorny & Franz Winter (eds.), The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World, Palgrave MacMillan 2021
Die Naturphilosophie, welche Aristoteles in der "Physik" entwirft, lässt sich als Frage nach dem "Sinn von Natur" und darin zunächst als Komplement zur neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft lesen, welche die Natur stets als etwas Verstandenes... more
La prospettiva in cui in questo libro vengono lette le categorie di totalitarismo e di democrazia, vuole essere alternativa sia ad una rappresentazione esclusivamente storico-politica dei termini, che li ridurrebbe a mere e schematiche... more
Schelling's early philosophy and his groundbreaking dynamism sought to present what was beneath the surface of nature, in order to reveal the ideal interiority of nature's real power, which for Schelling, was teeming with intensities, and... more
The present study was written with the intent of opening up new ontological dimensions to the debate concerning the nature of the organism, which broaden the horizons of contemporary biological science. Various traditions from the... more
Review of : Alberto Bonchino, Materie als geronnener Geist. Studien zu Franz von Baader in den philosophischen Konstellationen seiner Zeit, Baaderiana, vol. I, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014, pp. 169; Franz von Baader,... more
This is a longer version of what will appear as a chapter in a forthcoming volume on Žižek and his critics. In it, I raise some problems for Žižek's dialectical materialist rendition of quantum mechanics by elaborating a series of... more
This article approaches the concept of the absolute operative in Goethe's Faust by taking its point of departure from Schelling's Naturphilosophie, which supersedes and embeds tragic subjectivity in an ontological dynamic that both... more
""Inhaltsverzeichnis Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana Von den Herausgebern SYRIACA Yulia Furman Der erste Schöpfungstag und die „ersten Naturen“ in der „Geschichte der zeitlichen Welt“ von Johannes bar Penkaye Evgeny... more
Projet de thèse en Philosophie sous la direction de M. Renaud Barbaras
ISPJS, Centre de Philosophie contemporaine de la Sorbonne, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The name Samuel Taylor Coleridge calls forth, in most people's minds, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Christabel, and other such great poems. Coleridge was, however, also a philosopher, although he is not often... more
В статье исследуется нестандартный материализм Франсуа Ларюэля, методологически рассматриваемый как натурфилософия (за образец которой берется прочтение Иэном Грантом сочинений Шеллинга), а нефилософия описывается как натурфилософия в... more
Seite 1 Vorwort 2 2 Einleitung 3 3 Die Faszination des Universalen 4 3.1 Der experimentelle Dialog 5 3.2 Der Ursprungsmythos der Wissenschaft 5 3.3 Die... more
Seguendo una suggestione di Karl Löwith, secondo il quale: «l’antropologia diviene filosofica solamente con questa enorme domanda che riguarda il rapporto dell’uomo con il mondo», queste pagine prendono a tema l’eclettica figura di Carl... more
Whilst Kant's work has been important for understanding the orbit of Schelling's Naturphilosophie, this is often considered only in relation to the Critical philosophy. The aim of this paper is to suggest a connection between the... more
This paper investigates the implicit aesthetics of Schelling’s early Naturphilosophie. Within the framework of Naturphilosophie, Schelling naturalizes the categories of the beautiful and the sublime, making not only the purposiveness of... more
This paper was initially presented at the „Subjektivität und Verkörperung“, Kolloquium zur Französischen Philosophie 25. 11. 2021, Organized by Marta Cassina, Christos Kalpakidis, Mehdi Parsa at Universität Bonn In this paper, I try to... more
The word Organismus came into usage in German in the 1790s to hold certain paradoxes in suspension. Referring to the dynamic processes of a living being rather than to the being itself, the concept of the organism attempted to navigate... more
Reconstructing the theories of encounter and individuation among Novalis and his contemporaries affiliated with the Freiberg Mining Academy, this article reconsiders German Romanticism through a Spinozan materialist tradition. Countering... more
The early German Romantics are often construed as irrationalist or proto-postmodern. As this reading goes, being critical of the myopic vision of modern science and the systematic tendencies of discursive reason, they prefer the openness... more
Skript zur gleichnamigen Vorlesung an der TH Darmstadt 1997 Inhalt: 1. Zum Thema der Vorlesung 2. Gehlens Ableitung der Technik aus der anthropologischen Bestimmung des Menschen als „Mängelwesen“ 3. Ernst Blochs Utopie einer... more
Although largely neglected in Schelling scholarship, the concept of bliss (Seligkeit) assumes central importance throughout Schelling’s oeuvre. Focusing on his 1810-11 texts, the Stuttgart Seminars and the beginning of the Ages of the... more
Philosophies after Kant maybe more than ever, were confronted with a particular epistemic problem: how can representations correspond with the objects they refer to, that is, how is knowledge possible? Against Kant's negative solution of... more
MusiCreaTS Atelier#2 (Musica e Creatività nel tempo e nello spazio - Musique et créativité dans le temps et l'espace - Musik und Kreativität in Zeit und Raum), coordonné par Magnus Gaul et Damien Ehrhardt, 6 mai 2022, 12h-14h, Universität... more
Over and above differences in terminology and cultural background, we try to show that the quantum physicist, David Bohm (Wilkes-Barre 1917 – London 1992), and poststructuralist philosopher, Gilles Deleuze (Paris 1925 – Paris 1995),... more
The specific relationship that living individuals have to their surroundings is often explained in terms of their boundary. Two basic variants of this can be distinguished. While in the first variant the spatial boundary of living... more
Call for Papers for McGill CREOR's 7th Graduate Conference. Submissions from all disciplines in the humanities and sciences are welcome for this year's interdisciplinary conference. Abstract deadline: June 30, 2015... more
Ist von der Entfremdung des Menschen von der Natur die Rede, so fast immer nur im Zusammenhang mit den aufkommenden Wissenschaften der Neuzeit. Die geistesgeschichtlichen Wurzeln liegen aber weitaus tiefer und lassen sich bis zur... more