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Die Entwicklung des Phänotypus eines Organismus beziehungsweise dessen Embryogenese galt als die zentrale Problematik des biologischen Denkens bis zur Entwicklung der Evolutionstheorie Charles Darwins und wurde in verschiedenen Epochen... more
Die erste und zweite Sektion dieser Studie sind der Darstellung der Visionen des Transhumanismus gewidmet. Sie stellen diese futuristische Richtung und einige wichtige Gegenargumente ihrer Kritiker dar. Alle darauf folgenden Sektionen... more
The creation of a process ontology for biology is one of the most ambitious and important projects of current philosophy of biology. Process ontology is usually seen as opposing mechanistic ontology which currently dominates biology.... more
Georges Canguilhem est connu comme épistémologue des sciences de la vie. Il est moins réputé en dehors des cercles d'amateurs spécialisés comme vitaliste « encarté » (en employant cette formule, nous songeons à celle, peut-être un brin... more
Uncontainable Life: A Biophilosophy of Bioart investigates the ways in which thinking through the contemporary hybrid artistico-scientific practices of bioart is a biophilosophical practice, one that contributes to a more nuanced... more
The present study was written with the intent of opening up new ontological dimensions to the debate concerning the nature of the organism, which broaden the horizons of contemporary biological science. Various traditions from the... more
In questa tesi di laurea triennale in filosofia teoretica, si traccia un percorso storico e contenutistico del pensiero filosofico del passato e del presente intorno alle piante. Nonostante siano state spesso tenute ai margini e... more
La Deleuziana, n. 12 (2020), pp. 25-38. At the point of convergence between speculative realism, nihilism, and a certain taste for horror culture, "dark philosophies" have emerged as some of the most original theoretical proposals of our... more
Post-Anthropocentric Creativity; Call for Submissions, special issue of Digital Creativity, 27:1, January 2016; Guest editors: Stanislav Roudavski and Jon McCormack. This special issue aims to audit existing conceptions of creativity in... more
In this introduction of the volume "Life and Process. Towards a New Biophilosophy," first I will explain why I believe it is necessary to differentiate between biophilosophy and the philosophy of biology. Second, I will review some of the... more
Der Idealismus wird oftmals als dem evolutionären Weltbild widersprechend angesehen. Er stehe der Idee einer Transmutation der Arten und einer entsprechenden Dynamisierung des Naturbildes skeptisch gegenüber, sei teleologisch auf den... more
Der Whiteheadsche Kosmos präsentiert sich als eine unaufhörliche Transformation von Geflechten der Intersubjektivität, deren Knoten spontane und kreative Verschmelzungen von Erfahrungsrelationen sind. Aufgrund dieser umreduzierbaren... more
¿Es la vida una simple resultante de la conjunción de procesos físico-químicos? ¿Puede reducirse a una mera yuxtaposición de sucesos determinados espacialmente? ¿Qué epistemología o forma de ver el mundo nos permite comprenderla?... more
In debates between holism and reductionism in biology, from the early twentieth century to more recent re-enactments involving genetic reductionism, developmental systems theory, or systems biology, the role of chance – the presence of... more
This is an epistemologically-driven history of the concept of evolution. Starting from its inception, this work will follow the development of this pregnant concept. However, in contradistinction to previous attempts, the objective will... more
The topic of the relationship between the organism and its environment runs through the theories of Uexküll, Goldstein and Canguilhem with equal importance. In this work a counterpoint will be established between their theories, in the... more
Georges Canguilhem est connu comme épistémologue des sciences de la vie. Il est moins réputé en dehors des cercles d'amateurs spécialisés comme vitaliste « encarté » (en employant cette formule, nous songeons à celle, peut-être un brin... more
La riflessione sullo statuto epistemologico e sul funzionamento politico del discorso biologico – nel suo carattere eterogeneo, plurale e conflittuale – è un tema centrale nelle opere di Michel Foucault e Georges Canguilhem. A partire... more
The eminent French biologist and historian of biology François Jacob once notoriously declared, “On n’interroge plus la vie dans les laboratoires” (Jacob, La logique du vivant, discussed in Canguilhem’s review, “Logique du vivant et... more
Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Eignung der Whiteheadschen Prozeßphilosophie für eine zeitgemäße teleologische Auffassung der organismischen Ontogenese zu demonstrieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Möglichkeit der Verbindung der... more
"Brower explores the way philosophers were inspired by entomological social systems and communication to reflect on human psyche, social behavior, community organization, communication, and inter-individual relationships. His essay... more
This paper aims to study the virtues and limits of the identification of life and art, in order to overcome the aporias of a vitalist aesthetic through the concept of creation, as found in Bergson and Deleuze's processual ontologies. It... more
In this essay I seek to critically evaluate some forms of holism and organicism in biological thought, as a more deflationary echo to Gilbert and Sarkar's reflection on the need for an 'umbrella' concept to convey the new vitality of... more
Philosophical morphology carries on a difficult tradition, bound with different currents and periods of thought. During the 20th century, an original and profound reflection on the living form can be recognized in the so-called French... more
In the first half of the 20 th century the attempt was made to banish all teleological thinking from biology. In the last few decades, several biologists and philosophers of biology have claimed that organisms may be considered... more
In the last few decades, several biologists and philosophers of biology have claimed that organisms may be considered teleological entities, spurring on a movement that is often celebrated as the renaissance of teleological thinking and... more
Gilles Deleuze and Raymond Ruyer have been sui generis morphologists. Their peculiar contributions to philosophical morphology can cast light on some problematic issues concerning the relationship between "form" and "formation". In this... more
Canguilhem is known to have regretted, with some pathos, that Life no longer serves as an orienting question in our scientific activity. He also frequently insisted on a kind of uniqueness of organisms and/or living bodies – their... more
The Cartesian metaphysical background of most contemporary bioscientists limits their ability to understand the uniqueness of biological processes. This book aims to contribute to the foundation of a new direction in biophilosophy which... more
In earlier work I wrestled with the question of the 'ontological status' of organisms. It proved difficult to come to a clear decision, because there are many candidates for what such a status is or would be, and of course many... more
Une réflexion sur le concept d'organisme, à cheval entre biologie et philosophie, et en tant que concept polémique.
This research explores the carnal, experienced self as processual and becoming, situating life as zoe (as per Braidotti) in the context of the Western culture, characterized by alienation (Fromm, Foucault The study first... more
The organism is neither a discovery like the circulation of the blood or the glycogenic function of the liver, nor a particular biological theory like epigenesis or preformationism. It is rather a concept which plays a series of roles –... more
In the present essay we argue for biophilosophy as a feminist and posthumanities methodology that attends to the question of life by focusing on multiple differences and transformations, materiality and processuality, as well as... more
Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Eignung der Prozessontologie Alfred North Whiteheads für eine bio-und bewusstseinsphilosophische Fragestellung zu zeigen. Dabei wird ein Weg vorgestellt, wichtige Gedanken Whiteheads mit der modernen... more
Unter "Bioprotopsychismus" verstehe ich eine Sonderform des Panpsychismus. Es gibt zwei Versionen des Bioprotopsychismus: Die schwache und die starke. Während erstere nur Organismen, die mit Nervensystemen ausgestattet sind,... more
La catégorie d’organisme a un statut ambigu : scientifique ou philosophique ? Elle a longtemps en tout cas servi de « caution » scientifique à une argumentation philosophique qui refuse la tendance dite « mécaniste » ou « réductionniste »... more
Spyridon Koutroufinis (ed.), Process and Life — Towards a Whiteheadian View of Living Beings, 2014 (310 pp. ; 978-3-11-035259-7 ; 109,95 €) Alfred North Whitehead is arguably the most original 20th-century philosopher of nature and... more
Abstract: This paper aimes to show the cognitif incomings that contribut to the ethitical point of view renewel, from tow entries: 1- the fusion of social sciences in natural siences mostly Biology, 2- extension of human exclusivity... more
In earlier work I wrestled with the question of the ‘ontological status’ of organisms. It proved difficult to come to a clear decision, because there are many candidates for what such a status is or would be, and of course many... more
Dieses Buch soll zur Erneuerung der naturphilosophischen Betrachtung des Lebendigen beitragen. Ziel der Autoren ist, dazu beizutragen, die Diskussion zum Verständnis des Lebendigen um neue ontologische Dimensionen, die außerhalb... more