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Misunderstandings are one of the outcomes of unsuccessful communications. It occurs when the addressee does not realize that the interpretation he derived from an utterance was not the one intended by the speaker. In this paper,... more
Misunderstandings are not only the foundation of social and cultural anthropology but also a necessity in human communication. This article stresses the productive and creative aspects of misunderstanding. In particular, and in... more
A publication must have a Research Plan which includes the defining of the Research Question and the methodology to be used for obtaining the facts, current thinking to site the text and creative new material in determining the answers.... more
The detection and analysis of misunderstandings are crucial aspects of discourse analysis, and presuppose a twofold investigation of their structure. First, misunderstandings need to be identified and, more importantly, justified. For... more
The increasing emphasis given to the pragmatic perspective in the studies of everyday conversation over the last few decades has uncovered the reality which lies behind everyday conversation: the fact that communication is subject to risk... more
This extended essay for the IB program evaluates the extent in which we can perceive Lord Voldemort as the misunderstood tragic hero of the Harry Potter series, rather than as the villainous archetype he is famously portrayed to be. To... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the ‎demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion ‎in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
The paper deals with the relationship between the literary form and the message of the pericope John 8:31-36 (along with its immediate literary context). Our examination of five different possible literary forms demonstrated that... more
A characteristic of the written text is its permanency. Many people can read that text over a long time period and in many different ways. It can be analysed and deconstructed by the reader to present many varied interpretations, to... more
Introduction to Hermeneutics ‒ Monographic reference volume, which can also be used as a university textbook; an outline and exposition of the antecedents, formation process, and content of philosophical hermeneutics, based on the... more
Stemming from real or seeming incompetence, the pragmatic failures L2 learners and LF speakers often commit may lead to stereotyping and negative labelling as a consequence of hearers' mindreading abilities and relevance-driven... more
Human beings have a wide range of linguistic choices to communicate their thoughts, ranging from the explicit to the implicit. In either case, the utterances chosen are often less fine-grained than the actual thoughts (i.e., assumptions)... more
Over almost thirty years, relevance theorists have sought to answer many intriguing questions regarding human ostensive communication and have analysed an incredibly overwhelming number of linguistic and communicative phenomena with the... more
"Abstract. Some thoughts on how modern historians sometimes use the notion of misunderstanding to interpret relations between Greeks and Persians and why it is in some cases questionable. Résumé. On propose ici quelques observations... more
What do teacher and students do when they sense a misunderstanding? In this presentation I share my experience as a language teacher in a moment of sensemaking practices that are seemingly misfiring between a Japanese, university student... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for ‎religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
Noises, similarities between words, slips of the tongue, ambiguities, wrong or false beliefs, lexical deficits, inappropriate inferences, cognitive overload, non-shared knowledge, topic organisation or focusing problems, among others, may... more
We have added yet another social responsibility project appropriate for our founding purpose as the Association for the Support of Greek Community Foundations (RUMVADER). After completing our EU-backed project in 2011 titled "Minority... more
Harold Pinter’ s plays usually display situations in which citaracters misunderstand eacit otiter. Titis paper applies a pragniatic (mainly relevance-theoretic) taxonomy of misunderstandings to te different varieties of miscommunication... more
Communication breakdowns have deservedly been attracting the interest of researchers, as they constitute important factors influencing the process of linguistic interaction and language acquisition. Not only do they affect the process of... more
Higher education institutions have a critical role to play in preparing young generations to become better aware and more responsible citizens to cope with climate change. Universities must align their curricula to help students develop... more
"Dans cette contribution nous nous proposons de mettre en lumière quelques problématiques liées à la relation médecin-patient en chirurgie esthétique. Cette relation médicale particulière, très rarement prise en considération par les... more
In this contribution we seek to enrich the theoretical and methodological approaches of ethnobiology. The essay takes elements of Amerindian anthropology, classical ethnobiological studies and the freedoms provided by feminist... more
A Project “for the Roms”? Bricolage, Misunderstandings, and Productive Informality in Integration and Rehousing Devices. Stemming from fieldwork conducted in Seine-Saint-Denis (ethnographies of migrant Romanian Romas and the public... more
Resumen: a través de una recuperación de las reflexiones metodológicas de Favret-Saada sobre la afectación, en este artículo realizaré una descripción analítica de las prácticas de colectivización en la comunidad aborigen de San Miguel de... more
In this contribution we seek to enrich the theoretical and methodological approaches of ethnobiology. The essay takes elements of Amerindian anthropology, classical ethnobiological studies and the freedoms provided by feminist... more
Innovative usage of noun phrases is among the most widely reported features of new varieties of English throughout the world and also in discourse in ELF settings, but its effect on intelligibility has not been extensively investigated.... more
How can you use NLP for resolving and avoiding arguments?
ABSTRACT Prejudice is one of the greatest ills facing humanity. It can especially be dangerous in an educational setting. So how can teachers ensure prejudice has no home in their classrooms? Prejudices are attitudes that may lead to the... more
This project carried out theoretical research, development work, and experimentation to explore the process of developing an application for mobile tablets which facilitates and improves cross-cultural communication within the context of... more
This paper explores the intertextual dialectics of understanding and misunderstanding in the negotiation of relations between consultants and the ethnographic fieldworker. The materials for the essay are drawn from conversations with... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for ‎religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
A statue of stainless steel cast in China and placed at the entrance of the new National Stadium in Mozambique sparked controversy between Chinese donors and Mozambican recipients in the period leading up to the stadium's 2011... more
Cette étude porte sur une entreprise linguistique multiculturelle française. Elle se situe dans le cadre d’une enquête plus large où nous avons utilisé en tant que méthode des entretiens et de l’observation participante pendant un an.... more
In this new and important analysis of apostasy (al-Riddah), the author examines fundamental teachings ‎of the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as historical as opposed to scriptural postulates, to ‎uncover the origins of the... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the ‎demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion ‎in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for ‎religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
Although a multilingual and multicultural work environment increases the diversity and exchange of experiences, it can also create and increase language barriers. This qualitative study explored language barriers in a multilingual Saudi... more