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Im Gegensatz zum internationalen Lobgesang über die soziale Wohnungspolitik in Wien, zeigt sich heute ein erschreckendes Bild: Die Mieten explodieren, günstige Wohnungen sind knapp und immer mehr Menschen können sich die Wohnungskosten... more
In the face of a housing crisis rooted in commodification, there is growing alignment within both activist and scholarly circles over the need to reverse this trend and move toward decommodification. There is work left to be done,... more
In this paper we analyze the historical roots of neoliberal housing policies, mottos and principles in Italy and Spain, two countries with a Mediterranean welfare regime, showing how they are embedded in the twentieth century... more
Se analiza la capacidad institucional del Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, México, respecto a la implementación de la política de vivienda a través de su Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda (IMUVIG). En primer lugar, para poder definir las... more
The commodification of art is just as in evidence in the ‘art’ of architecture. Architecture is perhaps the most obviously commodified and the most essential to western capitalism of all the arts. Is architecture an art? Can it ever be... more
Located in the southwestern part of China, Chongqing Municipality represents a relatively new political and administrative entity since it was established only in 1997, with the purpose of revitalizing this economically depressed area and... more
En av samtidens största utmaningar är att ordna boende åt alla Sveriges invånare. Landet ska få hundratusentals nya bostäder under den närmaste tioårsperioden. Debatten om hur det ska gå till blir alltmer laddad. Det planerade... more
Od poslijeratne obnove i nacionalizacije, preko stambenog prava u okviru “samoupravnog” tržišnog socijalizma do ponovne “privilegirane” privatizacije, veći se gradovi u Hrvatskoj još uvijek bore s problemom nedostatnog i nedostupnog... more
Introduction. Stadium: A Building to Render the Image of a City (Switzerland: Park Books, 2018) Pavilion of Chile at the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale. “Stadium” is the Chilean Pavilion at the Sixteenth International Architecture... more
The scale of homelessness in Europe throws a stark light on the right to housing that exists in many European states and in European and International Law. This disparity between legal right and the social reality of homelessness and... more
Título: HABITAÇÃO PARA IDOSOS EM LISBOA: DE COLECTIVA A ASSISTIDA. O CASO DE ALVALADE A população portuguesa (e mundial) está a envelhecer a um ritmo muito acelerado — Lisboa era já em 2001 a capital europeia da UE15 mais... more
There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more
The review is devoted to the researches of the innovative social policy model "Housing first", which has proved its effectiveness in the last two decades as a means of combating homelessness, primarily street, chronic and recurrent.... more
Acknowledging the fact that homelessness as the Niitsitapi conceptualize it (i.e., lacking shelter) did not exist prior to colonial settlement, and that many would argue that it could not exist due to the fact that in Creation one is... more
L'articolo presenta il caso-studio realizzato al Quarticciolo, quartiere ERP situato nella periferia est di Roma. In primis si inquadra il contesto di studio e si esamina la composizione sociale degli abitanti e le tipologie di condizione... more
We live in a society that is racially and economically divided. In fact, the U.S ranks at the bottom when it comes to comparative data on poverty, employment, income and wealth inequality, education, health inequality, and residential... more
The book highlights important urban development issues in Punjab such as urbanisation, slums, housing, poverty, urban governance, development, infrastructure/ services etc and suggests major reforms to improve quality of life in urban... more
The seventh goal of the MDGs is to ensure environmental sustainability which includes as its targets: increasing access to new technologies to support sustainable development by making information about sustainable practices more... more
This paper critically explores the emergence of a market-led real estate market in Ukraine through housing privatization in 1990s to showcase the impact of state interventionism, as well as its absence, on housing conditions and real... more
في مواجهة تسليع الخدمات العامة… كيف يكون شكل سياسات السكن في الاقتصاد البديل ورقة ضمن سلسلة الاقتصاد البديل التي ينشرها منتدى البدائل العربي للدراسات بالتعاون مع مؤسسة روزا لوكسمبورج مكتب شمال أفريقيا لمتابعة السلسلة:... more
The study analyses the moderation effect of socioeconomic attributes of income and education on occupants’ satisfaction using the multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method. As an on-going PhD research, the aim of the study is... more
A historical analysis of the geopolitics of real estate with settler-colonialism on the one side and the rise of über-wealthy foreign real estate investors on the other. Individual foreign investment in Western nation states is a... more
Towarzystwa Budownictwa Społecznego są częścią polityki społecznej i instrumentem polityki mieszkaniowej. Mimo wprowadzanych i projektowanych zmian (np. dochodzenia do własności mieszkania przez najemców), program budownictwa społecznego... more
This book chapter provides a critical review of institutional arrangements and established scholarship related to recent housing policies in Brazil.
Housing af ordability is one of the key variables that can portray the socio- economic stability and development of a nation. Housing af ordability is important so that houses provided are at reasonable and af ordable prices for all... more
O relatório estrutura-se em três partes: “1- Conceitos e Definições”, “2- Levantamento dos Empreendimentos Existentes na Grande Lisboa” e “3- Estudos de Caso”. Na primeira parte pretende-se enquadrar o tema, bem como todo o léxico... more
The study covers the urban and housing development trajectory in Nonthaburi Province, a part of Bangkok Metropolitan Extended Region. The sub-urbanized region has been drastically changed in land values. The comprehensive housing... more
The advent of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides opportunities for people living with a disability to make more informed choices about how they live their life, with their family members and friends treated as full... more
The essay outlines the development of the third-largest prefabricated housing estate on the territory of eastern Germany, the Fritz Heckert area in Chemnitz. In particular, the exodus in the 1990s, the local political hegemony and the... more
This report is about the ethics and transparency of corporate political organising. Its case study is Airbnb, one of the biggest companies in the ‘platform’ economy, who resources, mobilises and coordinates its landlords as political... more
Comparable with the word 'sustainable' in the late 1980s, over the last decade, the word resilience has been used extravagantly. Resilience is deployed most popularly when enquiring about the ability of a city to assume this trait but is... more
This paper analyses strengths and weaknesses of Ligurian mountain villages in the Alpine Convention perimeter. First, it outlines its cultural, geographical and socioeconomic context, and specifically the characteristics of mountain... more
The term air quality means the state of the air around us. Good air quality refers to clean, clear, unpolluted air. Clean air is essential to maintain delicate balance of life. Poor air quality occurs when pollutants reach high enough... more
Nadal A, Cerón-Palma I, García-Gómez C, Pérez-Sánchez M, Rodríguez-Labajos B, Cuerva E, Josa A, Rieradevall J. 2018. Social perception of urban agriculture in Latin-America. A case study in Mexican social housing. Land Use Policy 76... more
The paper focuses on Giuseppe Samonà’s two early writings, the article "Tradizionalismo e internazionalismo architettonico" (1929) and the book "La casa popolare" (1935) where he embedded some Nordic examples among the first ever... more
In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global... more
Fuori casa. Antropologia degli sfratti a Milano […] offre un importante contributo antropologico all’analisi critica della complessa interazione tra forme di esclusione sociale, logiche del profitto urbano e politiche abitative. Esplora... more
This paper considers housing in Nigeria as a tool for national development. It begins by examining the importance of housing in the attainment of sustainable development. It then goes on to look at the various housing strategies... more
Related concepts such as housing, social housing, habitat, inhabit, right to housing and right to the city are explored. The article seeks to understand the current situation where cities are wavering between choosing social justice and... more